Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
nara-uploader-0.2.tar.gz 2011-07-11 24.9 kB
README 2011-07-05 3.6 kB
nara-uploader-0.1.tar.gz 2011-06-24 22.6 kB
Totals: 3 Items   51.0 kB 0
NARA Uploader


NARA Uploader is a program to simplify uploading directories of images from
NARA to Wikimedia Commons. It will grab and format the data on the NARA record
pages, and then batch-upload the files to Commons.


1)  Python 2.*
2)  LXML - For parsing the NARA details pages
3)  wxPython - For the GUI
4)  pyWikipedia - For the upload script

This program _should_ be cross-platform.


1)  The files must be present on the local filesystem, in a single directory,
    and named 0001.ext, 0002.ext, and so on, for the given page range. If more 
    than one extension for the same number is present, the first one encountered
    by the program will be used.
2)  Enter the details into the Settings Panel (left panel).
    *   ARC ID: The Archive Research Catalogue ID. This is the number that
            uniquely identifies the record.
    *   Pages: The lowest and highest pages you wish to upload (inclusive).
    *   Is TIFF: Are you uploading TIFF files. This adds a note in the upload
            data template.
    *   Directory: The directory on the local filesystem holding the images.
    *   Name template: The name you wish to upload the files with. Page numbers
            are interpolated into the string using the nomral Python syntax:
            eg  Filename %d.tif   --> Filename 1.tif, Filename 2.tif etc
                Filename %04d.tif --> Filename 0001.tif, Filename 0002.tif etc
    *   Categories: Commons categories you wish to add to your image, separated
            by pipes "|".
    *   License: The license to upload under. You can choose one from the list 
            or type your own. {{NARA-cooperation}} is added in addition.
    *   Verify description: If this is selected, you have to OK every separate
            file upload. Recommended until you are comfortable with this program
    *   Force upload: Force the upload to override warnings, including when you
            overwrite a file.
    *   Simulate uploads only:  Only simulate the upload: the target filename
            and description are written to the terminal, nothing is uploaded.
3)  Press "Find description" to fetch the NARA details for the given ARC ID.
    It will be filled into the lower-right box. You can edit it here if you
    wish. If you press "Find description" again, any changes you made by hand
    will be lost.
4)  Press "Start upload". The files will be listed in the top-right panel. If
    a file is missing from the directory, it will be skipped. The progress bar
    at the bottom will tell you how far you are through the file list.
    To abort, press "Abort upload". The process will abort the upload once the 
    currently uploading file is completed.
Pressing "Open website" will load the NARA details page in your defualt browser.

Pressing "Open directory" will open the file directory in your file manager.

You can save the current paramters as a .job file using "File->Save job 
as default" or "File->Save job as...". If you save as default, the current
settings will be loaded on program startup next time. Save-as will mean that 
the start-up settings are unchanged.

You can open the defualt job, or you can open a previously saved job saved else-
where on your computer using the "Open" options in the file menu.
Source: README, updated 2011-07-05