Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Latest Release 2020-09-17
Previous Releases 2020-09-17
Test Releases 2020-09-16
Release Notes 2010-09-08
Tools 2010-06-03
README.txt 2020-09-17 11.4 kB
ReleaseNotes.txt 2020-09-17 11.4 kB
Totals: 7 Items   22.9 kB 0
Release Notes
    - Updated to .NET Framework 4.5 and Google.Apis.Calendar.v3 v1.49.0.2071
    - There is a new option in the settings, that allows you to keep past events in your Google Calendar (active by default)

    - Fixed bad configuration which caused the Google Credentials not beeing set

    - Switched to Google Calendar API v3
    - New handling of the Google Calendar Account

	- Fixed the auto-login problem
	- Fixed the greyed settings problem

	-Fixed issue where CalSync would not start up minimized when the "Automatically
	 Sync" option was checked.
	-Implemented workaround for issue where the sync process would fail when syncing
	 large numbers of entries at once.  The Google API doesn't seem to handle long-
	 running processes gracefully.  CalSync will now implement updates in batches of
	 50 to prevent issues from ocurring.
	-Fixed new issue in 1.7 where CalSync would skip appointments in LN whenever there
	 was a To Do on the calendar.
	-Fixed issue where users could not login with their proxy settings unless the 
	 "Save passwords and automatically login" option was selected.

	-Changes made to fix problems in 1.7 for those who use international date
	 formatting (thanks lionsh).

	-Major changes were made to the way that CalSync retrieves calendar entries
	 from Lotus Notes. This should improve for all users, but performance will
	 be drastically better for users with large mailfiles.  In addition,
	 performance will be drastically improved for users with mailfiles on remote'
	 servers where network performance is not the best.  As a result of this 
	 change, all previously synced calendar entries will be updated the first time
	 version 1.7 is run.
	-Fixed bug where the default sync calendar was not saved where if the user's
	 selected the first calendar in the list to be the Default calendar (thanks
	 to cnybroe).
	-Reorganized some of the 'Settings' screens and added option on 'Reminders'
	 screen to use the Lotus Notes notifications that are already setup for each calendar
	 entry instead of using the default notification preferences setup for the 
	 destination Google calendar.

	-Minor performance enhancements for some users.
	-Added two flags to run CalSync from the command line.  The '/auto' flag will 
	 cause CalSync to open to the System Tray, login, run a sync, and then quit.  
	 The '/silent' flag will make the automatic login/sync process silent.  There
	 will be no windows, nothing in the taskbar, no icons in the system tray, and
	 no indication whether the sync was successful or not. *Note* that in order 
	 for the '/auto' flag to work correctly, the user must have logged in normally
	 and set the Save Passwords option.
	-Modified how saved passwords are encrypted and decrypted.  They are now 'salted'
	 with the credentials of the logged in user.  This means that if you are not 
	 running CalSync with the same user account, it will not be able to decrypt the
	 saved password.

	-Fixes bug that causes sync to crash when Location property is missing from
	 Calendar entry.

	-Small code modifications to facilitate debugging large mailfiles.

	-Fixed bug with some repeating entries that prevented sync from completing
	-Fixed "Manual Delete All" button so that it will only delete entries created by
	-Fixed process which pulls events from Google so that it only pulls events created
	 by CalSync
	-Fixed bug where CalSync would get stuck in an endless loop while trying to connect
	 to Google
	-Modified CalSync so that it always attempts to use Default Proxy credentials first
	 before trying saved proxy credentials.
	-Fixed bug where CalSync would crash when it could not detect the Lotus Notes form

	-Fixed bug where the Auto Sync was not disabled when the "Log Out" button was clicked
	-Added option to use or not use HTTPS. Default is to use HTTPS but it can be changed
	 on Account Options screen in Settings.

	-Added option for CalSync settings to be stored in User Profile
	-Added option to include Attendees when syncing to Google. Attendees will be stored
	 in the body of the Google Calendar event.
	-UI has had a number of modifications where most of the options were moved to the  
	 "Settings" screen.
	-Added the ability to hide the log.
	-Modified logic for proxy login so that proxy will automatically login if credentials
	 have been saved.
	-Modified log capturing. Enabling verbose logging will now show the verbose messages
	 from previous syncs. It is no longer required to enable verbose logging and then 
	 re-sync or re-login.
	-Added option for CalSync to quit automatically after syncing.
	-Added option to prevent CalSync from showing balloon popups when minimized.
	-Added privacy settings which adds option to not sync any actual data from Lotus
	 Notes to Google and only block time off on Google Calendar.
	-Fixed bug where the Auto Sync was not disabled when the "Log Out" button was clicked
	-Added option to use or not use HTTPS. Default is to use HTTPS but it can be changed
	 on Account Options screen in Settings.

