
Status - Poll.

  • Jos De Laender

    Jos De Laender - 2012-08-29

    Dear all,

    With this short status poll, I want to get some understanding of who are for the moment the users of GetLive, how they are using it, and where it makes sense to spend my sparse time in maintaining it beyond my own use.

    The more that with a new model and/or challenge might come up.

    Along the lines I will try to structure the different use models and their (expected) status.

    1. Basic use as a script.

    1.a. Onto hotmail accounts where https is not enabled.

    (this is my personal second most usage).
    This mode is supposed to work fully, on all folders, including moving and deleting, although the latter I don't do.

    1.b. Onto hotmail accounts where https is enabled.
    (this is my personal first usage)
    This mode is supposed to work for reading (and marking) messages in all folders. Moving and deleting don't work.

    2. FreePops use , i.e. running the script as a pop server in between hotmail and your reader.

    This was offered as an escape route to FreePops users where hotmail support was dropped.
    I have a remote feeling this is not or extremely seldom used.
    In any case, the restrictions under 1. are valid here equally.

    Thanks for all feedback.


  • blah2389

    blah2389 - 2012-09-05

    My preferred prioritization is getting the script to work, then adding https functionality.

    So I guess that would be 1a followed by 1b.

    I'm not too familiar with FreePops. Does that look like it would be viable long-term solution?

  • Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcă

    For me, the most important is to manage to download the e-mails from the using the GetLive script in a crontab. I do not know about http or https. No interest in number 2 (freepops).

    Thank you.



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