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README.txt 2010-12-02 3.1 kB
OpenForceQST-1.0.Beta.zip 2010-12-02 10.3 MB
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You will need the following installed:
Java 6.x with JAVA_HOME environment variable set
MySQL 5.1 or higher
Tomcat 6.x

Steps to install OpenForce QST (Query Schema Tool)

1. Run the openforce.sql located at openforceqst/resources/sql
2. Run max_packet_size.sql as root if needed. Schemas are saved as type LongBlob and may exceed the default max_packet_size
3. Open Force QST uses Tomcat authentication so you will need to update Tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml with username and password of choice
4. Update openforceqst/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml with MySQL username and password
	<property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
	<property name="hibernate.connection.password">password</property>
5. Deploy exploded WAR openforceqst to Tomcat Tomcat/webapps
6. Start Tomcat and navigate to http://localhost:8080/openforceqst

Using OpenForce QST

Once you have logged in the first thing you must do is create a new Instance. An Instance can be many things. It can be different orgs,
production or sandbox, or just different users. To create a new Instance just click the "New Instance" button, give it a unique name and then
click "Add Instance". 

Now that you have an Instance, you will need to set your Salesforce.com Username, Password and URL (if applicable) under the properties tab.
Remember that the API password is your password + security token. 

Next you will need to update your Schema by "Update Schema" under the Schema section. This tree structure of your Schema is a representation
of your Salesforce.com data model / schema. You can compare schema's by navigating to the Schema History tab and selecting different schemas.
You can update your schema at any time and then compare to previous editions. You can also compare two previous editions as well. 

Using your schema, you can now use the SOQL builder to build queries. To do this you can either drag an Object folder into the Select text box
under the SOQL tab or merely drag fields into the Select. Where and Order by select boxes only work for fields. You should not drag Object folders
into those select boxes. You can also manually type SOQL into the text area and run them as well. The SOQL builder is nice to create simple
SOQL statements with ease. You can then save your SOQL statements for future use.

Quick Notes:
Double clicking on a field on the schema tree shows it's details
OpenForce QST can handle and display sub queries. We just can't build them yet with the SOQL builder.
Saved SOQL statements can be organized into categories. Simply select "New Category" under the SOQL tab to create a new one. Then select it when saving SOQL.
OpenForce QST version 1.0 Beta utilizes Salesforce.com API version 21 (latest)
OpenForce QST is Open Source with GPL license
We do not provide the source code for OpenForce QST but you can get it using SVN here: svn co https://openforceqst.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openforceqst openforceqst 

Please view screenshots as examples.

Road Map:
Exporting SOQL results

Add sub query to SOQL builder

Have a nice day!
Source: README.txt, updated 2010-12-02