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Accurate profit analytics for Amazon sellers

Our flexible charts enable quick and convenient analysis of your Key Performance Indicators.

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LMS and Performance Platform | Bridge

Employee Development and Training Made Easy

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DriveStrike: Remote Wipe | Data Breach Protection

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DriveStrike protects devices and data in the event of loss, theft, or use in remote locations. Remotely locate, lock, and wipe devices you manage to prevent data compromise. DriveStrike prevents data breaches to ensure confidentiality, compliance, and a competitive edge.
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Case Management Software for Nonprofits

CharityTracker offers easy-to-use case management software for nonprofits, helping them track assistance, measure outcomes, and generate reports.

A case management CRM that focuses on your clients, to measure real-world impact, not just data. Your Day Just Got Shorter - We know you’re busy and don’t have time for complicated software – We’ve changed that! Even your staff will enjoy using the system – No more headaches and missing data from reports so you can use your valuable time to serve more people. CharityTracker is a cloud-based, HIPAA compliant software that’s easy to use for nonprofits of all sizes. With no setup fees, hidden fees, or contracts, you can cancel anytime! Our time saving solution provides a secure way to streamline how you manage cases, record case notes & assistance, create reports, collaborate, set goals, measure outcomes, make referrals & prove your impact with change-over-time reports for your funders. We're at work in 2,200 communities! Book a free demo. Pricing starts at just $20/mo. user

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