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2014-02-05 version 5.0

This new major release adds some new features like incremental mode and SQL
queries times histogram. There is also a hourly graphic representation of the
count and average duration of top normalized queries. Same for errors or events,
you will be able to see graphically at which hours they are occuring the most

The incremental mode is an old request issued at PgCon Ottawa 2012 that concern
the ability to construct incremental reports with successive runs of pgBadger.
It is now possible to run pgbadger each days or even more, each hours, and have
cumulatives reports per day and per week. A top index page allow you to go
directly to the weekly and daily reports.

This mode have been build with simplicity in mind so running pgbadger by cron
as follow:

	0 23 * * * pgbadger -q -I -O /var/www/pgbadger/ /var/log/postgresql.log

is enough to have daily and weelky reports viewable using your browser.

You can take a look at a sample report at http://dalibo.github.io/pgbadger/demov5/index.html

There's also a useful improvement to allow pgBadger to seek directly to the
last position in the same log file after a successive execution. This feature
is only available using the incremental mode or the -l option and parsing a
single log file. Let's say you have a weekly rotated log file and want to run
pgBadger each days. With 2GB of log per day, pgbadger was spending 5 minutes
per block of 2 GB to reach the last position in the log, so at the end of the
week this feature will save you 35 minutes. Now pgBadger will start parsing
new log entries immediatly. This feature is compatible with the multiprocess
mode using -j option (n processes for one log file).

Histogram of query times is a new report in top queries slide that shows the
query times distribution during the analyzed period. For example:

	Range 		Count 		Percentage
	0-1ms		10,367,313	53.52%
	1-5ms		799,883		4.13%
	5-10ms		451,646		2.33%
	10-25ms		2,965,883	15.31%
	25-50ms		4,510,258	23.28%
	50-100ms	180,975		0.93%
	100-500ms	87,613		0.45%
	500-1000ms	5,856		0.03%
	1000-10000ms	2,697		0.01%
	> 10000ms	74		0.00%

There is also some graphic and report improvements, like the mouse tracker
formatting that have been reviewed. It now shows a vertical crosshair and
all dataset values at a time when mouse pointer moves over series. Automatic
queries formatting has also been changed, it is now done on double click
event as simple click was painful when you want to copy some part of the

The report "Simultaneous Connections" has been relabeled into "Established
Connections", it is less confusing as many people think that this is the number
of simultaneous sessions, which is not the case. It only count the number of
connections established at same time.

Autovacuum reports now associate database name to the autovacuum and autoanalyze
entries. Statistics now refer to "dbname.schema.table", previous versions was only
showing the pair "schema.table".

This release also adds Session peak information and a report about Simultaneous
sessions. Parameters log_connections and log_disconnections must be enabled in

Complete ChangeLog:

	- Fix size of SQL queries columns to prevent exceeding screen width.
	- Add new histogram reports on top normalized queries and top errors
	  or event. It shows at what hours and in which quantity the queries
	  or errors appears.
	- Add seeking to last parser position in log file in incremental mode.
	  This prevent parsing all the file to find the last line parse from
	  previous run.  This only works when parsing a single flat file, -j
	  option is permitted. Thanks to ioguix for the kick.
	- Rewrite reloading of last log time from binary files.
	- Fix missing statistics of last parsed queries in incremental mode.
	- Fix bug in incremental mode that prevent reindexing a previous day.
	  Thanks to Martin Prochazka for the great help.
	- Fix missing label "Avg duration" on column header in details of Most
	  frequent queries (N).
	- Add vertical crosshair on graph.
	- Fix case where queries and events was not updated when using -b and
	  -e command line. Thanks to Nicolas Thauvin for the report.
	- Fix week sorting on incremental report main index page. Thanks to
	  Martin Prochazka for the report.
	- Add "Histogram of query times" report to show statistics like
	  0-100ms : 80%, 100-500ms :14%, 500-1000ms : 3%, > 1000ms : 1%.
	  Thanks to tmihail for the feature request.
	- Format mouse tracker on graphs to show all dataset value at a time.
	- Add control of -o vs -O option with incremental mode to prevent
	  wrong use.
	- Change log level of missing LAST_PARSED.tmp file to WARNING and
	  add a HINT.
	- Update copyright date to 2014
	- Fix empty reports of connections. Thanks to Reeshna Ramakrishnan
	  for the report.
	- Fix display of connections peak when no connection was reported.
	- Fix warning on META_MERGE for ExtUtils::MakeMaker < 6.46. Thanks
	  to Julien Rouhaud for the patch.
	- Add documentation about automatic incremental mode.
	- Add incremental mode to pgBadger. This mode will build a report
	  per day and a cumulative report per week. It also create an index
	  interface to easiest access to the different report. Must be run,
	  for example, as:
		pgbadger /var/log/postgresql.log.1 -I -O /var/www/pgbadger/
	  after a daily PostgreSQL log file rotation.
	- Add -O | --outdir path to specify the directory where out file
	  must be saved.
	- Automatic queries formatting is now done on double click event,
	  simple click was painful when you want to copy some part of the
	  queries. Thanks to Guillaume Smet for the feature request.
	- Remove calls of binmode to force html file output to be utf8 as
	  there is some bad side effect. Thanks to akorotkov for the report.
	- Remove use of Time::HiRes Perl module as some distributions does
	  not include this module by default in core Perl install.
	- Fix "Wide character in print" Perl message by setting binmode
	  to :utf8. Thanks to Casey Allen Shobe for the report.
	- Fix application name search regex to handle application name with
	  space like "pgAdmin III - Query Tool".
	- Fix wrong timestamps saved with top queries. Thanks to Herve Werner
	  for the report.
	- Fix missing logs types statitics when using binary mode. Thanks to
	  Herve Werner for the report.
	- Fix Queries by application table column header: Database replaced
	  by Application. Thanks to Herve Werner for the report.
	- Add "Max number of times the same event was reported" report in
	  Global stats Events tab.
	- Replace "Number of errors" by "Number of ERROR entries" and add
	  "Number of FATAL entries".
	- Replace "Number of errors" by "Number of events" and "Total errors
	  found" by "Total events found" in Events reports. Thanks to Herve
	  Werner for the report.
	- Fix title error in Sessions per database.
	- Fix clicking on the info link to not go back to the top of the page.
	  Thanks to Guillaume Smet for the report and solution.
	- Fix incremental report from binary output where binary data was not
	  loaded if no queries were present in log file. Thanks to Herve Werner
	  for the report.
	- Fix parsing issue when log_error_verbosity = verbose. Thanks to vorko
	  for the report.
	- Add Session peak information and a report about Simultaneous sessions.
	  log_connections+log_disconnections must be enabled in postgresql.conf.
	- Fix wrong requests number in Queries by user and by host. Thanks to
	  Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais for the report.
	- Fix issue with rsyslog format failing to parse logs. Thanks to Tim
	  Sampson for the report.
	- Associate autovacuum and autoanalyze log entry to the corresponding
	  database name. Thanks to Herve Werner for the feature request.
	- Change "Simultaneous Connections" label into "Established Connections",
	  it is less confusing as many people think that this is the number of
	  simultaneous sessions, which is not the case. It only count the number
	  of connections established at same time. Thanks to Ronan Dunklau for
	  the report.

Source: README.txt, updated 2014-02-06