Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
2012.3 2012-09-01
snapshots 2012-08-25
2012.2 2012-06-17
2012.1 2012-05-11
2011.2 2011-12-13
2011.1 2011-05-29
2010.1 2010-11-25
2010.0 2010-05-05
README.md 2012-09-01 642 Bytes
Totals: 9 Items   642 Bytes 33

Download Area

PLEASE NOTE: Latest release of Liberté Linux is old, and you should use it only if you understand the security implications. A new release of Liberté, if created, will have significantly different usage objectives. For this reason, the release files have been removed.

Most likely, you want to download the latest liberte-201X.Y.zip archive in the corresponding 201X.Y folder.

Installing Liberté Linux is simple: follow the instructions at the project site.

It is recommended to download and verify the detached signature as well (the .asc file).

Source: README.md, updated 2012-09-01