	-Changed release naming convention.  No more "beta" tags on release names.  
	-Fixed issue with repeating calendar entries.
	-Added domain option to Proxy login form and fixed where Proxy form would not be
	 shown if proxy address wasn't detected.
	-Modifications to code were made to troubleshoot proxy problems.
	-Modified logic to display important messages

	-Fixed bug that prevented the System from shutting down when CalSync is open.
	-Fixed issue with repeating calendar entries.	
 	-Fixed bug that would cause CalSync to not save settings correctly if the user's
	 machine name did not start with a letter.
	-Fixed issue with repeating calendar entries.
	-Changed release naming convention.  No more "beta" tags on release names. 

	-Code cleanup to prepare for release.
	-Changes in Release 1.1.1 in comparison to the previous release (1.0.0) includes all 
	 changes listed below under 1.1.1r1beta, 1.1.1beta, and 1.1.0beta. 

	-Fixed issue where CalSync would crash if the EndDateTime property was not found on
     repeating meeting entries.
    -Made some modifications to the code that saves CalSync settings to facilitate some
     debugging.  Also added an alert when there are errors saving settings instead of 
     just having CalSync crash.
    -Fixed issue where proxies had a problem with the Expect100Continue header and would
	 prevent CalSync from posting data back to Google.

	-Added logic to prompt for Proxy credentials when a proxy is detected and the
	 default credentials don't work.
	-Cleaned up some of the code which captures and displays exception details.
	-New Calendar entries use new logic to establish a Unique ID.  The old method caused
	 repeating entries to have a few problems.
	-Added logic for CalSync to display important messages the first time someone runs 
	 a new release of CalSync.
	-Code cleanup.
	-Because of a bug in the Google Calendar API, CalSync was entering a dash (-) in
     the location field if it was blank in Lotus Notes. CalSync has been modified to
     leave the location field blank if it is blank to begin with. However, due to the
     API bug, CalSync will change the location field to a dash if it is ever changed
     to a blank field after originally containing text.

	-Fixed issue that caused entries originating in Google to be synced back to Google
	 in CalSync.
	-Added some logic to facilitate debugging.
	-Fixed bug that caused sync to continue even if there were errors in retrieving
	 entries from Notes or Google.
	-Fixed bug where meetings without a location/body would prevent sync from running.
	-Fixed bug when clicking 'No' on Auto Sync confirmation dialog
	-Cleaned up a pieces of the UI
	-Added two new context menus to control syncing.

	-Fixed issue that caused entries not created by CalSync to be deleted.
	-No longer in Beta.

	-Modified functionality to so the "Sync in progress" balloon only shows for about 
	 1.5 seconds.
	-Added functionality to populate the Google Calendar 'Where' field with the Lotus
	 Notes 'Rooms' field if the 'Location' field is empty.  If both the 'Rooms' field
	 and the 'Location' field are populated then the 'Location' field will be used to
	 populate the Google Calendar 'Where' field and the 'Rooms' field will be copied 
	 into the Calendar Description.

	-Fixed issue that caused some Anniversary appointments to be included in sync
	 and also caused All Day appointments to not sync correctly.

	-Fixed issue that prevented CalSync from recovering once an error has ocurred.

	-Fixed issue that sometimes caused duplicate Google Calendar entries

	-Fixed issue where Last Sync" wasn't updated after manual sync.
	-Fixed issue where sync balloon didn't popup when auto sync was in progress while
	 the form was minimized.
	-Fixed issue introduced in 0.9.9r2 where automatically logging in and syncing would
	-Added cancel button to cancel sync and login processes.

	-Fixed issue where user received a "Please login" message on the Sync Settings tab
	 even after successfully logging in.
	-Added option to minimize the application instead of closing when user clicks the 
	 close button ("X").
	-CalSync will now allow a zero as a valid number for the Sync Before and Sync After

	-Removed Lotus Notes Tasks from CalSync. There were numerous bugs involving tasks
	 that were causing CalSync to crash or not run correctly.

	-More changes to the UI.
	-Added multithreading so that the background tasks do not cause the UI to lock up.
	-Fixed issue where tasks on Calendar were still not handled properly.
	-Added control to indicate that background processes are running.

	-Some changes to the UI.
	-Fixed issue where tasks on Calendar were not handled properly.
	-CalSync will no longer edit or delete existing entries on your Google Calendar
	 that were not created by CalSync.  This eliminates the need to setup a new
	 Google Calendar just for syncing with CalSync.

	-Fixed bug where those that were not behind a proxy could not connect to Google
	-Added functionality to logout on first tab.

	-Fixed issue where Chair/Location/Subject were not synced properly.
	-Combined DLLs into one file.
	-Modified logging process and added button to copy log to clipboard.

	-Fixed icons so they are "pretty" when you Alt+Tab and when you create shortcuts
	-Added logic so that if the server and mailfile are left blank it will automatically
	 find your mailfile.
	-Addded the functionality to store encoded version of your passwords so that CalSync
	 can be opened automatically and automatically start syncing.  This will allow you 
	 to add a CalSync shortcut to your Startup folder.
	-Fixed bug where all CalSync settings weren't being stored in the same folder as
	 the application and DLLs.

	-Initial release
Future plans
	-Add Lotus Notes Tasks back to CalSync
Source: README.txt, updated 2020-09-17