Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
release 2012-10-06
source 2012-09-17
javadoc 2012-04-23
README.txt 2012-04-10 972 Bytes
Totals: 4 Items   972 Bytes 0
IPMEMS	-	An open-source data acquisition software


	Dmitry Ovchinnikov
	Yury Yeremeyev


	Timur Abdulmenov    : ipscada logo, binary protocol parsing libraries
	Andrey Oparkin      : web pages examples
	Dart Hydra          : IPMEMS icon design, color scheme

Project contact:



	IPMEMS is an open-source data acquisition software with embedded
	HTTP server, binary/ASCII protocol parsing library, real-time 
	multi-threaded scheduler, Groovy scripting, remote administration
	tools and flexible database access server (DBFI server) that
	allows to work with the embedded database through text-based
	protocols (JSON, XML).

How to run:

	After untar/unzip, just type in a command line window:

		java -jar <path-to-ipmems>/ipmems.jar

OS requirements:

	Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD or Windows OS with Java SE 6 or higher


	Affero GNU Public License

More information:

	Visit the http://www.ipmems.com
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-04-10