Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
jaivoxappgen_0.2a.zip 2014-08-12 42.5 MB
jaivox_0.7a.zip 2014-08-12 19.9 MB
jaivox_0.7.zip 2014-03-17 20.8 MB
README.txt 2014-03-17 6.7 kB
jaivoxappgen_0.2.zip 2014-03-16 41.7 MB
jaivoxappgen_0.1.zip 2013-12-24 41.7 MB
jaivox_0.6.zip 2013-12-20 20.1 MB
jaivox_0.5.tar.gz 2013-08-23 19.4 MB
jaivox_0.5.zip 2013-08-23 19.5 MB
jaivox_0.4.zip 2013-05-06 8.4 MB
jaivox_0.4.tar.gz 2013-05-06 8.2 MB
jaivox_javadoc_0.4.zip 2013-04-22 333.7 kB
jaivox_javadoc_0.3.zip 2013-01-08 238.3 kB
jaivox_0.3.zip 2013-01-08 6.6 MB
jaivox_0.3.tar.gz 2013-01-08 6.3 MB
Totals: 15 Items   255.7 MB 0
   Jaivox version 0.7 March 2014
   Copyright 2010-2014 by Bits and Pixels, Inc.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

What is different?
This version includes a phoneme-based error correction method (for English, but
it can be extended to other languages.) There are some wave format audio file
classes that can be used in word-level alignment of text and audio.

Installation - short version
If you do not want to use Sphinx4:
You do not need to install sphinx4 before installing jaivox libraries. You just
need to put jaivox class files or jaivox.jar in the classpath.

If you want to use the open source sphinx4:
Youn need to install sphinx4 before compiling Jaivox files. 

To create the runtime library, run


to build from this directory using the provided build.xml. 

If you are using sphinx4, this build file assumes that the classpath that you 
obtain from antruntime contains the required sphinx4 classes. 


ant jarfile

to create jaivox.jar

The apps directory contains individual applications. Some of the directories
within apps are for data. For each application, there is a readme.txt
file within the application folder.

Javadocs are in the doc directory.

The test directory contains various tests, mainly using web-based speech
recognition and tts.

Contact: contact@jaivox.com

Files here
build.xml is the ant build file
src/ contains com.jaivox Java source files
apps/ contains several applications and supporting data.
	Please see apps/README_apps.txt for details
test/ contains various tests mainly using web-based tools

Installation: not using Sphinx4
You can see more deatails at http://www.jaivox.com/installation.html

If you are not using sphinx4, installation simply involves putting the
jaivox class files or jar file in the classpath.

If you are not using sphinx4, you need only the following two things

1. Java Development Kit for example from the Oracle Java SE download site
2. Ant, from Apache

In addition, of course, you need a web connection. To  use Google's tts,
you need jLayer from http://www.javazoom.net in your classpath.

Installation: using Sphinx4
If you are using sphinx4:
This directory includes a bash script config.bash. You can run it to
see if your system has required components. It also creates build.xml
based on information gathered from your answers. (Further it creates two
files runsphinx.sh and runinter.sh - their use is described later in this

1. Java Development Kit for example from the Oracle Java SE download site
2. Ant, from Apache
3. Language Modeling Toolkit from Cambridge University and Carnegie Mellon
4. sphinxbase from Carnegie Mellon University
5. Sphinx 4 from Carnegie Mellon University
6. Sphinx requires JSAPI from various implementations of the JSAPI.
7. Festival from the University of Edinburgh. You will need the development
   version, if you are installing it as a package, please install both
   festival and festival-dev.
8. A recommended alternative to Festival is Free TTS. Please see
   apps/README_freetts.txt for information on obtaining and installing
   this package.

The Java Development Kit and Ant are installed using instructions at the
respective websites.

The CMU/Cambridge CMU-Cam_Toolkit_v2 is installed with a make install,
but as it says in the README file, you have to set a flag SLM_SWAP_BYTES
before doing so. After this is done, the make procedure creates several
executable files in the bin subdirectory of the toolkit. For convenience
you may want to copy these executables to some location in your path
such as /usr/local/bin as super user.

sphinxbase is required for a part of the language modeling. It can be
installed by following the instructions on the web site. Please note
that you need to be superuser to install the binaries, thus after
running ./configure you need to install as super user by running sudo
make install

Sphinx 4 is installed essentially by building the code using a build
file in its installation directory. JSAPI is often easy to implement by
running a simple script (depends on the implementation.) This script
(usually jsapi.sh) requires uudecode that is installed as part of
sharutils package available with Linux distributions. Finally, Festival
is usually installed by default on Linux systems, but you may need to
install the development version, usually available as a package
festival-dev. On some Linux distributions, festival-dev is automatically
installed with festival (Arch Linux for example.) Jaivox installation

Jaivox installation is like Sphinx installation.

Jaivox requires that the Sphinx4 classes are in the CLASSPATH. For
example, suppose your CLASSPATH environmental variable contains a folder
/home/johndoe/classes. Then there should be Java classes in
/home/johndoe/classes/edu/cmu/sphinx that are from the Sphinx 4 package.

To install the files, unpack the downloaded jaivox.tar.gz or jaivox.zip
to any folder.

Change to this folder, then enter
That should build all the class files from the Java sources.
Move Jaivox class files to the classpath

After building the files in the last step, you need to copy the class
files that will be in the bin directory of the installation directory to
the classpath. The bin directory contains a directory com. Copy this
entire directory to the classpath. If your classpath contains
/home/johndoe/classes, then after copying, you should have a directory
/home/johndoe/classes/com/jaivox which contains subdirectories
recognizer, interpreter and tools.

To help with the appropriate classpath, the config.bash script creates two
scripts, runsphinx.sh and runinter.sh. The runsphinx.sh script includes
classes needed for speech recognition when running applications involving
sphinx (typically in a generated application, these are in the "sphinx"
directory.) The runinter.sh includes classes that are required for Jaivox
interpreter, typically found in the "inter" directory. You may need to change
the name of the main class in each of these scripts depending on your
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-03-17