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mobcalPARSER_old_releases_001_005.7z 2012-10-01 81.1 kB
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uses: Digest::MD5; File::Copy Term::ANSIColor; gfortran, wget, 7z, unzip

 * some bugs and inconsistencies fixed, further code cleaning
 * Implemented parallel SIGMA processing using Peter Valdemar Morch's 
   Parallel::Loops module.
   THIS IS NOT A DEFAULT PERL MODULE, you need to install it for the new
   feature to work properly!
   -> Scaling for small molecules is bad, but for biomolecules
   significant speed-up is achieved.
 * The random integer seed used in mobcal.run files can be fetched from
   www.random.org automatically. Thereby, the random number integer seed 
   for the MOBCAL randomizer routines can be generated from atmospheric
   noise, instead of using a pseudo-randomizer to seed a pseudo-randomizer.
 * A feature was incorporated that enables the subsequent interfacing of
   modified MOBCAL executables. It is still in its infancy.
 * The CLI interface has been improved. The "noav" option now supports a
   fourth argument, thereby enabling the use of commands like
   [perl mobcalPARSER.pl noav input.xyz xyz none output.mfj],
   whereby sets of input files can be parsed using external scripts.
 * The adjustments that can be made to mobcal.f were extended, an option
   to inject Lennard-Jones parameters for elements not included in the
   original source was incorporated.
 * The CLI argument "L" now calls the license, whereas "C" opens a list
   of relevant publications in the browser (works only under windows).
 * Code cleaning, simplifications and improved documentation.
 * PDB support has been improved.
 * MOBCAL is downloaded automatically under Linux.
 * Improved user support under Windows.
 * improved logging routine (citations etc.).
 * several bug-fixes
 * XYZ parsing has been improved, TINKER xyz format 
   is now automatically detected and parsed.
 * rudimentary NWChem (ver. 4.7, 4.6 does not work) 
   support added: http://www.nwchem-sw.org/index.php/Main_Page
 * logfile feature added
 * support for 4 character file extensions added
 * started code cleaning and simplification
 * minor bugfixes concerning corrupted screen output
 * mayor bugfix concerning the extraction of loewdin
   charges from ORCA output.
 * Support for Jaguar output was implemented. Extraction of charge analysis
 data is not yet fully supported (tested Jaguar version 5.0, release  22).  
 ADDITIONAL BUGFIXES: Support for SIGMA now works under 
 linux (Ubuntu 12.04 64bit tested, cf. changes in v0.0.3). 
 * I corrected some typos and added automatic OS recognition. However,
 there might be some bugs I did not come across. Additionally, I tested
 the script under Win64 using Strawberry Perl (v5.16.11) without problems.
 * I did not test compatibility to Orca 2.9.1 yet, this on the 
 todo-list for v0.0.5.
 *SIGMA: The SIGMA program from the Bowers group is now also supported, 
 but was only tested properly under win32. SIGMA can be obtained from 
 Thomas Wyttenbach. For details see:
 von Helden, G.; Hsu, M.-T.; Gotts, N.; Bowers, M. T. J. Phys. Chem.
 1993, 97, 8182-8192. Wyttenbach, T.; von Helden, G.; Batka, J. J., Jr.;
 Carlat, D.; Bowers, M. T. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 1997, 8, 275-282.
 Wyttenbach, T.; Witt, M.; Bowers, M. T. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122,
 To use SIGMA in conjunction with mobcalPARSER, you need to obtain the
 SIGMA source code from Thomas Wyttenbach, compile it using e.g.
 gfortran -std=legacy,
 rename the new binary to "sigma.exe" and place it in your mobcalPARSER
 directory together with the parameter files you get packaged with the 
 SIGMA source. mobcalPARSER only calls the "ion size scaled Lennard-Jones"
 model, since the other two are already available in MOBCAL. If you do not
 want to use SIGMA, you do not have to do anything. The program checks 
 whether "sigma.exe" is present and overrides to mobcal execution when 
 "sigma.exe" is not found in the working directory. Under Linux, you can 
 try to rename your compiled SIGMA binary to "sigma.exe" this should work
 in general, however, this feature is not yet fully tested under Linux. 
 Alternatively the mobcalPARSER source code can be modified in line 1200. 
 Simply remove the ".exe" file extension from the execution command.
 *LINUX: config.cfg differs from v0.0.1, inserting "./mobcal" doesn't work
  anymore, replace "mobcal.exe" by "mobcal" in the new version!
 *minor bugfixes and typo corrections...
 *added "assisted MOBCAL compilation":
  If you do not want to use this feature, simply do not place any file
  called "mobcal.f" in working directory, or use command line options. The
  original MOBCAL source code (junko.f build) is preconfigured for 
  multiple geometry input and NOT FOR DEFAULT single geometry input. 
  mobcalPARSER v0.0.2 offers to modify the source and adjust the settings to
  default values, the modified source is automatically compiled afterwards
  using gfortran. The binary is removed in the end, but the modified
  source is stored in the output directory, the original source is NOT
  modified. Once you have found settings that suit your purpose you can
  compile custom.f manually, remove mobcal.f from working directory and
  put your custom mobcal.exe in the working directory.
  Details: Several adjustments are possible, recommended settings are
  preselected using [UC/lc] syntax (Upper Case means 'recommended').
