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readme.txt 2011-05-10 772 Bytes
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####### EverSync Readme ########

** Server **
	* Requirements:
		-Webserver with php-5.3 or higher installed.
	* Installation:
		To install the server just copy all the server files into your web dir.
		The server needs read/write-access in "/files"
	* Testing:
		Open "http://localhost/path/on/server/install.php" and follow the instructions.
		Now you can login with your admin account on: "http://localhost/path/on/server/"

** Client **
	* You can start client with: java -Djava.library.path=. -jar EverSync*
	* To "install" EverSync use: "install".
	* Type help to get a list of available commands.
	* Type log to get the recent log entries.

** Note **
	* If you want to start EverSync in background you can use the "eversync" startup script. (Linux)
Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-05-10