Home / 12.1.0
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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README 2012-09-24 7.7 kB
odaba-12.1.0.zip 2012-05-22 49.0 MB
odaba-12.1.0.tar.bz2 2012-05-22 39.1 MB
odaba-plugins-12.1.0.zip 2012-05-22 1.4 MB
odaba-dotnet-12.1.0.zip 2012-05-22 370.5 kB
odaba-doc-12.1.0.zip 2012-05-22 63.1 MB
odaba-dat-12.1.0.zip 2012-05-22 40.0 MB
odaba-base-12.1.0.zip 2012-05-22 54.8 MB
odaba-doc-12.1.0.msi 2012-05-22 52.2 MB
odaba-dat-12.1.0.msi 2012-05-22 37.5 MB
odaba-base-12.1.0.msi 2012-05-22 53.5 MB
Totals: 11 Items   391.0 MB 0
ODABA is a Terminology-Oriented Database Management System (TODBMS) based on 
standards for object-oriented databases (ODMG 2003). Besides requirements for 
object-oriented databases, which belong to the P2 database family (see "Unified 
Database Theory"), ODABA as TODBMS also supports several P3 database features 
(hierarchical set relations). As P3 database, ODABA can be considered as high 
level intelligent database, which provides a lot of support for application 
developers and database designers. 

ODABA does not yet fully suppor P3 database family requirements. Full P3 
support including aggregation schema support is planned for version 13 (January 

A database driven GUI framework based on ADL ("Active Data Link") technology 
provides extended comfort for GUI application designers. Since terminology is 
passed trough all development stages, terminology definitions become an 
integrated part of the application e.g. as tool tips or extended help 
information on field level.  

The latest version of the ODABA has been released on Thursday, September 20th, 2012. 
Binary data blocks stored in BLOB properties are supported now by ODABA and the GUI 
framework. ODABA and ODABA-GUI interfaces have been extended in order to support 
BLOBs and image resources. Fixed text translation features have been provided as 
application resources and by ClassEditor (ODE tool). The notification  system has been 
released, which allows attaching notices to most development resources. Several minor 
improvements have been made for ODE tools. Finally, a pre-release for a MAC OS 
installation (database and GUI framework) is included in the installation.

The complete list of bugs fixed is available in change and release logs or in 
notifications delivered with ODABA development databases. ODABA can be downloaded for 
free and is licensed as GPL software. 

Release notes

1. Update information are provided on three levels. General release notes you will 
   find on the WEB site. In the logs folder of the installation folder, there are 
   detailed release notes (ReleaseLog_xxx.txt) and change logs (Changes_xxx.txt) 
   for all ODABA subprojects. 'xxx' stands for

   sos - common service functions
   opa - Database kernel
   gui - GUI frame work
   ode - ODE tools 

   Release logs contain information about detailed relevent (conceptual) changes. 
   Change logs contain a list of cheges per source file.
   Moreover, notice collections in all development databases contain information
   obout problems solved and open problems and new features planned for next 

2. In addition, we provide test logs for ODABA interface classes, which include a 
   difference protocol which shows changes to the prevoius release.

3. In order to get information about new releases, you should register at 
   run Software by sending a mail to 

1. You may use the GPL in order to develop other software licensed under GPL.
   In order to develop commercial software not licensed as GPL product, you
   may get a commercial development license. 
2. Note, the the GPL allows you creating any sort of GPL projects, i.e. 
   projects for your own purpose as well as commercial products (as long 
   as those are published under GPL, again). In order to develop non-GPL 
   products, you need a commercial development licence, which can be ordered
   at RUN Software.
3. You may also join the ODABA Software Development Foundation, which 
   supports the further ODABA development and which gives you a chance 
   to participate in strategic and short term decisions.

1. ODABA does not require specific registration procedures and you may copy 
   the odaba folder to any location in your system. 

2. Installation and build procedures are described for different platforms 
   and build environments at:
3. Supported platforms


   for all platforms 32- and 64-bit modes are supported. In order to compile 
   ODABA on other platforms or with other compilers, you might have to insert 
   a few platform specific extensions. In general, it should not be a big problem.

4. Several features require third party components, which have to be installed before 
   installing ODABA. When the corresponding libraries are not available, one may install
   ODABA, but the features referenced below will not work.
   libzip   (required for LibreOffice document generation)
   zlib     (required for data compression and database backup and restore)
   curl     (required for enhanced email support)
   hunspell (required for spellcheck in ODE tools, like terminus)
Getting started

0. When running ODABA 10 resource databases, those have to be upgraded. In order to 
   upgrade the resource database, appropriate upgrade procedures are described in the 
   online documentation. Moreover, you may have to upgrade application databases, 
   when those refer to system data type (e.g. DSC_Topic or __OBJECT). How to upgrade 
   a database is described at:
1. A Quick Starter Guide is availale for new odaba users at
     or in the ODABA-Base online documentation ("Quick Starter Guide"). 
   and for the GUI framework at 
     or in the ODABA-GUI online documentation ("Quick Starter Guide"). 

1. There is a separate documentation package, which you may download and 
   which contains the complete ODABA documentation. An documentation overview 
   is given in the DocumentationOverview document. Part of the documentation 
   has already been converted to .pdf and will be provided in an additional 
   PDFDoc folder. But there are still documents, which are available in 
   MS Office format, only.
2. There is also a HTML version, which can be started from the documentation 
   package downloded, but also from our WEB site 
   Online documentation will be updated frequently and we suggest using the 
   online documentation, which is more uptodate. 

Forum and bug report
1. If you find problems or if you have any questions, please visit the 
   ODABA forum http://sourceforge.net/p/odaba/discussion and post your 
   problem or question or contact RUN Software directly via
2. If you think you have found a bug in ODABA, it would be nice if you 
   report it to us, so that we can fix it. Before reporting a bug, please 
   check reported bugs for similar problems. 

   Always include the following information in your bug report: 
     - name and version number of your compiler
     - name and version number of your operating system
     - the version of ODABA you are using
     - compile options used for compiling or build number for the binaries
   If possible, add an example, the dictionary database and a database, as 
   well as the configuration or ini-file used for running the application. 
3. In order to put your questions directly, you may contact support@odaba.com.
Source: README, updated 2012-09-24