Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Executable 2011-03-04
README.txt 2011-03-18 3.3 kB
Image Inpainting.rar 2011-03-04 1.8 MB
Totals: 3 Items   1.8 MB 0

1. Make sure you have Java Runtime Environment. Otherwise download and 
   install jre from 
   by following the installation guide there. 

2. Run "Executable/ImageInpainting.jar" by double clicking on it or 
   cd to the folder where ImageInpainting.jar is present and 
   type the following: 
   java -jar "ImageInpainting.jar"
   IMPORTANT: If double clicking opens some other thing, such as 
   the nokia application installer, then close it and again try 
   to open the software by right clicking on it and "Open With"
   Java. If this option doesn't appear, then you probably 
   have some problems with your Java installation. 

3. For any other help on how to use the software, you may get the help 
   from the user interface of the software by clicking on the help 
   button on the menu bar.

Note: The process for inpainting is slow and might take some time.
We recommend using Fast Inpainting option (ctrl+f) for inpainting. 
Currently the software doesn't work well for largre images. For 
better results, test the software on small images. 
If you face any problems with the inpainting, try to resize image 
to smaller dimensions before giving it as input to the software. 


1. IMPORTANT: Make sure you do not play with the license headers. 

2. Make sure you have Java Development Kit. Otherwise install the 
   JDK from 

3. We recommend Net Beans for the development. However it is not 
   compulsary. You may use any IDE you like.

4. The source code is in "Source Code/" folder.

For seeing the documentation, see "Documentation/index.html".

For any additional help, visit http://sapandiwakar.wordpress.com 
OR http://pulkitgoyal.wordpress.com or mail to 
pulkit110@gmail.com or diwakar.sapan@gmail.com

Our research publication titled "Fast and Enhanced Algorithm for 
Exemplar Based Image Inpainting" on which this implementation is 
based can be found at

Please obtain permissions from the developers if you wish to use 
the code for personal or commercial uses. You may be subject to 
legal action if you use the code without written permission from 
the developers. For permission to use the code, contact 
pulkit110gmail.com or diwakar.sapan@gmail.com
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-03-18