Home / Debian
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
Testing 2013-11-01
MIPS 2013-02-13
Image 2012-03-29
Script 2012-03-27
readme.md 2013-11-01 1.1 kB
Totals: 5 Items   1.1 kB 25


Here you will find the images for Debian.

For a complete overview of the Debian images, how they are created and where you can find the files that where used to create them please check the our wiki page HERE.

The Image folder contains the debian image files, there are three images you can chose from, Core, Small and Large.

The Core image is about 200MB to download and 750MB once extracted, it only includes a basic debian install with no GUI.

The Small image is about 600MB to download and 2GB once extracted, this included the XFCE GUI and basic programs.

The Large image is about 1GB to download and 3.5GB once extracted, this includes the XFCE GUI and a wide range of programs including open office

The Script folder contains the old debian boot script, however it is strongly recommened to use the unversial "bootscript.sh" instead

The Testing images are a rolling release that follows the Debain Testing branch, currently Debian 8.0 Jessie.

Source: readme.md, updated 2013-11-01