Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Markdown syntax 2013-09-19
WYSIWYM 2013-09-19
Markup syntax 2013-09-19
README.txt 2012-08-30 2.6 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.6 kB 0
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  	READ ME        +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thanks for choosing Napata CMS. Well, since these is just a start in the development of this script, the program might be weak in several areas.
But that's no problem. If you have downloaded this to use it any way, then you are the adventurous type :-). Try it out.
Like it, then SPREAD IT!

Napata CMS is a Content Management System with a difference. Some of its features include:
1. Comes in 3 packages: Mediawiki markup, Markdown and WYSIWYM packages.
2. Allows the admin to set specific allowable HTML tgs in user content.
3. 3 user-levels: registered, moderators and admin.
4. ETC.
//Registration has not been created yet.

********************************				INSTALLATION				***********************************

1. Apache Web server.
2. PHP 5.

To install:

1. Download the latest release of the script.
2. Extract the package.
3. Create your database. *!Important*
4. Open your browser and type in this URL to the Installer:---http://www.yoursite.com/install.php---, or if you have placed the script in a sub-directory use: ---http://www.yoursite.com/subdirectory_name/install.php---.
5. The installer is simple and straightforward. Simply follow the installer instructions to set up your site.
6. Beginning from r0.2 you can now enable the robots.txt file that comes with the application. Just rename the *robots-sample* file in the folder to *robots.txt*. You can add the user-agents you want to disallow from indexing your site.
7. After installation you can now visit your home page at ---http://www.yoursite.com/index.php--- OR if you installed in a sub-directory visit it at ---http://www.yoursite.com/subdirectory_name/index.php---.

To send your queries....or code contributions, send  to:
1. kenymblogs[at]gmail[dot]com
2. or, saul112[at]users.sourceforge.net
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-08-30