Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder 2011-02-23 4.6 MB 2011-02-23 391.0 kB
LICENSE.txt 2011-02-23 43.5 kB
NOTICE.txt 2011-02-23 2.8 kB
README.txt 2011-02-23 5.9 kB
Totals: 5 Items   5.0 MB 1
Version ${pom.version}
BagIt Version ${bagit.version}

The BAGIT LIBRARY is a software library intended to support the creation, 
manipulation, and validation of bags.  It is version aware.  The earliest
supported version is 0.93.

Java 6

A commandline interface is provided to perform various operations on bag.
Scripts to invoke the commandline interface can be found in the bin directory.
To learn more about the supported operations, invoke the commandline interface
with no arguments.  If you encounter memory issues, the memory allocation can
be increased in the scripts found in the bin directory.

There is a known defect with m2eclipse (
that will cause problems with this project.  To work around the problem, in Eclipse select
the project's Properties, then Maven and unselect "Skip Maven compiler plugin when processing

The BagIt specification requires that the only valid path separator is the forward slash /. Thus, a
backslash (\) in a file name is completely legal.  However, due to a shortcoming in Commons VFS
backslashes are supported by BIL.  Given platform compatability issues, this is not necessarily
a bad thing.

Changes in 3.9:
1. Change to licensing terms.
2. Minor modifications to support for splitting bags.

Changes in 3.8:
1. Added support for splitting bags.
2. Added support for resuming fetches of bags.
3. Improved support for filepaths with encoding.

Changes in 3.7.1:
1. Fixed defect in the writing of repeated fields in bag-info.txt.
2. Fixed defect in adding a list of values to bag-info.txt.

Changes in 3.7:
1. Added option to limit added, updated, and deleted files in UpdateCompleter.
2. Added support for repeating fields in bag-info.txt.  The existing Map interface was extended,
    not changed.

Changes in 3.6:
1. Fixed bug with HolePunchers handling of filepaths with spaces.
2. Fixed bug which caused the FileSystem Writer to delete empty directories.
3. Added option for FileSystem Writer to ignore nfs temp files since they can't be deleted.

Changes in 3.5:
1. Fixed bug with support for specifying a manifest delimeter.
2. Added missing files to source zip.
3. Added results log and output for retrieve and fill holey operations.
4. Fixed bug with handling of holey bags missing fetch.txt.
5. Set FTP data transfer sockets timeout.

Changes in 3.4:
1. Fixed critical bug that disallowed payload files to have tag manifest names.
2. Changed logging so each invocation produces a unique log file.
3. Added a new results log written to working directory for failed verification commandline operations.
4. Reduced output to System.out when invoking commandline.
5. Added support for reporting BIL version number.

Changes in 3.3:
1. Added support for HTTPS, including lax certificate handling via the --relaxssl option.
2. Fixed problems with the console authenticator.
3. Changed socket timeout from infinity to 20 seconds for http fetches.
4. Made adding data to payload progress monitorable and cancellable (AddFilesToPayloadOperation)
5. Made whitespace used in creating manifests configurable.
6. Smarter handling of relative paths in manifests. 

Changes in 3.2:
1. Fixed handling of bag-info.txt with colons in the value.
2. Added Update Completer, which updates the manifests and bag-info.txt for a modified bag.
3. Added support for retrieving a bag exposed by a web server without first having a local
	holey bag.
4. Added support for BIL versions 0.93 and 0.94.
5. Changed default number of spaces in manifests to 2.

Changes in 3.1:
1. Updates to bag.bat.
2. Added support for tolerating additional directories in bag_dir.
3. Added support for adding external bag-info.txt when creating bag or bagging-in-place
	from commandline.
4. Added support for updating tag manifests only.

Changes in 3.0:
1. Numerous changes to Bag interface for clarity, consistency, and simplification.
2. Add support for visitor pattern.  Changed Writers to use visitor.
3. Writer (formerly BagWriter), Completeter (formerly CompletionStrategy), Hole Puncher (formerly Bag.makeHoley())
	return a new Bag instead of modifying existing bag.
4. Added support for cancelling long-running operations.
5. Added support for monitoring progress of long-running operations.
5. Changed DefaultCompleter to re-use existing fixities rather than always re-generating.
6. Added multithreading of manifest generation and checking.
7. Added support for filling holey bags using http, ftp, and rsync.
8. Added support for deleting payload files by directory.
9. Added commandline support for adding directory contents to payload (as opposed to adding directory).
10. Added support for bag-in-place.
11. Improved usability of commandline interface.

Changes in 2.4:
1. Added support for getting lists of standard and non-standard fields in manifests.

Changes in 2.3:
1. Trial implementation of writer for depositing serialized bags using SWORD.
2. Trial implementation of writer for depositing unserialized bags using BOB.
3. Implementation of writer for tar gz.
4. Implementation of writer for tar bz2.
5. Refactored commandline driver.
6. Fixed bug in determining if bags are complete.
7. Added license information.
8. Add verifyPayloadManifests() and verifyTagManifests() to Bag.

Changes in 2.2:
1. Fixed bug with Window filepaths.

Changes in 2.1:
1. Changed Payload-Ossum to Payload-Oxsum.
2. Updated separator for manifests.
3. Made bag-info.txt labels case-insensitive.
4. Added additional bag-info.txt methods for Bagging-Date, Bag-Count, Bag-Size, and Payload-Oxum.
5. Changed to only include the tar-related classes from Ant, rather than the entire dependency.
6. Added version-aware handling of filepath delimiters. 

For questions or problems, contact Justin Littman (
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-02-23