
working with MacHALDriver

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-05-19
  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2010-05-19

    Do you mean that you make it works with standard Apple driver?

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-05-19

    The link shows complete source code which I tried.
    I've only tested SMC ReadKey for TC0D,Th0H,TC0P,TB0T and F0Ac on
    Detailed condition is as same as described in ReadMe.txt in
    uploaded before.
    I'm making small desktop application like a widget to watch temparetures and
    Fan speed.

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-05-19

    Here is my widget.

    It contains whole VC# project , exe and screen shots.
    It is working since my first post , some time I closed the lid (went sleep)
    and open the lid (resumed back).
    KBD backlight works fine.
    fn+F1/F2 works fine.

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-05-21

    I've finished to make a manipulating library.
    Here is the zip file containing demo app exe and VC# project.

    The demo app can
    list all SMC KEYs available on your Mac
    shows all values and TYPEs of each KEYs
    get TYPE of a KEY
    read/write a value individually

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-05-23

    Here is the renewed FaMon application using SMC manipulating library
    which is in my previous post.

    can be used with Bootcam together
    detect all temperatures and fans automatically
    show decoded name for temperature from its SMC Key
    show name , type , location for fan from SMC
    monitoring items are selectable , with/without name/title
    monitoring window can be borderless and transparent like
    transparent window can be moved/resized by mouse

  • Robert Gilliam

    Robert Gilliam - 2010-05-24

    Very impressive work. Might I suggest creating a sourceforge project of your
    own to host this application?

    That and adding the ability to control fans directly from your application
    would render the primitive method currently used to control fans obsolete.

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-05-25

    I don't intend to have my own project.. m(__)m
    I've just been searching a temperatures monitor during this month , and found
    But I regret a little that Lubbo's is not working with Bootcamp(KbdMgr.exe)
    since I want to watch temps all the time. orz
    Therefore I've investigated Bootcamp and found 1st way, hooking messages
    inside Bootcamp,
    as I posted "working with Bootcamp". It seemed to work, but I've continued
    then I found this solution. (^o^)/

    So now I've almost been satisfied. ( ^v^)
    I don't want to controll fans speed because temps has never be falled on my
    even the fan ran at 6200rpm with external fans

    You can use whole of my sources to your project (^^)v.
    Why I'm posting here is the hint has come from Lubbo's and
    I pay his respects to his works. (^

    would render the primitive method currently used to control fans obsolete.
    My app will show all of SMC values even obsolete, not working, not connected,
    .... (??)
    I don't have any ideas, so it's your turn! (^

  • tw1234

    tw1234 - 2010-05-25

    Good work, mizutama.
    I have taken your source code (the FanMonAir), added a few lines of code and
    made a simple fan controller. It's not much, but it serves my purpose, which I
    will describe.

    First, I think, as mizutama noted, the default (Apple/SMC) fan behavior is
    adequate for keeping the laptop components at a safe temperature. One
    exception might be the battery, for which cooler is always better.
    The reason why would like personal control of the fan behavior is to lower the
    temperature of the laptop on the outside, as it becomes uncomfortably warm on
    my lap in windows after about 15 minutes of light use.

    I have yet to discover why a macbook runs hotter at idle in Windows than in
    OSX... it's not because windows uses more resources because I can get
    processor to 98%idle and yet, it runs hotter than in OSX at only 85% idle.
    Does anyone know why? Apple claims that they have "better power management
    technology" but that doesn't say a whole lot. (Sorry for hijacking the post)

    Thanks again to mizutama, I now have laptop that is comfortable to use on my
    lap... but yet, finding and eliminating the source of all that heat would be a
    much more elegent solution.

  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2010-05-26

    Yes, good work mizutama!
    At the moment I've no time ...
    BUT I'll integrate your code into my project as soon as possible!
    If someone want to help me, he will be very welcome!
    I'd like to tell to all sorry for my late response, your work will solve all
    program bugs!


