Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
minichatclient-win32-r320.zip 2016-07-01 553.3 kB
README.txt 2016-07-01 2.9 kB
minichatclient-win32-r316.zip 2014-07-08 67.5 kB
minichatclient-win32-r313.zip 2014-06-21 67.2 kB
minichatclient-win32-r305.zip 2014-03-24 66.3 kB
minichatclient-win32-r300.zip 2014-02-22 69.6 kB
minichatclient-win32-r276.zip 2013-04-20 67.0 kB
terminal_iso.png 2011-11-15 27.9 kB
windows80col.png 2011-11-14 14.1 kB
Totals: 9 Items   935.9 kB 6
***        http://minichatclient.sourceforge.net/       ***

rmcgirr83.org released an addon for phpBB for having a chatbox somewhere in a forum. Even, maybe especially, if it is not YOUR forum, you'll be bored about the eye-candy html/ajax interface because it's a pain in the ass because the sound isn't configurable, it does not alert you when someone says your name, or even when you're trying to have a look into the backlog to see what people said just two minutes ago.

But most important point, conversation is data, and data need to be freely used. Pipe it, do what you want with !
Or maybe you could want to display it on a alphanumeric 2-lines screen over your 1-Wire network ?

It can log-in into the phpBB forum you want, memorize the sessions cookies, parse some of the html output, it has a nicklist...
And it has an embedded IRC server! \o/

Please extract the exe file and the mchatclient.conf file into a directory. Then edit the conf file to configure:

  host          The hostname of the phpbb forum you want to connect
  use_ssl       If the forum you want to connect to has SSL (https), set it to 1. Else set it to 0.
  port          TCP port of the http server (usually 80). 443 for a SSL enabled connection!
  path          Usually /, sometime /forum/, depend of where phpbb has been installed.
  username      Your username on that forum (obviously you need to have an account on it).
                Sometime you can read the messages without logging-in, in that case, you can left blank.
  password      The password of the phpbb account you want to use.
                Sometimes you can read the messages without logging-in, in that case, you can left blank.

  irc_port      You can connect back with a real IRC client to the minichatclient. Define the port you want to
                listen to here, or put 0 to disable that functionality.
  irc_host unless you want to be able to connect from elsewhere.
  channel_name	Name of the emulated IRC channel. Must begin with #
  irc_fakehost  Put here the fake host you want to see when people join or part.

And then execute the program. The messages are put into a output.log file for now.

There is the SVN access and its tarball:
Type "make", then it's the same than for windows users, see the section above.
Please be aware that it's the developpement version.

You also have a nice way to see the messages :
$ less +G +F output.log
Source: README.txt, updated 2016-07-01