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User Reviews

  • It is very important to monitor your mental health and fight fears. When I have such situations, I take the help of specialists only they can return and bring me back to life. I like that I can have an online consultation without leaving my home.
  • Hello, I would like you support to know how to qualify the Corsi Cubes according to their intervals, for example, if I have a score is 10, what does mean the 10, please?
  • PEBL is a nice structure to teach How to do experimental works in Behavioural Sciences. Students can access to the main variables they need to manage. Also, the Battery of the last version has reliable and valid tasks.
  • The best of its kind. A gift for people like me.
  • Excellent software! It's the first and only cross-platform for cognitive tasks and it's totally free. Written in C++, it's easy to edit the task files and any support you might need you may get a quick reply by posting on the discussion panel.
  • I used PEBL for the Corsi block-tapping test and the Simon Task. As far as the Corsi test goes, PEBL was great. Easy to use, and explaint to participants how to do it. The data output was clear and easy to read. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the Simon Task. Although the test it self was good, the data output was not clear to read. I needed to know which trials were congruent and incongruent. Unfortunately, this was not clearly shown on the excel files. I worked things around and manually wrote down what each trial was and cross-referenced it with the excel sheet however, even then nothing made sense. The column labeled "type" was the logical assumption as it had only two options, 1 and 2 (congruent or in congruent, or so I thought). When I matched what I wrote with the "type" column they didn't correspond. Trials that were congruent were both type 1 and 2. How is this possible? Does this mean that column "type" is for something else and the test doesn't record whether or not the trials were congruent or incongruent? The wiki article accompanied with the task has very little information, as so does the task on PEBL.
  • good work, efforts appreciated
  • Excellent tool! I look forward to using it and learning much more about it over the coming weeks and months.
  • excelent program and battery
  • Very cool! Still learning, but pleased with results.
    3 users found this review helpful.
  • This is great!
    1 user found this review helpful.
  • Easy and nice
  • flexible interface, easy to program.
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