Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
openleave.zip 2009-12-15 30.8 kB
readme.txt 2009-12-15 1.2 kB
create_tables_data.sql 2009-12-15 15.1 kB
create_tables.sql 2009-12-15 2.9 kB
Leave.tiff 2009-12-14 127.4 kB
Leave-Add.tiff 2009-12-14 90.2 kB
Holidays.tiff 2009-12-14 60.9 kB
Totals: 7 Items   328.4 kB 1
Open Leave Administration

December, 14th 2009

This is a first file upload just to tease and to have you look at 
what you can expect.

Create a directory (f.i. 'openleave') in the root of the Apache 
Webserver (/srv/www/htdocs/).
Now unzip the openleave.zip file in this directory  

Create a database in MySQL (f.a. OLA)

Execute the create_tables.sql file  if you want to enter data for
the Users and Printer tables by hand (for the time being)
Execute the create_tables_data.sql file for tables and test data.

Change settings in OLA_Config.inc.php to suite your environment.

Now set all file attributes correct (chown to the user that is used 
by Apache) and point your webbrowser to 

"http://<your-domain>/openleave/" and your in.

Login with user "Admin" and password "Admin"

What still must be done:

Create/Edit "users"
Create/Edit "Employees"
Access control by User (who can or can't do what)
Printing Leave sheet

For myself I would like some help in making this project an AJAX application…

Have fun and give me some feedback.

Willem Aandewiel
Source: readme.txt, updated 2009-12-15