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* JMyBackup *

Graphical userinterface for mysql database backups.

Copyright (C) 2012 Marco Güttler

This program is free software; 
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
only version 2 of the License (GPLv2 only).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; 
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; 
if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.

Please review the licenses associated with libraries referenced by this software
(JDBC MySql and Eclipse SWT).


To run JMyBackup there is no installation necessary.
A precondition is a Java runtime environment (JRE from version 1.6). 
Furthermore it is a MySql Server installation needed, because it is a backup software for MySql.
- Download and unzip the package JMyBackup.zip
- Customize the startbatch runJMB.cmd or runJMBSimple.cmd 
(if a new version of JMyBackup is available you can normally keep this file)
- Normally you have to change the path of the installation directory of the MySql-server in your batch-file
A) Usage of the default configuration (default.properties)
- According to the standard MySql installation (Host=localhost, Port=3306)

B) Create your own property file (duplicate default.properties and customize)
- Change url_prefix (host, port)
- If applicable, you are able to declare default database (databasename). 
Then the associated tables will be determined when starting JMyBackup
(Precondition: correct defined username and password).	

Use your customized runJMB.cmd or runJMBSimple.cmd to run JMyBackup (e.g. for Windows).
For Unix you can use the runJMBSimple.sh or your own scripts.

Alternatively you can call the runnable jar (jMyBackupRnb.jar) directly and paramterized to run JMyBackup.
Get more information about the runnable jar by calling "java -jar jMyBackupRnb.jar -help" in commandline.
Simple call of application: "java -jar jMyBackupRnb.jar -propfile .\default.properties"
The property file is discarded in the actual working directory.

Start parameters:
The parameters are case sensitive. 
-propfile       ... Configuration file according to configuration (A) or (B)

Optional parameters:
It is possible to declare the optional parameters in the batch. After calling the batch, these parameters are shown in the graphical user interface.
Furthermore the user can change and enter them directly in the graphical user interface, except in faceless mode.

-user <userid>  ... Userid to connect to database
-pw <password>  ... Password to connect to database
-bf <file>      ... File (full qualified) for backup (existing file will be overwritten!), e.g. -bf c:\temp\backup.sql
-tnf <path>	... The path where to store backup files (table named sql-files), e.g. c:\temp
-ts             ... Add timestamp to filename(s)
-struct         ... Backup only structure, no data
-data           ... Backup only data, no structure
-idv            ... Individual parameters (according to mysqldump), e.g. -idv "--default_character_set=latin1"
-fl             ... Faceless mode, start without userinterface (backups will start without confirmation)
-t              ... [configurable only in faceless mode] list of tables to backup (spaces as separator), e.g. -t "table1 table2 tableN"

-swt		... SWT library, if auto detection and start of JMyBackup fails

Log file:
If an error occurs logs will be written to file jMyBackup.log in current working directory.

history of changes:
- auto detection of SWT library, support for Windows, MacOS and Linux - 32 and 64bit
- update mysql-connector (5.1.18)

- bugfix check routines

- Optimized usability
- Backup to table named files (sql-files)
- Backup to files including timestamp
- Bugfix parameter description short help

- logfile will be written to current working directory
- contextmenu for protocol tab added

- First version
Source: readme_en.txt, updated 2012-03-07