Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
SiLK instalations steps.txt 2024-03-28 8.1 kB
nf1.zip 2024-01-24 1.7 MB
install FlowViewer.txt 2024-01-24 6.5 kB
FlowViewer.pdf 2015-04-06 4.3 MB
FlowViewer_4.6.tar 2015-04-06 1.3 MB
README 2015-04-06 53.9 kB
FlowViewer_4.5.tar 2014-11-07 1.4 MB
FlowViewer_4.4.tar 2014-08-15 1.4 MB
FlowViewer_4.3.tar 2014-02-11 1.0 MB
FlowViewer_4.2.2.tar 2013-09-27 1.0 MB
FlowViewer_4.2.1.tar 2013-09-16 1.0 MB
FlowViewer_4.2.tar 2013-09-16 984.6 kB
FlowViewer_4.1.tar 2013-09-16 921.6 kB
FlowViewer_4.0.tar 2013-09-16 890.9 kB
Totals: 14 Items   16.0 MB 9
# README (this file) FlowViewer V4.6  Date: 04/06/2015
# FlowViewer is a set of three tools (FlowViewer, FlowGrapher,
# FlowMonitor) that create text reports, graph reports, and 
# long-term monitor reports from flow-tools and SiLK captured
# and stored netflow data. FlowViewer can run with both flow-tools
# and SiLK simultaneously. Flow-tools can handle up to v7; SilK 
# can handle v5, v9, and IPFIX. The User's Guide is very helpful.
# Software Dependencies:
#   flow-tools  http://code.google.com/p/flow-tools (If collecting v5 only)
#   SiLK        http://tools.netsa.cert.org/silk    (If collecting IPFIX)
#   libfixbuf   http://tools.netsa.cert.org/silk    (If collecting IPFIX)
#   gd          http://www.libgd.org/Downloads
#   GD          http://search.cpan.org/~lds/GD-2.30
#   GD::Graph   http://search.cpan.org/~mverb/GDGraph-1.43
#   GD::Text    http://search.cpan.org/~mverb/GDTextUtil-0.86/Text
#   RRDtool     http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool/pub
# Quick Upgrade
#   0. If using SiLK, must upgrade to v3.8.0 or newer
#   1. Untar the package into a new cgi-bin subdirectory
#   2. Configure FlowViewer_Configuration.pm variables to your environment
#      and create all necessary directories with proper permissions
#   3. Replace old logos with new buttons (will be done automatically)
#   4. Copy FlowViewer.css, FlowViewer.pdf to $reports_directory
#   5. Configure FlowViewer_Configuration.pm to point to existing 
#      FlowMonitor_Filter and FlowMonitor_RRDtool directories
#      [For prior v4.5 you can rename these directories to:
#      FlowMonitor_Filter and FlowMonitor_RRDtool or change the 
#      configuration variables to point to the old directories.]
#   6. Configure new FlowViewer_Configuration.pm
#   7. Stop old FlowMonitor_Collector and FlowMonitor_Grapher
#      [Upgrading from v4.4 and prior you will be stopping FlowTracker_Collector
#      and FlowTracker_Grapher.]
#   8. Start new FlowMonitor_Collector and FlowMonitor_Grapher
#   9. Copy NamedInterfaces_Devices, names file, user logo to new directory
#  10. (If upgrading from pre v4.0) Run convert_pre40_filters against existing filters 
#      (ie FlowViewer_SavedFilters)
#  11. Use included 'User Relay' scripts if desired (recommended - see below)
# Quick Install
#   1. Untar into cgi-bin subdirectory
#   For netflow v5 and older (option):
#   2. Download, install, configure flow-tools
#   For IPFIX (e.g., v9 - also handles v5):
#   3. Download, install, configure SiLK (v3.8.0 or newer) and libfixbuf
#   For sflow
#   4. From SiLK FAQ:
#      "Support for sFlow v5 is available as of SiLK 3.9.0 when you configure
#      and build SiLK to use v1.6.0 or later of the libfixbuf library."
#   For FlowViewer
#   5. Configure FlowViewer_Configuration.pm variables as necessary
#   6. Create all necessary directories with proper permissions
#   7. Copy FlowViewer.css, FlowViewer.pdf to $reports_directory
#   8. Point browser to FV.cgi
#   For FlowGrapher
#   9. Install gd (C), GD (Perl), GD::Graph (Perl) GD::Text (Perl)
#  10. Configure FlowViewer_Configuration.pm variables as necessary
#  11. Point browser to FV.cgi
#   For FlowMonitor
#  12. Install RRDtool (at least version 1.4)
#  13. Create FlowMonitor_Filter and FlowMonitor_RRDtool directories
#  14. Configure FlowViewer_Configuration.pm variables as necessary
#  15. Start FlowMonitor_Collector, FlowMonitor_Grapher in background
#  16. Point browser to FV.cgi
#   For all FlowViewer tools
#  17. Review all FlowViewer directories and files for proper permissions
# Version 4.6 Release Notes
#  Emergency fix to FlowMontitor_Collector to fix $no_devices_or_exporters
#  not setting times (thanks Vladimir Stepanov) - 04/06/2105
#  Version 4.6 fixes local timezone difficulties that were not fixed as
#  advertised in version 4.5 for FlowGrapher and FlowViewer. Thanks goes
#  to Randy Feeney. Also note that version 4.6 removes the "$time_zone"
#  configurable parameter from FlowViewer_Configuration. Timezone is now
#  exclusively extracted from the system, using the 'date' function. This
#  version fixes a problem with FlowGrapher not correctly displaying the
#  smallest flows when requested (e.g., Detail Lines: -100 for smallest
#  100 flows.) Fixes improper listing of very old Saved files.
# Version 4.5 Release Notes
#  Version 4.5 resolves an unfortunate name clash in commercial space and
#  renames FlowTracker to FlowMonitor. The situation where SiLK data is
#  saved in UTC (GMT) time, but the system is left in local time has been
#  fixed (thanks to Kees Leune.) A new configuration variable
#  "$silk_compiled_localtime" has been added for the environment where SiLK
#  has been comipled with the --enable-localtime switch. FlowGrapher_Analyze
#  has been fixed to handle hyper-links to IPv6 hosts properly. SiLK IPsets
#  can now be input through the various tool menus. A problem with
#  multi-word Dashboards and Group creation has been fixed. Corrected
#  flows/second initiated calculation. Added the ability to bypass the
#  printing of pulldowns on the bottom service bar. Fixed an error with 
#  filtering on port equal to '0'. Fixed 'Len' field output for some
#  FlowGrapher reports. New parameter: $ipfix_default_device allows IPFIX
#  users to pre-select a primary device (e.g., using one sensor only.)
#  Extended pie-charts to some Printed reports. A new parameter
#  $site_config_file is added to make it easier to accomodate various
#  SiLK stored data file structures.
#  New FlowViewer_Configuration.pm parameters in v4.5:
#  $silk_compiled_localtime   - "Y" if SiLK compiled with local timezone
#  $ipset_directory           - Directory where IPsets can be found
#  $use_bottom_pulldowns      - Will exclude pulldowns on bottom of UI
#  $ipfix_default_device      - Controls the default in device_name pulldown
#  $sensor_config_file        - Changed from $sensor_config_directory
#  $site_config_file          - Left blank (= "";) will look in rootdir
#  Note: the rename of FlowTracker to FlowMonitor includes default names
#  for FlowMonitor related directories. The defaults that will previal if
#  no changes are made are:
#  $monitor_directory       = "/var/www/html/FlowMonitor";
#  $monitor_short           = "/FlowMonitor";
#  $filter_directory        = " ... /FlowMonitor_Files/FlowMonitor_Filters";  
#  $rrdtool_directory       = " ... /FlowMonitor_Files/FlowMonitor_RRDtool";
#  For users who are upgrading, these can be revised back to 'FlowTracker'
#  (or whatever) with no problem. The alternative is to simply rename the
#  existing directories.
