Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
gui-addons 2015-03-23
mhsetroot 2014-03-05
mhsetroot-2.0.1.tar.gz 2022-11-10 10.4 kB
mhsetroot-2.0.tar.gz 2019-11-15 10.1 kB
mhsetroot-1.6.2_32_64.tar.gz 2017-02-07 211.2 kB
mhsetroot-1.6.2.tar.gz 2017-02-07 211.2 kB
mhsetroot-v1.6.2-amd64.tar.gz 2015-04-15 509.4 kB
README 2014-02-22 1.3 kB
Totals: 8 Items   953.7 kB 0
mhrootset V 1.5
mhrootset has no warranty of anykind whatsoever
either explicit or implied


Michael Heras (c) 2013 

Wallpaper setting utility with cool options

A script is added to set your wallpaper at different random setting.


Just rename it to what ever you want, make the changes needed in the
script where I put comments to add your script name and path to your
wallpaper then put it in your home directory and run it from your
command line. Dont forget to change the setting in the script for it to
work properly. 

known bugs in the script: somtimes Random sets a bad color value by not
giving it the needed 6 number letters combanation if you wish you can 
add a function to ensure that it is always 6 but it does not effect the
setting of the wallpaper, or mhsetroot. 

Other then that it is a cool script to put up random background colors
and images on your desktop, randomly. :)


chmod +x <name of the script>

to change the time setting from the command line just
type on the command line ./script name <time  in minutes  you want the wallpaper 
to change then >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & to set it in the back ground

<to Install mhsetroot>

  sudo make install
Source: README, updated 2014-02-22