  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-06-04

    Here is the FaMon WPF version application.

    same functions as FanMon WinForm version
    fan's Min/Max/Targ values can be set (not controlled) New!
    monitoring view can be fully customized by external XAML New!!
    monitoring events can be logged and saved to XML file New!!!

  • tw1234

    tw1234 - 2010-06-05

    Good work, mitsutama.

    I am running Windows 7 64 bit, and there seems to be something wrong with the
    with how you get the number of processors. The exe does not run; it stops with
    an error that says "Instance '2' does not exist in the specified Category."
    When I ran the solution from the debugger, I found that the GetSystemInfo
    Windows API returns 2047 as the number of processors.
    I am not familiar enough with windows APIs nor with C# determine the proper
    way for finding the number of processors on a 64 bit system.

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-06-06

    Hi tw1234,
    Thanks to report the problem.
    And I also found another problem.
    Now I fixed those problems.

    I don't have 64bit platform so it is not tesed. I hope it can work. (-人-)
    And , I've included LogViewer using Visifire instead of DynamicDataDisplay.
    It has become stable , but I am not satisfied its function. (-_-)

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2010-06-11

    I found WpfFanMonUpload02 has been downloaded more than WpfFanMonUpload01,
    but 02 includes only exes and patched souce files.
    If you didn't download 01, you could not use full function of WpfFanMon.
    01 includes instruction manual, full source files of the project and skin

    Especially the skin is the special feature of WpfFaMon,
    please download also 01 then evaluate the function of WpfFanMon.

  • Chih-Yuan Chung

    Chih-Yuan Chung - 2010-07-18


    I integrated the IO method revealed by mizutama into Lubbo's Fan Control 0.19,
    and it works great! There is no problem of high CPU usage rate of

    You can download the modified version from the link in my blog article.

    Any comments are welcomed.

  • Larry Chu

    Larry Chu - 2010-07-18

    I integrated the IO method revealed by mizutama into Lubbo's Fan Control
    0.19, and it works great! There is no problem of high CPU usage rate of

    Very nice job. I tried out your mod, it works perfectly. No more cpu usage by

  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2010-07-19


    I haven't still tried it, but I've planned to integrate it soon ... Alvinsay,
    do you want to joint the project and share your code?
    It will be very useful!

    Let me know!


  • Chih-Yuan Chung

    Chih-Yuan Chung - 2010-07-20

    Sure. It's my honor.
    is there any version control repository for this project?
    I can submit my patch to it.

    BTW, the original 0.19 source code cannot be compiled on my system due to the
    ascii code of degree symbol is larger than 127 and would be considered as the
    first byte of multi-byte character, so I remove the degree symbols in the

  • Davide Ramo

    Davide Ramo - 2010-07-29

    I've just enabled SVN feature.
    Check it and fell you free to add your code.
    Let me known when there are news.


  • Chih-Yuan Chung

    Chih-Yuan Chung - 2010-07-29

    I've committed my code to the svn repository. Also, I change the encoding
    character set of senser.h and winform.h to UTF8 with signature, because the
    degree symbol ° may not be compiled in the system that doesn't use ISO-8859-1.

  • dsittner

    dsittner - 2013-01-22

    I realize this is an old discussion, but does anyone have Mizutama's updated WpfFanMonUpload02 file? The download link is dead.

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2013-05-14

    Here's whole set(WpfFanMonUpload01), including bin + VS2008 solution + manual + skin + LogViewer.

  • Mizutama

    Mizutama - 2013-05-14

    And, here's the updated binary + modified source files + updated LogViewer.
    Currently I'm using another binary complied with VS2012 + .NET 4.5 ,
    running on MacBook Pro 13(Early 2011) MC724J/A 2.7GHz(Core i7) 4GB-MEM 500GB-HDD + Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (32bit).
    If you want the VS2012 ver. pleases ask me.


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