# Version 4.4 Release Notes
#  Version 4.4 introduces two new significant capabilities; multiple
#  dashboards and FlowGrapher Analysis. The user can now set up 
#  more than one active dashboard with links on every page to get
#  to each dashboard. Uses include multiple networks, data centers,
#  or multiple users. The new version also permits users to quickly 
#  de-aggregate FlowGraphs into the largest (3 to 10) source or
#  destination IP or Port contributors. This is particularly useful in
#  analyzing peaks in graphs based on "Flows" for DDOS and the like.
#  The multiple dashboard changes touched most of the scripts. There
#  is one new script, FlowGrapher_Analyze, and the script
#  FlowMonitor_AltDashboard is deprecated. The code was cleansed of
#  confusing 'prorated (_P)' distinctions. Version 4.4 also greatly
#  improves the user's ability to interface with various SiLK
#  configurations other than the 'flow-tools-like' one suggested in
#  earlier documentation. Note: SiLK users must upgrade SiLK to 
#  version 3.8.0 or newer.
# Version 4.3 Release Notes
#  Version 4.3 introduces a new FlowViewer report called "Detect
#  Scanning" which employs scanning detection software in both
#  flow-tools (flow-dscan) and SiLK (rwscan.) The output from each 
#  report includes links to the individual scanner sources detected.
#  The link will create a FlowGrapher report for that host. Modified
#  field checks to permit 32 bit AS entries. However, this is for the
#  future when SiLK begins to handle the fields. Thanks Veasna Long.
# Version 4.2.2 Release Notes
#  Version 4.2.2 is a quick emergency fix with limited changes. An
#  array (@temp_ports) in FlowViewer_Utilities was not initialized
#  and was acumulating contents over many FlowMonitor_Collector runs.
#  This was causing the whole FlowMonitor_Collector run to slow down
#  gradually over time as this array would have to get sorted for each
#  SiLK FlowMonitor (this caused no problems for flow-tools only 
#  users.)
# Version 4.2.1 Release Notes
#  Version 4.2.1 extends the use of the recently discovered flow-report
#  option "linear-interpolated-flows-octets-packets" to FlowMonitor 
#  processing (see User's Guide for further discussion.) This provides 
#  significant speed-ups for FlowMonitor_Recreate (above 75%) and 
#  FlowMonitor_Collector (which will now permit many more FlowMonitors.)
#  The FlowMonitor_Recreate processing for SiLK was remarkably poorly
#  implemented and this has been corrected introducing unspeakable
#  performance gains there as well. The same use of SiLK prefiltering
#  that was introduced for FlowMonitor in v4.2 has been applied to
#  FlowGrapher for a speed-up there. A new capability is added to work
#  with different international date formats. The distribution includes a
#  new capability, FlowViewer_CleanSiLK, to monitor and adjust diskspace
#  used by IPFIX devices addressing the SiLK deficiency of not having the
#  valuable flow-capture feature (-E) of active diskspace usage control.
#  Made the use of prefiltered files or CONCATs non-optional and fixed
#  SiLK processing of flows and packets for FlowMonitor_Collector. Modest
#  changes have been made to FlowViewer_CleanFiles, FV.cgi and
#  flowmonitor_grapher_nonlazy. An error causing packets to be monitored as
#  flows in some cases was fixed. A new tool, flowmonitor_grapher_recent
#  will re-graph (nonlazy) only recently created FlowMonitors.
# Version 4.2 Release Notes
#  Version 4.2 incorporates the equivalent of "use existing concatenations"
#  for SiLK based FlowMonitors. FlowViewer takes advantage of previously
#  concatenated flow-tools files during FlowMonitor_Collector processing
#  to speed up the whole run. Now it does this for SiLK files as well by
#  performing rwfilter "INPUT" filtering only once for all FlowMonitors
#  that are based on the same sensor/class combination. This is a pretty
#  significant speed-up and will permit the user to have many more 
#  FlowMonitors. For example, our implementation, a combination of 
#  flow-tools and SiLK based data, now processes 250 FlowMonitors in 35
#  seconds (prior to the new version this was taking 50 seconds.) The new
#  version also corrects processing of exporters [M. Donnelly]. Excluded
#  fields (e.g., protocols=-17) were being accepted for SiLK FlowMonitors
#  despite SiLK not being able to handle them; this was fixed. The 
#  analyze_netflow_packets tool has been fixed for IPv6 addresses. Four new
#  date conversion utilities have been added to the 'tools' subdirectory.
#  FlowMonitor_Collector was modified in version 4.0 to be able to create
#  FlowMonitors for flows and packets (as well as bits.) This was
#  inadvertantly dropped in version 4.1 and is restored in this update 
#  to version 4.2 [7/31].
# Version 4.1 Release Notes
#  Version 4.1 includes a new FlowGrapher capability that creates reports
#  3 to 4 times faster than previously. The detail lines are a little bit 
#  different. The previous capability is retained offering the user a choice
#  from the input form interface. The new FlowGrapher report type is 
#  "Aggregated". It makes use of a heretofore missed flow-tools capability
#  known as the flow-report "linear-interpolated-flows-octets-packets" option
#  which aggregates flows, octets, or packets into time buckets. This moves
#  that processing into the compiled "C" code of flow-tools. New FlowMonitor
#  capabilities are added to monitor flows or packets as well as the previously
#  available octets. Version 4.1 introduces the ability to maintain different
#  dashboards for different users (please see the User's Guide for how to do
#  this. The new version includes a new FV_Relay.cgi script. The new version
#  fixes a flaw in FlowMonitor_Collector that erroneously monitored protocols,
#  tcp_flags, and tos_fields when using SiLK (thanks C. Spitzlay.) It also
#  includes some small fixes like making directory creation a little easier,
#  fixes removing (and adding) Trackings from the Dashboard and removes some
#  minor extraneous formatting. Fixed problem with FlowMonitor_Collector
#  processing of SiLK interface filtering [07/09/13]. Fixed initialization
#  of @ipfix_devices in FlowViewer_Configuration.pm [Thanks M. Donnelly.]
