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README 2013-05-05 4.5 kB
ChangeLog 2013-05-05 103.1 kB
fvwm-crystal-minimal-3.1.12.tar.gz 2013-05-05 883.3 kB
fvwm-crystal-3.1.12.tar.gz 2013-05-05 4.0 MB
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Version 3.1.12

Time for a new release that provide bugfixes and new features.

- De-icoification of the full-screened windows have been fixed. They
  will appear now in full-screen without border or title.
- Non wanted qjackctl and medias icons have been fixed. They should
  not appear any more as we can control those programs from the
  music button and menu.

- Restrict Fullscreen to non FvwmButtons windows. It was possible to
  bring the buttons in full screen, and this is not wanted. 

- Unification of the desktop geometry. All the recipes have now
  the same 8 pages by 1 geometry. This fix the lost window issue
  whit recipe changes. The "Clean vertival" recipe has been removed
  in the process, but it was the same than Vertical anyway.

- The Icon-Launcher is now available in all the recipe through a
  new preference setting: Desktop manager -> Thunar.
  This is the same setting than "None", but with icons for all
  the mounted partitions. Clicking on those icons will open
  Thunar at the corresponding mount point. Simple and fast.

- Some styles order fixes.

- Last but not least, the font preferences have been fully rewritten.
  They are now under the form of a Font Selector that provide
  all the old settings into one dialog. Font styles support have
  been added, and the selected font is shown with its selected
  size and style. Of course, the example string can be edited,
  saved for later use and restored to its default value.
  This Font Selector is a FvwmScript with full xft and GetText suppot.
  That make it much easier to use than old style Fvwm font selectors
  using the core font. Xft support imply also full UTF-8 suport.
  This was already the case with Fvwm-Crystal old font preferences
  sytem, but this new font selector is just the best.

- Help needed with more translations, colorsets, decoration and
  whatever you can think about. Please considere to contribute.

Version 3.1.7

A long wanted release that provide both new features and bugfixes.

- Font and Font Size preferences. That's a big change!

- Full rewrite and debugging of the different maximize functions,
  including the full-screened mode. Fullscreen have been extended
  with a Disapear function, which give us one of the best feature
  of the Amiga OS, the ability to cycle trough the full-sceened
  applications and the workbench (dekstop). See that as another way
  to cycle trough desktop space.
  A new Minimize is includded as well. It will reduce the window size.

- The Amiga recipe is almost fully rewritted.
  It provide a double top bar that is more AmigaOS like (mac users
  will like it too). The notification aera is moved near the media
  button. The swallowing of the trayer application is fixed.
  The buttons at the bottom are now in a range, with the possibility
  to show only some of them.

- NumLock Fix for the focus policies. The NumLonk interferences on the
  Amiga, FVWM-Crystal with raise and MSWindow focus policy styles should
  be history now.

- New Wing-Commander recipe by Peter McConnell. Nice and fonctionnal.

- New Fullscreen recipe. A work in progress but still usable, if you
  like to have nothing on your desk.

- A lot of style loading order fixes. The FvwmForm and FvwmIdent
  windows doesn't need anymore a restart to be readable.

- A few new colorsets and windows decorations.

- The mixer controls are moved into a unique file.

- Music controls in 2 parts, 1 file for the common functions of the
  players, and one file per player for their specific functions.

- Media preferences moved to the media button or menu.

- Unified media button with recipes that support it.

- The MPlayer control use now dvdnav. DVB support and capture of MPEG
  sources have been added. Capture use the standard MPlayer "c" key.

- Some environment variables, including some preferences, have been
  comverted to the new InfoStore FVWM variables. FVWM-Crystal will
  check the user preferences and convert them when needed at startup.
- FVWM versions older 2.6.5 are not supported anymore.

- Launch of Info browser using xemacs, tkinfo or pinfo from the developer

- Fixed the icon generation of fvwm-crystal.generate-menu. Some of
  the icons was producing libpng warnings at stderr.

- Dropped habak support, which produced X BadValue Errors at restart, in
  favor of feh. As feh is huge, hsetroot is now the first avaible choice.

For a complete list of the changes, please read the ChangeLog file.

Source: README, updated 2013-05-05