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End-to-End SAP ERP Software Solutions

An ERP software solution for early-stage to mid-market organizations

SAP Business ByDesign is a complete, cloud-based ERP solution for fast-growing, start-up to mid-market businesses and subsidiaries that want to scale without the complexity and unnecessary cost.
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Powerful During Emergencies, Useful Every Day

Regroup connects you with the people you care about to keep them safe and informed – anytime, anywhere.

Regroup Mass Notification empowers better mass communication that keeps people safe and informed at all times. The company’s award-winning, cloud-based mass communication platform is what clients across North America and around the globe rely on to send both emergency and day-to-day communications to millions of people. By enabling one-click messaging to mobile devices, landlines, social media, email, websites, and more, Regroup Mass Notification helps organizations keep people safe, strengthen operational resilience, mitigate risk, and thrive in an increasingly unpredictable world.
Banker’s Dashboard and Credit Union dashboard Icon
Banker’s Dashboard and Credit Union dashboard

For Bank and Credit Union CFOs and CEOs

Get anytime, anywhere access to your bank or credit union’s financial performance. Get insights into your bank or credit union’s financial performance from anywhere with secure, cloud-based access. Get margin components, branch performance, forecasts and more with point-and-click simplicity. Banker’s Dashboard and Credit Union dashboard integrate seamlessly with your core processor. Quick and easy setup, so you can start improving your bottom line right away. Automate reporting and eliminate errors, freeing you to focus on more value-added tasks. Quickly run and revise multiple forecast scenarios, so you can analyze variances and alternative strategies. Measure and compare branch performance. Institute best practices and hold each branch accountable for better results.
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Property Management Software

We believe property management software should be as powerful as you need it to be, but also as easy to use as possible.

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Save 80% of payment processing time with our powerful and easy to use AP automation software.

For companies wanting a platform that helps save payment processing time

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