Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
NafEditor-1.0.66_J7_withJRE.zip 2015-01-09 57.8 MB
NafEditor-1.0.66_J7.zip 2015-01-09 5.3 MB
README.TXT 2015-01-08 2.6 kB
NafEditor-1.0.61_J7_withJRE.zip 2015-01-08 60.6 MB
NafEditor-1.0.61_J7.zip 2015-01-08 7.0 MB
NE.mp4 2014-12-09 54.7 MB
NafEditor-1.0.43_J7_Winx64JRE.zip 2014-12-09 54.0 MB
NafEditor-1.0.43_J7.zip 2014-12-09 1.6 MB
Totals: 8 Items   241.0 MB 0
Thanks for looking & using NafEditor V1.0

To start this application using the start scripts in this directory.
The application is build by JDK

If you download the version with JRE then please use to start the application the script's:
=>nafeditor_start_with_jre.bat or nafeditor_start_with_jre_linux.sh

for Windows:
- Open your browser and double click this script: nafeditor_start.bat

for Linux:
- open a terminal  and chang to your installation path
- make the script nafeditor_start.sh executable:
  on terminal with     chmod 744 nafeditor_start.sh
  on your favourite file browser in file properties
- type in command line: ./nafeditor_start.sh

?? script does'nt start in Linux:
  - open terminal and open the script:  vi nafeditor_start.sh
  - look if there on line end ^M, please delete all ^M
  - save your changes with :wq, escape with :q!
  - try again

?? Own finger positions
  -if you install a new version of NafEditor and you created any notes, than use the import button in the toolbar

...have a lot of fun

Release 1.61:
- new Toolbar Icons
- only one import button and process
- Drag&Drop external images
- higher resolution image icons
- only Java7

Release 1.47:
-color chooser for flute
-gradient for flute
-icons refreshed

Release 1.43:
- new dir's =>my_tunes, my_images, my_pdfs
- sort base directory

Release 1.41:
- fix export as image
- comment "pause" in .bat files

Release 1.40:
- fix import for my_notes
- fix import for xfl files
- hallo.xfl added with import tips

Release 1.36:
- Import own created finger positions images

Release 1.35:
- create your own flute finger positions
- refresh tree button
- import deactivated
- new About page
- renew License page

Release 1.26:
Version for Java 6
Version for Java 7
Version with JRE 6 and 7

Release 1.23:
- copy / paste of icons
- new sample xfl
- new cross notes
- import xfl file
- Page orientation 
- save header/footer 

Release 1.17:
- save header and footer to file
- load header and footer from file
- save portrait/lanscape
- save current view as image file
- bugfix many NullpointerException

Release 1.16:
- own static header
- save documents
- load documents
- bugfix Nullpointer (save file => cancel)
Source: README.TXT, updated 2015-01-08