# Version 4.0 Release Notes
#  Version 4.0 is a major upgrade that enables FlowViewer to handle IPFIX 
#  netflow data (i.e., v9, etc.) The User Interface has been completely redone
#  and now features a Dashboard. Aside from the new collector interface and user
#  interface, version 4.0 introduces some new capabilities:
#   1. FlowViewer report sorting by column header
#   2. Dashboard of thumbnail versions of selected FlowMonitor graphs
#   3. Ability to 'recreate' FlowMonitors, starting at a time specified in the 
#      past
#  The distribution manifest has changed significantly.
#  Preserved Scripts, Files, and Tools:
#   FlowViewer.cgi                Modified for new user interface.
#   FlowViewer_Main.cgi           Modified for new user interface.
#   FlowViewer_Relay.cgi          No change.
#   FlowViewer_Save.cgi           Significant modification.
#   FlowGrapher.cgi               Modified for new user interface.
#   FlowGrapher_Main.cgi          Modified for new interface.
#   FlowGrapher_Colors            No change.
#   FlowGrapher_Relay.cgi         No change.
#   FlowGrapher_Sort.cgi          Significant modification.
#   FlowMonitor.cgi               Modified for new user interface.
#   FlowMonitor_Collector         Modified to process stored SiLK data.
#   FlowMonitor_Grapher           Modified to update Thumbnails.
#   FlowMonitor_Group             Modified for new user interface.
#   FlowMonitor_Dumper            Modified for new user interface.
#   FlowMonitor_Relay.cgi         No change.
#   FlowViewer_CleanASCache       No change.
#   FlowViewer_CleanFiles         Minor changes.
#   FlowViewer_CleanHostCache     No change.
#   FlowViewer_Configuration.pm   Modifications for SiLK and user interface.
#   FlowViewer_Utilities.pm       Removed filter output processing.
#   NamedInterfaces_Devices       No change.
#   NamedInterfaces_Exporters     No change.
#   flowcapture_restart           No change.
#   flow-capture-table.conf       No change.
#   flowmonitor_restart           No change.
#   performance_check             Parse FlowMonitor logs and report performance
#   rsync_flows                   Rsync all of raw flow data to backup host
#   rsync_monitors               Rsync all of Tracking data to backup host
#  New Scripts, Files, and Tools
#   FlowViewer_Replay.cgi         Presents saved FlowViewer reports
#   FlowViewer_SaveManage.cgi     Manages saved reports
#   FlowViewer_Sort.cgi           Sorts FlowViewer reports
#   FlowViewer_UI.cgi             Utilities for creating user interface
#   FlowGrapher_Replay.cgi        Presents saved FlowGrapher reports
#   FlowMonitor_Dashboard.cgi     Manages the Dashboard contents
#   FlowMonitor_Display.cgi       Presents a FlowMonitor
#   FlowMonitor_DisplayPublic.cgi Presents a FlowMonitor from Public list
#   FlowMonitor_Management.cgi    Manages FlowMonitors (e.g., remove, etc.)
#   FlowMonitor_Recreate          Background process to recreate FlowMonitors
#   FlowMonitor_Thumbnail         Invoked to create a Thumbnail FlowMonitor
#   FlowViewer.css                FlowViewer cascading style sheet
#   FV_button.png                 New button link to FlowViewer from front page
#   FG_button.png                 New button link to FlowGrapher from front page
#   FM_button.png                 New button link to FlowMonitor from front page
#   convert_pre40_filters         Converts old saved filters (pre version 4.0).
#   flowmonitor_archive_restore   Restores archived FlowMonitors gone astray
#   flowmonitor_grapher_nonlazy   Forces a re-graphing of all FlowMonitor graphs
#   resize_rrdtools               Extends RRDtools created prior to 3-Year graph
#   rwflowpack_start              One-line script starts SiLK collector
#   analyze_netflow_packets       Script analyzes TCPDUMP captured netflow data 
#  Removed Scripts and Files
#   FlowViewer_SavedFilters       File kept saved filters
#  General Notes:
#   This is a major upgrade of FlowViewer. The upgrade preserves this 
#   open-source option for netflow analysis in the age of IPFIX. The user
#   is urged to read through the User's Guide for a better understanding
#   of installation and configuration.
#   Those who upgrade can preserve all previous filters and reports easily.
#   Saved reports are automatically available in the new version. The only
#   manual change requires users to run the 'convert_pre40_filters' script
#   from the command line to move saved filters into the new format. Example:
#   host>convert_pre40_filters .../FlowViewer_3.4/FlowViewer_SavedFilters
#   With Respect to SiLK: The SiLK tool suite, developed by the NetSA group
#   at Carnegie Mellon, is excellent software with equally excellent
#   documentation. Version 3.0 of SiLK together with libfixbuf v1.1.0 are their
#   entree into IPFIX/v9 netflow capture and analysis supporting IPv6. Initially
#   they have chosen to limit the number of IPFIX Information Elements (IE) that
#   the SiLK software will process. They have chosen a set that matches what
#   flow-tools has provided with the addition of IPv6 data, but sadly with the
#   exception of autonomous system (AS) elements. I have requested that they add
#   the AS Elements, but we'll see. They have mentioned a future overhaul
#   (beyond v3.0) to handle the entire IE space through user configuration. As
#   of Spring 2013, SiLK v3.x is not fully through the process required to make
#   the software open-source to the general public but they are proceeding with
#   getting the approval. It is currently freely available to US Federal
#   agencies.
#   The FlowViewer_Configuration.pm file has changed:
#    New parameters (configurable):
#     $dashboard_directory     = "/var/www/html/FlowViewer_Dashboard";
#     $dashboard_short         = "/FlowViewer_Dashboard";
#     $silk_data_directory     = "/data/flows";
#     $silk_bin_directory      = "/usr/local/bin";
#     $sensor_config_directory = "/data/flows";
#     @ipfix_devices           = ("Router_v9_1","Router_v9_2","Test_6509_v9");
#     $sip_prefix_length       = "16";
#     $dip_prefix_length       = "16";
#     $silk_all_only           = "N";
#     $left_title              = "Any Title You Like";
#     $left_title_link         = "http://abc.com/";
#     $right_title             = "Any Second Title You Like";
#     $right_title_link        = "http://abc.com/";
#     $recreate_cat_length     = 1*(60*60); # Time length of concatenated file
#     $thumbnail_width         = 250; # probably should leave this alone
#     $thumbnail_height        = 80;  # probably should leave this alone
#     $filename_color          = "#CF7C29";
#     $dig_forward             = "/usr/bin/dig +time=1 +tries=1 ";
#     $default_identifier      = "DNS"; # "IP" for addresses; "DNS" for names
#    Removed Parameters
#     $bg_color                = "#FFFFFF";
#     $text_color              = "#000000";
#     $link_color              = "#000000";
#     $vlink_color             = "#BF294D";
#     $monitors_title          = "Your Company Name";
#     $user_logo               = "Generic_Logo.jpg";
#     $user_hyperlink          = "http://www.yourcompany.com/";
#   With respect to the "Relay" scripts, many of you may already have resolved
#   this issue by setting up a generic 'FlowViewer' directory and simply
#   re-linking it to the new version's directory. I've been told this is proper
#   :-). It certainly makes good sense. Otherwise the "Relay" approach is best
#   explained below in Version 3.4 Release Notes.