  MOBCAL source allows lots of additional modifications, I didn't add all
  of them to the script. By default AMC extends the MOBCAL output format
  by the initial coordinates and charges read by FCOORD, you can check
  whether or not your input was passed through correctly by comparing to
  your initial input. The feature requires installed gfortran (add to PATH
  variable), under Win32 you can use MinGW 
  "MOBCAL - A Program to Calculate Mobilities" is the intellectual
  property of Professor Martin F. Jarrold. The fortran77 source code is
  available free of charge at 
  citations: M. F. Mesleh, J. M. Hunter, A. A. Shvartsburg, G. C. Schatz
  and M. F. Jarrold, J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 16082-16086; Erratum,
  J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 968. A. A. Shvartsburg and M. F. Jarrold,
  Chem. Phys. Lett. 1996, 261, 86-91.
  mobcalPARSER is a PERL frontend, the original MOBCAL fortran77 code is
  not contained in the standard package (cf. "artistic license"), you can
  download the source from the address provided above (build 06/15/00). 
  To compile MOBCAL you can use e.g. 
  Force 2.0.9 (win32) 
  or gfortran (-std=legacy).
  mobcalPARSER v0.0.1 was tested in combination with:
  > Orca 2.7.0 & 2.8.0;
  > Gaussian 94, 98, 03 & 09;
  > .xyz and .mol
  The frontend runs on linux and win32, but it's preconfigured for win32.
  Under linux you have to change config.cfg. There is a line initially
  called 'mobcal.exe", change it to "mobcal", where "mobcal" is the
  compiled  MOBCAL program (use chmod +x ..).
  read the license (license is present in source and printed on screen 
  when you run the frontend for the first time, set 'c' switch to read it
  on screen later on).
== AUTOMATIC PROCESSING ==================================================
  By default (i.e. calling the script without switches) files in the
  working directory are processed automatically. You can simply copy the
  file(s) you want to pass through into the working directory and run the
  program by 'double-clicking' mobcalPARSER.pl. The following hierarchy
  applies for automatic processing:
  Therefore, .log files are ignored as long as .out files are present,
  while  .xyz files are ignored as long as .log files are present. By
  default each file extension recognized is linked to a parsing subroutine
  (cf. above). When the script is called without command line arguments, 
  the user is asked to enter the method of charge analysis manually 
  (except *.xyz where no charge information is present, notations like 
  [UC/lc] give UC on pressing return).
  When mobcal.exe is found in the working directory, the program is
  executed automatically. When finished, the MD5 checksum of mobcal.exe, 
  as well as the mfj and run files are appended to the output file 
  (*.mob). The MD5 checksum could later on be used to identify the MOBCAL
  build used to calculate the CCS and mobilities.
  In the end, a new directory is created where both the input (*.log
  or else) and the output (*.mob) are moved.
== MULTI-GEOMETRY OUTPUT =================================================
  Multiple files with one of the specified file extensions are treated as
  ISOMERS and appended to the same MOBCAL file. MOBCAL in turn uses this
  type of input to average the CCS of different isomers (rotamers). When
  converting multiple files, be sure not to accidently have files of the
  same file extension present in your working directory, as all files
  will be appended to the same hashes.
  Either rename or delete the files or use command line switches (scroll
  down). If the default settings are not suitable for your purposes, which
  could be the case if e.g. your gaussian files have a different file
  extension than *.log (e.g. *.g09) you may want to use command line
  switches (scroll down) or modify config.cfg.
== CONFIGURATION FILE config.cfg =========================================
  When the program is started for the first time, the user is asked,
  whether or not a new config.cfg file should be created. This status can
  be reset by deleting or renaming the config.cfg file in the working
  MOBCAL recognizes different elements by their integer mass. However, by
  default MOBCAL uses the same parameters for heavier elements as for
  silicon. Each element that is found in your geometry file (ORCA,
  GAUSSIAN or else) has to be specified in the element table present in 
  config.cfg. However, the integer mass you enter has to be present in 
  MOBCAL source code, if it is not you can use a workaround (cf. 
  config.cfg & MOBCAL code LINE 577 ff).
  You can also change the default file extensions used for automatic
  processing by changing the flag in line 4.
  Colored ANSI output can be enabled by setting the flag in line 6, this
  is not compatible to cmd.exe (Win32) by default. Jason Hood's ANSICON is
  capable of displaying ANSI escapes in Win32 
  which works with TERM::ANSIcolor package under Win32. It greatly
  improves the readability of the screen output, so it's worth the effort.
== Protein Database Format (pdb) =========================================
  A rudimentary support for *.pdb file parsing has been implemented in the
  beta release. However, this routine does not support actual protein
  database files. The support is limited to simple *.pdb files generated
  by certain molecular modelling software (e.g. Avogadro).
== COMMAND LINE SWITCHES =================================================
-- 1st EXAMPLE -----------------------------------------------------------
  mobcalPARSER.pl cmd g09 gauss
  Calls the script to search for *.g09 files and parse them using the
  Gaussian routine (ORCA subroutine is called with 'orca'). The automatic
  file search routine is enabled when the cmd switch is used.
-- 2nd EXAMPLE -----------------------------------------------------------
  mobcalPARSER.pl noav example.g03 gauss mulliken
  'noav' overrides automatic filesearch. The following switches call the
  script to parse the specified file (example.g03) with gaussian
  subroutine (gauss) using Mulliken charges (alternatively 'none' would
  override the charge analysis). noav overrides ALL automatic routines.
  The filename specified in line 2 of config.cfg contains the mobcal
  compatible input (mfj).
== Artistic License ======================================================
  This program comes with absolutely no warranty, the source code is
  licensed under the "Artistic License". This license is part of the
  source code and is displayed when the program is started for the first
  time by default. Type "mobcalPARSER.pl c" to view the license. This
  software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. 
== KNOWN ISSUES ==========================================================
 <!> Special characters in file names are not displayed properly
 <!> remember to remove carriage returns (CR) when you copy modified
     config.cfg's from Win32 to Linux, if you forget, screen output
     gets partially corrupted!
 <!> BSD/Mac compatibility untested (on the to do list for BETA)
==========================  J.P. Boyd Dec 2012 ===========================
Source: readme, updated 2012-12-22