Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
opencmsantbuild-1.0.3_opencms-build_7_5_4.zip 2011-05-25 5.3 MB
readme-history.txt 2011-05-25 4.3 kB
developers-modulebuild.txt 2010-08-17 4.6 kB
opencmsantbuild-1.0.2_opencms-build_7_5_1.zip 2010-08-17 5.3 MB
opencmsantbuild-1.0.1_opencms-build_7_5_2.zip 2010-06-18 5.4 MB
opencmsantbuild-1.0.0_opencms-build_7_5_1.zip 2010-05-30 5.3 MB
Totals: 6 Items   21.3 MB 1
 * File   : $Source: /cvsroot/opencmsantbuild/opencmsantbuild/readme-history.txt,v $
 * Date   : $Date: 2011/05/25 15:25:38 $
 * Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
 * This file is part of opencmsantbuild -
 * the Open Source OpenCms ANT build project.
 * Copyright (c) 2010 Achim Westermann

History of changes for the opencmsantbuild project.

Changes are chronologically ordered from top (most recent) 
to bottom (least recent).

! New Feature
* Bug fixed, (unreleased) points out that this bug was never released. 
- General comment
o API change that requires refactoring. 
  Note that refactoring of protected code intended for library 
  internal details will not be listed.
opencmsantbuild-1.0.3 - May, 25th, 2011

! Added task attribute keywordPrefix. This allows to specify the prefix for properties in the build tree 
  which doe not map to properties in the OpenCms world (but e.g. to resource id). 
! Resource flags (e.g. flagged as 'internal') are now supported. 
! When failonmissingpropertyfile is set to true, a property file is missing and guessFileTypes is set to true missing 
  property files are created within the build tree for the manifest builder task (fixes the issue with developers always 
  being too lazy/sloppy to do this and breaking the build). 
* Fixed wrong warning message about modifications to the build tree due to illegal meta files.  
o The srcfolder attribute of the OpenCmsModuleManifestBuilderTask has to end with a slash now!
opencmsantbuild-1.0.2 - August, 17th, 2010

o Module versions is set via the moduleVersion attribute of the createmanfiestxml task now.
  This was "version" before. If you ommit that attribute in your build file the version 
  of the module is read from the configured module info xml file. Also the task sets that 
  value to the property "module.version" in your build for use afterwards. 
! Added additional overall scan for duplicate structure UUIDS (such modules cannot be installed). 
* Removed potential NullPointerException when accessing sibling candidates. 
opencmsantbuild-1.0.1 - June, 18th, 2010

* Fixed issue with missing resource bundle files in generated module jar files. 

opencmsantbuild-1.0.0 - May, 30st, 2010

! Support for siblings: Two properties files with the same resource ID are detected as siblings and added as siblings to the manifest.xml. 
! Support for running on Linux too (File.separator). 
! Be strict if a meta file (file.ext.properties) is missing by default. This may be deactivated by attribute "failonmissingmetafile" set to false. 
! New counterpart of the ManifestBuilder task. This task reads a deflated OpenCms module and creates the build tree from it.
! New basic sample module with a working XML content and template. This might be a nice howto for Java developers that start working with OpenCms.
! Support for Linux (File.separator) 
! Added further UUID - verification to avoid exception when importing the generated module (fail at build time).
! Support for date last modified of vfs-file applied to rfs file being imported to IDE. 
! Improved logging levels and logging informations. 
! Allow to build multiple OpenCms modules in one project. 
! Demo java code, demo modules. 
! New feature: Build and install module - specific java code. 
! Advanced verification of inconsistent build tree (duplicate structure ID, missing content files / orphan property files). 
! Option "deleteIllegalMetaFiles" for allowing to delete orphan files. 
! Option "failOnMissingAclFile". 
! Option "failOnMissingPropertyFile". 
! Dropped option "failOnMissingMetaFile" (finer control by new options).
! Added automatic guessing of file type if missing in property file (or property file missing) controlled by attribute "guessFileTypes".
* Fixed NPE in case property file is missing but guessFileTypes is turned on and failOnMissingPropertyFile is turned off.
* Use ISO-8859-1 for creating properties files as OpenCms uses java.util.Properties in the std. resource bundle message (localization). 
  See: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html
- Forked from the Eurelis OpenCms ANT build project: http://code.google.com/p/eurelis-opencms-ant-task/ 

Source: readme-history.txt, updated 2011-05-25