# Version 3.4 Release Notes
#  Update - 8/17/2011 - Fixed FlowViewer bug when requesting time periods just
#  shy of midnight. This had already been fixed in FlowGrapher. Modifications
#  were made to FlowViewer_Main.cgi.
#  Update - 5/20/2011 - Modifications have been made to FlowGrapher_Main.cgi to
#  fix a problem caused by the new speed-up processing. The speed-up was not
#  accounting for Daylight Savings considerations.
#  It's been awhile, so version 3.4 will fix a myriad of little problems which
#  I mostly can't remember. The primary new capabilities include:
#   1. In most cases, the user may now switch the device without losing entered
#      filter criteria
#   2. The different tool logos now provide a link to the Saved Reports page
#   3. Users can now provide a meaningful name for saved FlowViewer and 
#      FlowGrapher reports
#   4. Fixes to an end-of-year problem have resulted in a 8% speed up of 
#      FlowGrapher in general
#   5. Users can select to limit FlowGrapher stats to no-zero data points, 
#      if desired
#   6. Fixed problems with sorting
#   7. Corrected the graphing by 'flows' (was graphing 'flags' :-)
#   8. Can now provide up to 20 source or destination IP address/address ranges
#   9. Can now exclude specified IP addresses from a larger included address
#      range
#  New Scripts and Files:
#   FlowGrapherM.png            New logo link points to Saved reports web page
#   FlowGrapherS.png            Revised logo link for naming of Saved Reports
#   FlowViewerM.png             New logo link points to Saved reports web page
#   FlowViewerS.png             Revised logo link for naming of Saved Reports
#   FlowMonitorM.png            New logo link points to Saved reports web page
#   flowcapture_restart         Renamed script for restarting flow-captures
#   flowmonitor_restart         New script for re-starting FlowMonitor_Collector
#  General Notes:
#   Remember to copy into the new directory (e.g., 
#   /usr/lib/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.4) user logos, names file, as_names, 
#   NamedInterfaces_Devices, NamedInterface_Exporters, FlowViewer_SavedFilters,
#   etc., from the old cgi-bin directory.
#   The simplest way to transition to the new version is to leave all 
#   FlowViewer_Configuration.pm settings alone except:
#    $reports_directory       = "/var/www/FlowViewer_3.4"; 
#    $reports_short           = "/FlowViewer_3.4"; 
#    $graphs_directory        = "/var/www/FlowGrapher_3.4"; 
#    $graphs_short            = "/FlowGrapher_3.4"; 
#    $monitor_directory       = "/var/www/FlowMonitor_3.4"; 
#    $monitor_short           = "/FlowMonitor_3.4"; 
#    $cgi_bin_directory       = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.4"; 
#    $cgi_bin_short           = "/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.4"; 
#    $work_directory          = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.4/Flow_Working"; 
#    $names_directory         = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.4"; 
#    $log_directory           = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.4"
#   The following can remain the same (or copy contents to the new directory):
#    $save_directory          = "/var/www/FlowViewer_Saves"; 
#    $save_short              = "/FlowViewer_Saves"; 
#    $filter_directory        = ".../FlowMonitor_Files/FlowMonitor_Filters";   
#    $rrdtool_directory       = ".../FlowMonitor_Files/FlowMonitor_RRDtool";
#   If this is an upgrade for you (e.g., from v3.3.1) I recommend using the
#   FlowViewer_Relay.cgi, FlowGrapher_Relay.cgi, and the FlowMonitor_Relay.cgi
#   scripts to alert users to the new version with links and a reminder to
#   change their bookmarks. In each of the relay scripts tailor the following 
#   line to your environment (point to the new FlowViewer_Configuration.pm file):
#    require "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.4/FlowViewer_Configuration.pm";
#   ... then, in your old cgi-bin directory (e.g., FlowViewer_3.3.1), copy the
#   following:
#    cp FlowViewer_Relay.cgi FlowViewer.cgi
#    cp FlowGrapher_Relay.cgi FlowGrapher.cgi
#    cp FlowMonitor_Relay.cgi FlowMonitor.cgi
#   Now, when users go to their book-marked FlowViewer web page, they will be
#   directed to the new one. FlowMonitor_Relay.cgi is particularly important
#   this is an upgrade it copies over archived FlowMonitors which would be a 
#   bit tedious to copy by hand.
#   The rsync_flows and rsync_monitors scripts are useful for easily backing
#   up all raw netflow data and FlowMonitor state information (Filters and
#   RRDtool databases.) The FlowViewer_CleanFiles script is useful for deleting
#   aging files that are not necessary anymore. I run it out of 'cron' once a
#   day.
#   The performance_check script can be used from the command line to keep track 
#   of how well your implementation is performing. I run it against my
#   FlowMonitor_Collector.log file to see how things are going. Here at the
#   NASA Earth Observing System network I have over 200 FlowMonitors and
#   they complete in an average of 44 seconds. FlowMonitor_Collector runs every
#   five minutes and I watch for runs that take longer than five minutes.
#   Even in those situations, however, FlowMonitor_Collector seems to continue
#   on with no real visible effects.
# Version 3.3 Release Notes
# ### Version 3.3.1 fixes a FlowMonitor_Collector bug when using exporters
#     Also fixes problem for users without devices at all. If you are not
#     using any devices (or exporters) you will now have to set:
#     $no_devices_or_exporters = "Y"; Fixes FlowGrapher sorting of host
#     names. This version fixes the problem of links to Trackings embedded
#     in Group graphs not lining up properly. Fixes problem with 
#     FlowMonitor_Grapher not printing out named interfaces. Fixes 
#     FlowGrapher graph and output to now have exporter name. Fixes 
#     problem with end-of-month graphs (missing days_in_month.)
