Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
MathTools_1508192057.zip 2015-08-20 2.3 MB
Tutorials_1504090027.zip 2015-04-09 3.0 MB
README.txt 2014-01-12 419 Bytes
Totals: 3 Items   5.3 MB 2
Matt's MathTools

MathTools_yymmddhhmm.zip contains the MathTools JAR, javadoc and source code.

Tutorials.zip_yymmddhhmm contains Tut_Demos.pdf, Tut_Scripting.pdf, Tut-GraphPaper.pdf and a folder full of example scripts.

There is no real reason to grab an older version of either so go ahead and download the latest.

Change logs and release notes are in Matt's MathBlog; check there for news and updates.

Source: README.txt, updated 2014-01-12