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gqgmc 2017-02-20
README.txt 2016-12-30 2.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   2.8 kB 39

 1. Download the code from sourceforge into a directory of your choice.
    This will be referred to as your root directory.
 2. The following list of files need to be downloaded. Obtain them from
    the gqgmc folder. Alternatively, all files can be obtained at once by
    downloading the zip file, gqgmc.zip.


 3. Create the following subdirectories of your root directory:
    For example, "mkdir bin", "mkdir libs", "mkdir obj".
 4. Edit Defines.mk and change the definition of BASE to the
    path of your root directory. If you will be compiling for 32-bit
    Linux, change the definition of CPUSIZE from "-m64" to "-m32"
    in Defines.mk. 
 5. From the command line, you should be able to build the 
    'gqgmc_gui' and 'gqgmc' executables which if the build is successful
    will be put into bin subdirectory. Try "make all" as the build

 6a. Copy the 51-gqgmc.rules file to the /etc/udev/rules.d directory and
    force the reload of udev rules:
    sudo cp ./51-gqgmc.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/51-gqgmc.rules
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    Alternatively, restart your computer.

    Disconnect the GQ GMC-300 from the computer and then reconnect.
    Verify that there exists a /dev/gqgmc in the /dev directory with
    read/write permission for all users.

    ls -la /dev/gqgmc
    The 51-gqgmc.rules file is written for the GMC-300. Newer GMC models
    may use a different USB chip which changes the vendor id and product 
    id used in the 51-gqgmc.rules file. Read the instructions in the 
    51-gqgmc.rules file for changing the vendor id and product id to 
    match your GMC model.
 6b. With the GQ geiger counter connected to your PC via USB and turned
    on, start either bin/gqgmc or bin/gqgmc_gui from a console command
    line. The USB device name must be supplied from the command line, e.g.,

    bin/gqgmc /dev/gqgmc
    bin/gqgmc_gui /dev/gqgmc  logfile
    The code expects the GQ GMC USB device name to be /dev/gqgmc. This
    device name was created at step 6a. For the GUI application only, the
    2nd argument passed is the name of the file to which data is to 
    be logged. The 2nd argument can be left blank which then turns off 
    logging data to a file.
 7. The following is a list of prerequisites for successful compilation:
    a. Ubuntu Linux 11.10, 12.04, 14.04, or 16.04
    b. GNU g++ 4.8.x or more recent compiler installed
    c. Required only for GUI application, Qt4 Software Development Kit (SDK)
       installed or Qt Creator installed

Source: README.txt, updated 2016-12-30