# New Capabilities
#   1. Some devices will now have 'named interfaces' (thanks C. Kishimoto)
#   2. The user can now save filters of interest and recall them later
#   3. Data can now be analyzed by Exporter ID (in addition to device name)
#   4. Users can now set thresholds on FlowMonitors, and be alerted
#   5. Users can now sort FlowGrapher output based on column type
#   6. FlowViewer now provides Pie Charts
#   7. Capability added to apply a Sampling Multiplier to output
#   8. FlowMonitors now have a '3 year' graph
#   9. The user can now generate text listings of FlowMonitor output
#  10. Filtering on next-hop has been added
#  11. Logging has been made more flexible (e.g., less data)
#  12. Preserve latest three notations (was keeping first three)
#  13. Can now specify and display time-zones
#  14. A hook has been provided for a User Logo with link out of FlowViewer
#  15. New file cleanup scripts have been added
#  16. Unit Conversion capability has been added (thanks C. Kishimoto)
#  17. Can now graph Flows, Packets as well as Octets (thanks E.Lautenschlaeger)
#  18. Improved AS name resolution (thanks S. Cardus)
#  19. New saved_directory for storing saved Reports and Graphs.
# New Scripts and Files:
#  FlowGrapher_Sort.cgi        Sorts FlowGrapher Detail Lines by column
#  FlowMonitor_Dumper.cgi      Invoked by link in Trackings, prints text values
#  FlowViewer_Save.png         New logo with links for saving filters, reports
#  Flowgrapher_Save.png        New logo with links for saving filters, reports
#  FlowViewer_CleanASCache     Tool used to remove obsolete AS name resolutions
#  FlowViewer_CleanFiles       Tool used to remove old intermediate files
#  FlowViewer_CleanHostCache   Tool used to remove obsolete host name resolutions
#  FlowViewer_Relay.cgi        Optional: points users to new version (see Notes)
#  FlowGrapher_Relay.cgi       Optional: points users to new version (see Notes)
#  FlowMonitor_Relay.cgi       Optional: points users to new version (see Notes)
#  flowcap                     Optional start-up script for flow-tools and 
#                              FlowMonitor
#  NamedInterfaces_Devices     Holds interface names for SNMP device indices
#  NamedInterfaces_Exporters   Holds interface names for SNMP index (exporters)
#  FlowViewer_SavedFilters     Created during processing to hold saved filters
# Notes:
#  Many thanks to Carles Kishimoto, Eric Lautenschlaeger, and Sean Cardus for 
#  their ideas and code contributions. Thanks to Dario La Guardia for pointing
#  out a graphing problem that turned out to be a rounding error in FlowGrapher.
#  Credit to Peter Hoffswell for the idea of linking the tools.
#  There are no new software dependencies with FlowViewer version 3.3.1, however
#  Named Interfaces now requires Javascript in the browser to operate.
#  If you are having trouble with creating Tracking Groups, you may have a
#  problem with the installation of RRDs.pm. This needs to be placed in a
#  library that Perl includes in it's @INC array. For a fix, see the FlowViewer
#  FAQ on the web site.
#  Using the 'Relay' scripts (these are optional)
#   If you have other users and you would like to point them to the new version,
#   copy the included 'Relay' scripts over the old FlowViewer.cgi,
#   FlowGrapher.cgi and FlowMonitor.cgi scripts in the last version's directory.
#   For example:
#    In the old directory /htp/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_3.2:
#    mv FlowViewer_Relay.cgi  FlowViewer.cgi
#    mv FlowGrapher_Relay.cgi FlowGrapher.cgi
#    mv FlowMonitor_Relay.cgi FlowMonitor.cgi
#   Then, when the user goes to the old FlowViewer, he will be provided a link
#   to the new FlowViewer, and asked to change his bookmarks.
#  Setting up crontab file for cleaning FlowViewer files:
#   min   hr  dom  moy  dow    command
#     5   0    *    *    *     .../FlowViewer_3.4/FlowViewer_CleanFiles
#                                > .../FlowViewer_3.4/cleanup.log 
#                                2 >> .../FlowViewer_3.4/cleanup.log
#  The file cleanup is controlled by parameters in FlowViewer_Configuration.pm:
#   $remove_workfiles_time   = 86400;     
#   $remove_graphfiles_time  = 7*86400; 
#   $remove_reportfiles_time = 7*86400;
#  Remember, whichever crontab account this is started from must have adequate 
#  permissions to remove files created by the web process owner (e.g., apache.)
# Documentation
# The FlowViewer User's Guide is available on the FlowViewer Website:
#   http://ensight.eos.nasa.gov/FlowViewer
# Dependencies
# - FlowGrapher requires the Perl GD and GD:Graph packages
#   gd package. Thomas Boutrell's graphics package written in 'C'
#   GD package: http://search.cpan.org/~lds/GD-2.30/
#   GD::Graph package: http://search.cpan.org/~mverb/GDGraph-1.43/
# - FlowViewer.cgi requires the GDBM or NDBM capability in Perl
# - FlowMonitor requires RRDtool (at least version 1.2.12)
#   RRDtool: http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool
# Contents
# FlowViewer_Configuration.pm
# This file contains parameters that configure and control the 
# FlowViewer, FlowGrapher, and FlowMonitor environments. This package 
# should remain in the same directory that the CGI scripts are in.
# FlowViewer_Utilities.pm
# This file contains processing used by multiple programs (e.g., to
# create the Report Parameters output for each tool, and other utilities
# (e.g., 'epoch_to_date' which converts between typical date formats 
# and 'seconds since 1972') that are invoked by other scripts. This 
# package should be placed in the same directory as the CGI scripts.
# FlowViewer.cgi
# This script produces the web page which provides the user the form
# for entering analysis selection criteria for FlowViewer. Version 3.0
# reorganized the processing. FlowViewer.cgi is now the old
# create_FlowViewer_webpage. This change permits the input date and time
# to be updated with each invocation.
# FlowViewer_Main.cgi
# This script responds when the user completes the selection criteria
# form and submits the 'Generate Report' command. The script creates a
# flow-tools filter file based on the selection criteria. Based on the
# input time period, the script concatenates the relevant flow-tools
# data files for the selected device. The location of the flow-tools
# raw data files is specified via the 'flow_data_directory' parameter.
# The script then invokes the selected statistics/print report flow-tools
# program and reformats the output into HTML. An option is available in
# FlowViewer_Configuration to have this script use the NDBM capability
# (for caching resolved host names) instead of the default GDBM
# capability for users whose Perl distribution does not have GDBM.
# FlowGrapher.cgi
# This script produces the web page which provides the user the form
# for entering analysis selection criteria for FlowGrapher. Version 3.0
# reorganized the processing. FlowGrapher.cgi is now the old
# create_FlowGrapher. This change permits the input date and time
# to be updated with each invocation.
# FlowGrapher_Main.cgi
# This script responds when the user completes the FlowGrapher selection
# criteria form and submits the 'Generate Graph' command. The script
# creates intermediate processing files exactly like FlowViewer above.
# The script then parses intermediate output, fills time buckets, and
# generates a graphic image. Textual output accompanies the graph. An
# option is available in FlowViewer_Configuration to have this script use
# the NDBM capability (for caching resolved host names) instead of the
# default GDBM capability for users whose Perl distribution does not have
# FlowGrapher_Sort.cgi
# This script is invoked when the user clicks on a column header for the
# Detail Lines of a FlowGrapher report. The textual data on the page is
# sorted and re-presented.
# FlowGrapher_Colors
# This file contains a translation between textual color names and their
# RGB value counterparts.
# FlowMonitor.cgi
# This script produces the web page which provides the user the form
# for entering analysis selection criteria for FlowMonitor. The script
# also provides the user with the ability to review, revise, or remove
# existing monitors. FlowMonitor was new in version 3.0. 
# FlowMonitor_Main.cgi
# This script responds when the user completes the FlowMonitor selection
# criteria form and submits the 'Establish Tracking' command. The script
# responds to the users desire to create, remove, or revise a monitor.
# FlowMonitor_Group.cgi
# This script controls the building of groups from existing Individual
# FlowMonitors. The user has the ability with FlowMonitor v3.2 to create
# 'groups' from pre-defined Individual monitors. A Group Tracking has no
# RRD database associated with it, but simply creates a multifaceted graph
# from several existing monitors. The Group 'merges' the Individual graphs
# onto a single graph.
# FlowMonitor_Dumper.cgi
# This script is invoked when the user clicks on a link within the
# FlowMonitor graph labeled '[List values]'. The script dumps the 
# RRDtool contents onto a web page.
# FlowMonitor_Collector
# The script is started once by the user and placed in the 'background'.
# The script will execute and then sleep for the duration of a five minute
# period, essentially running every five minutes. For each existing monitor, 
# the script applies the associated filter to the flow data and extracts the
# amount that occured during a 5-minute window approximately 30 miuntes
# earlier. This is to permit long-running flows to have been exported and 
# available to the collector. The script then divides the total bits by 
# 300 seconds to get an average bits-per-second rate during the period.
# The data point is then provided to RRDtool for storage. The script
# should be started out of the cgi-bin directory.
# FlowMonitor_Grapher
# The script is started once by the user and placed in the 'background'.
# The script will execute and then sleep for the duration of a five minute
# period, essentially running every five minutes. The script runs the
# RRDtool graph function for each existing monitor. Daily, weekly,
# monthly, and yearly graphs are updated with the latest information. The
# script creates an html page for each monitor that includes the filter
# parameters and the four graphs. The script also creates an overall web
# page ($monitor_webpage) that provides links to all active monitor pages.
# The script should be started out of the cgi-bin directory.
# FlowViewerM.png
# The FlowViewerM logo with links. Leave this file in the 'cgi-bin_directory', 
# the FlowViewerM.cgi script will place a copy of the image in 
# 'html_directory'. This image contains mapped links to FlowGrapher and
# FlowMonitor such that those input pages are pre-loaded with the filter
# criteria from FlowViewer.
# FlowViewerS.png
# The FlowViewerS logo with links. Leave this file in the 
# 'cgi-bin_directory', the FlowViewerS.cgi script will place a copy of the 
# image in 'reports_directory'. This image contains mapped links to the other
# tools as well as links for saving the filter used or the report generated.
# FlowGrapherM.png
# The FlowGrapherM logo with links. Leave this file in the 'cgi-bin_directory', 
# the FlowGrapherM.cgi script will place a copy of the image in 
# 'graphs_directory'. This image contains mapped links to FlowViewer and
# FlowMonitor such that those input pages are pre-loaded with the filter
# criteria from FlowGrapher.
# FlowGrapherS.png
# The FlowGrapherS logo with links. Leave this file in the 
# 'cgi-bin_directory', the FlowGrapherS.cgi script will place a copy of the 
# image in 'graphs_directory'. This image contains mapped links to the other
# tools as well as links for saving the filter used or the report generated.
# FlowMonitorM.png
# The FlowMonitor logo with links. Leave this file in the 'cgi-bin_directory', 
# the FlowMonitorM.cgi script will place a copy of the image in 
# 'monitor_directory'. This image contains mapped links to FlowViewer and
# FlowGrapher such that those input pages are pre-loaded with the filter
# criteria from FlowMonitor.
# FlowViewer_Save.cgi
# This script moves temporary save files into a permanent residence
# as defined by either the 'reports_directory' or 'graphs_directory'
# environment variables.
# FlowViewer_CleanFiles
#  A utility for cleaning out temporary files that have been left
#  over from debugging (e.g. $debug_files = 'Y'). Files older than
#  the following configurable parameters are removed:
#   $remove_workfiles_time   = 86400; 
#   $remove_graphfiles_time  = 7*86400; 
#   $remove_reportfiles_time = 7*86400
#  See above for crontab settings for running this automatically.
# FlowViewer_CleanASCache
# A utility for cleaning out from the AS resolving cache ($as_file) a 
# resolved AS name that is no longer valid.
# FlowViewer_CleanHostCache
# A utility for cleaning out from the DNS resolving cache ($names_file) 
# a resolved host name that is no longer valid.
# FlowViewer_Relay.cgi, FlowGrapher_Relay.cgi, FlowMonitor_Relay.cgi
# Short scripts that refer users from version 3.3.1 to version 3.4. This
# keeps you from having to notify users to go to a different web site.
# flowcapture_restart
# A shell script used for starting up and restarting flow-captures. Tailor 
# this for your environment.
# flowmonitor_restart
# A shell script used for starting up and restarting FlowMonitor_Collector
# and FlowMonitor_Grapher. Tailor this for your environment.
# Generic_Logo.jpg
# This image is to be replaced by your own image that can point back to
# anywhere (e.g., your overarching NMS system.)
# NamedInterfaces_Devices
# This file is used for SNMP index to named interface translation. This file 
# provides translation when you are saving data by individual devices. Examples
# are provided.
# NamedInterfaces_Exporters
# This file is used for SNMP index to named interface translation. This file 
# provides translation when you are saving data into a single directory but
# for (possibly) multiple devices differentiated by EXPORTER_ID. Examples are
# provided.
# Configuration parameters
# The FlowViewer, FlowGrapher, and FlowMonitor scripts all use parameters
# in the FlowViewer_Configuration.pm file to control the environment that
# they run in. Here is a brief explanation of some of the relevant 
# parameters:
# $ENV(PATH) - modify as appropriate for your installation
# $FlowViewer_server - IP address of server hosting this software
# $FlowViewer_service - Either HTTP (port 80) or HTTPS (port 443)
# $reports_directory - Directory to hold saved FlowViewer reports
# $reports_short - Reports directory beginning from web server default
# $graphs_directory - Directory to hold saved FlowGrapher reports
# $graphs_short - Graphs directory beginning from web server default
# $monitor_directory - Directory to hold FlowMonitor monitors
# $monitor_short - Monitor directory beginning from web server default
# $filter_directory - Directory in which to keep FlowMonitor filter files
# $rrdtool_directory - Directory in which to keep FlowMonitor RRDtool files
# $cgi_bin_directory - Directory which holds cgi scripts
# $cgi_bin_short - cgi-bin directory beginning from web server default
# $flow_data_directory - Directory that holds all flow-tools data files
# $exporter_directory - Directory where netflow stored for multiple exporters
# $flow_bin_directory - Directory where all flow-tools reside
# $rrdtool_bin_directory - Location of RRDtool programs
# $work_directory - Directory to store intermediate files 
# $names_directory - Directory to save permanent 'names' file
# $flow_capture_interval - Interval beyond end point to capture all flows
# $flow_file_length - Length (in seconds) of each of your flow files 
# $devices - List of device names exporting netflow (see #4 below)
# $no_devices_or_exporters - Set to "Y" if you have no devices and no exporters
# $N - Used to control directory organization (see #5 below)
# $dig - Location of DNS utility 'dig' (set to nslookup if required)
# $actives_webpage - Name of HTML file which will list your Trackings
# $monitors_title - Title for HTML page which lists Trackings
# $user_logo - Filename of image used for your logo
# $user_hyperlink - Link associated with $user_logo
# $use_even_hours - Will start default time periods at the top of the hour
# $use_NDBM - Some Perls don't have GDBM (default), but do have NDBM
# $start_offset - Offset from current time for beginning pre-loaded time period
# $end_offset - Offset from current time for end of pre-loaded time period
# $flow_capture_interval - Minutes beyond end period for collecting all flows
# $flow_file_length - Size (minutes) of each flow-tools flow file (default = 15)
# $labels_in_titles - Whether to print FlowMonitor title in the graph itself
# $debug_files - If Yes, will not remove intermediate files
# $collection_offset - Seconds into past to begin collection period
# $collection_period - Period to examine for FlowMonitor (keep at 5 minutes!)
# $use_existing_concats - DEPRECATED. Re-use concatenations (much faster)
# $rrd_dir_perms - (And others) UNIX directory or file permissions
# The rest of this file contains basic parameters such as colors, etc. Each
# parameter is dicussed in more detail in the User's Guide.
# Additional Considerations
# 1. Directory permissions for the subdirectories created for the
# 'htdocs', 'work', 'names', 'cgi-bin' (e.g., FlowMonitor_Filter, 
# FlowMonitor_RRDtool) directories must permit the owner of the web
# server process (e.g., apache) to write into these directories.
# The directories may have been created by a different user. Version 3.0
# introduced the use of $dir_perms. There are several of these included
# in FlowViewer_Configuration.pm. These are the permissions that the
# scripts will set your various FlowViewer files and directories to.
# They default to '0777' which permits the open interaction between the
# web server process owner and the FlowMonitor background process owner.
# You may want to adjust these permissions differently according
# to your security policies, and whether you use the same or different
# accounts for the web and background processes.
# 2. FlowViewer and FlowGrapher offer the ability to save interesting
# reports. To do this, the scripts save a temporary copy of every report
# in advance of the user electing to save it permanently. These 
# intermediate files will accumulate in the 'work' directory specified
# in the FlowViewer_Configuration file. These files could be removed 
# daily via a cron script to prevent unecessary use of disk space. When
# the user elects to save a report, it is copied into either the 
# 'reports_directory', or the 'graphs_directory' depending on which 
# function he is running. See discussion of FlowViewer_CleanFiles above.
# 3. FlowViewer and FlowGrapher offer the ability to resolve NetFlow IP
# addresses into their host names on the fly. This process is speeded
# up by caching names into a 'names' file which resides in the directory
# specified by the 'names_directory' parameter. This parameter defaults
# to /tmp, but this may not be the best directory for you since it will
# disappear with a reboot. As you are building up your 'names' file
# with early runs, you will notice the speed increase dramatically
# as the 'names' file is used more. The process of resolving names is
# the primary reason for slower overall FlowViewer performance. You
# should preferably use the GDBM array database which is fastest.
# However, not all Perl distributions support GDBM but most do support
# NDBM. The '$use_NDBM' flag in FlowViewer_Configuration.pm will 
# cause the FlowViewer_Main and FlowGrapher_Main scripts to use NDBM.
# 4. The FlowViewer and FlowGrapher reporting features use a flow-tools
# data directory layout that has a particular device at the top. A
# typical flow-tools directory looks like:
# /flows/router_1/2005/2005-07/2005-07-04
# The device name (router_1) is obtained from an array called 'devices'
# in the FlowViewer_Configuration.pm file. Populate this array with your
# device names. If your flow-data file structure does not include a
# device name, for example you are collecting only from one device, set
# the @devices array to empty (i.e., @devices = ("");) On the web page
# you can ignore the Devices pulldown selection.
# As of version 3.3, users may now apply FlowViewer to directories that 
# collect from multiple sources, differentiated by EXPORTER_ID. If you
# are using this method (i.e., all flow-captures going into a single
# directory), simply set the $exporter_directory parameter to the
# directory that is set up to store the flow-data files.
# 5. Different organizations store captured netflow data differently
# according to the 'N" setting on the flow-capture statement. However,
# there is a bug in the flow-tools documentation such that the default
# value is truly '3' and not '0' as indicated. I have set $N = 3 to
# reflect the more common setting. The directory structure associated 
# with $N = 3 is shown below:
# /flows/router_1/2005/2005-07/2005-07-04
# If you are not seeing output, please check this setting.
# 6. Version 3.2 introduces Groups. Intermediate RRDtool databases are 
# created on the fly in order to create a temporary FlowMonitor graph that
# shows the user how the final graph will look. It uses the Perl RRDs.pm
# RRDtool module to speed this up. Make sure your RRDtool distribution
# has a compatible RRDs.pm module.
# Change Log
# Version 3.4 - March 17, 2011
# See Version 3.4 Release Notes above
# Version 3.3
# See Version 3.3 Release Notes above
# Version 3.2
# Version 3.2 introduces Group monitors which are simply a monitor graph
# made up from the merging of several predefined Individual monitors onto
# one graph. There are no permanent RRDtool databases associated with a Group.
# In the construction of a group however, temporary RRDtool databases are 
# created to simulate how the Group will eventually look. The new script 
# FlowMonitor_Group uses RRDs.pm (comes with RRDtool) to generate these 
# transient databases quickly. Please ensure that your RRDs.pm module is 
# compatible with your RRDtool distribution (this should normally be the 
# case - but if you see "ERR: can't handle RRD file version 0003" in 
# DEBUG_GRAPHER, you'll need to upgrade your RRDs.pm.
# This version also includes a 'speed-up' for FlowMonitor_Collector which
# now concatenates once for each device. This is controlled by 
# $use_existing_concats, which defaults to "Y".
# Version 3.2 will continue to work happily along with earlier version
# exiting Filter and RRDtool files. There are no new FlowViewer_Configuration
# parameters of consequence. There are now two types of monitors; Individual
# and Group. The FlowMonitor input screen will default to Individual which is
# the same as the existing monitors.
# Woj Kozicki has contributed an Autonomous System (AS) resolving capability 
# and it is included in v 3.2.
# New FlowViewer, FlowGrapher, and FlowMonitor logos have been developed for 
# version 3.2. These new logos provide embedded links to the other tools so that
# the user can switch between them easily and retain input parameters.
# Version 3.1
# 1. Added MIN, MAX, AVG, 95th PCT to FlowGrapher
# 2. Added ability to 'archive' monitors
# 3. Added ability to enter port ranges separated by a colon (:)
# 4. Can now use any mask length for networks (1 - 32)
# 5. Added RRDgraph 'lazy-mode' option to speed up graphing
# 6. Upgraded FlowViewer/Grapher ability to go back more than 30 days
# 7. Added the ability to configure file permissions
# 8. Improved speed of FlowGrapher for larger values of 'detail lines'
# 9. Fixed $rrdtool_bin-directory variable name
# 10. Added ability to retain intermediate files for debugging
# 11. Sorted list of Active Trackings
# 12. Fixed bug where non-zero 'cutoof lines' would supress some reports
# 13. Fixed FlowViewer rate output to calculate average from all flows
# 14. Fixed FlowMonitor_Collector log output (to collect_period_average)
# Version 3.0
# 1. Major new addition of FlowMonitor
# 2. Reorganized scripts so that the date and time fields are updated
#    with each invocation
# 3. Moved common code (e.g., filter creation) to FlowViewer_Utilities.pm
# 4. Improved Report Parameters output formatting
# 5. Provided host names capability for FlowGrapher (thanks Mark Foster)
# 6. Introduced debug and logging capabilities
# 7. Merged GDBM/NDBM into a single script (thanks Ed Ravin)
# Version 2.3
# 1. Modified FlowGrapher record processing to not call 'timelocal' for
#    epoch times. Other speed improvements. Result: up to 10 times faster.
# 2. FlowGrapher error leaving spikes is fixed (thanks Mark Foster)
# 3. Bug with concatenation when $N=0 fixed (thanks Dave Faught)
# Version 2.2
# 1. Added flow_select parameter to control which flows are considered
#    with respect to the specified time period
# 2. Removed Easterm Time (ET) notation. All times are system local
# Version 2.1
# 1. Fixed concatenation. Needs to start one flow file length before start time
# 2. Fixed end-of-year problem in FlowGrapher
# 3. Small problem for time requests that end just before midnight
# Version 2.0
# 1. Used pipe (|) instead of reading intermediate files (thanks Woj Kozicki!)
# 2. Introduced configurable variable $N specifies flow-directory nesting levels
# 3. Reduced default value of variable $flow_capture_interval to 1800
# 4. Created FlowViewer_NDBM.cgi for users whose Perl does not have GDBM
# 5. Created configurable 'work_directory' separate from cgi_bin_directory
# 6. Sped up concatenation for requests that cross day boundaries
# 7. Added filter fields: Protocol, TOS Field, TCP Flags
# 8. Added some more syntax checking
# 9. Added FlowGrapher capability (requires GD for Perl)
# Version 1.0 (Original)
# Vital Assistance
# Special thanks to those FlowViewer users who provided feedback and valuable
# suggestions, including Sejin Ahn, Mark Boolootian, Bogdan Ghita, Woj Kozicki,
# Ed Arvin, Alex Shepherd, Mike Smith, Scott Wingfield, Vali Magdalinoiu, Ed
# ravin, Eric Lautenschlaeger, Sean Cardus, Carles Kishimoto, Shigeki Taniguchi,
# Dave Faught, Peter Hofwell, Dario La Guardia, Mike Stowe, Chris Spitzlay and
# Mike Donnelly. Big thanks to fellow toiler in the NASA vineyard Mark Foster
# for some detailed testing, excellent suggestions, and code to go along with it.
# Thanks from all of us to NASA whose unending support of innovation in all fields
# has resulted in this toolset.
# Bugs, recommendations
# If you need help installing, have a question, discover a bug, or have a 
# recommendation, please send an email to:
# Joe Loiacono
# jloiacon@csc.com
# FlowViewer is being developed at NASA by a contractor in the employ of the
# United States Federal Government in the course of his official duties.
# Pursuant to Title 17, Section 105 of the United States Code, this software is
# not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. FlowViewer is
# an experimental system. NASA assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use
# by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its
# quality, reliability, or any other characteristic.
Source: README, updated 2015-04-06