Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ESSPEE_R5_Live_DVD 2014-04-06
ESSPEE_R4_Live_DVD 2013-08-05
ESSPEE_R3_Live_DVD 2013-01-26
ESSPEE_R2_Live_DVD 2012-10-25
ESSPEE_R1_Live_DVD 2012-10-25
ESSPEE_Live_DVD 2012-10-18
README 2014-04-17 6.2 kB
Totals: 7 Items   6.2 kB 0
Probably, it will be the last revision of ESSPEE (Though, I hope I shall overcome my personal commitments very soon and will be back with new ideas and concepts)

It has been a sole effort to provide the most featured linux Operating System in the field of Information Security since Oct 2011.

I hope the open source community will appreciate it.




1. Installation procedure :-

   - I have divided ESSPEE in two parts...
       (a) One is bare Ubuntu OS with essential programs installed as per best suitable configuration.
       (b) The other is Arsenal Pack which includes most shouted security and foresics oriented tools.
   - At first install OS (ESSPEE-R5.iso) either by making bootable USB or burning on DVD.
   - Partition size for filesystem should be at least 25 GB.
   - Post installation of OS, Extraction of "ESSPEE-R5-Supplementary-Files" to the installed OS.
   - For convenience of users, I have already placed bash scripts to extract each highly compressed file 
     consists of metasploit, cuckoovm for virtualbox and hashcat-gui directories.
   - Execute these commands in terminal :-
         chmod +x *.sh
   - Thats all. ESSPEE is now installed completely on your system.

2. Forensics Mode :-

   - It is IMPORTANT to note that "Forensics Mode" will only work in Live CD Mode and NOT with the installed system.
   - To perform forensics investigation one need to boot the System with Live OS (Either through bootable USB or DVD)
   - During bootup, select "ESSPEE - Forensics Mode" in Menu.
   - Thereafter, the Live OS will be completely write protected for any sort of data storage devices (IDE, SATA or USB)
   - Any block device when mounted will be write protected.
   - However, I have placed a script to remove the write protection.
     Execute in terminal - "forensics-disable"
   - Forensics mode will disable both "WRITE-MODE" and "NETWORK"
   - To enable network, execute in Terminal "Stealth-disable"
3. Stealth Mode :-

   - It will also work in Live CD Mode only and NOT with the installed system.
   - During bootup, select "ESSPEE - Stealth Mode" in Menu.
   - To enable network, execute in Terminal "Stealth-disable"

4. Featured Bash Scripts :-

   - There are many bash scripts I have written to make things easier in Linux.
   - You can execute these scripts on the Right-Click of Mouse anywhere (Except in Web Browser)
   - These scripts are placed in /root/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/
   - The most featured scripts are
     (a) BitLocker - Mount and access BitLocker encrypted drives in Linux.
     (b) Data Recovery - View and Recover from NTFS filesystem.
     (c) File Analysis - The most important one is "File Content Viewer", which can look for strings into binary files too.
     (d) Malware Analysis - The most important one is "VirusTotal Report" about a file with/without submission. 
     (e) Obfuscation - Bash and Perl script obfuscation.
     (f) ....and the ultimate "Text & Files" utilities to perform many actions on files.

5. Many featured applications included :-

     (a) Android File Manager
     (b) Google Play Apps Downloader
     (c) Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit
     (d) Bokken Disassembler
     (e) Audio Tag Editor
     (f) Perl Auto Connector
     (g) Xtreme Download Manager (Alternative for IDM in Linux)
     (h) Multiaxel Downloader and many more .........................

6. Latest Kernel 3.13 compiled with 1000 MHz Kernel frequency (more than three times faster than normal ubuntu kernel)
   and optimum utilisation of todays multicore processors.
7. At last, Multimedia :-

   - SMPlayer and Totem (Movie Player) - Both are able to play almost all audio & video formats.
   - Handbrake - I personally found it best video transcoding (video converting) software till date. Even better than "ffmpeg".

8. MD5 Checksum

443a6b6c970f3ce7702e681418d65e34  /ESSPEE-R5/ESSPEE-R5-Supplementary-Files/hashcat-gui-extract.sh
d7d4ce65c4e23eaf85954f473656be24  /ESSPEE-R5/ESSPEE-R5-Supplementary-Files/metasploit-extract.sh
880c901cd4fac55780e741cc82a592df  /ESSPEE-R5/ESSPEE-R5-Supplementary-Files/metasploit.squashfs
6235d66b23a32225811dcd2b06d76f2c  /ESSPEE-R5/ESSPEE-R5-Supplementary-Files/hashcat.squashfs
ccd9f4ad4bd8309937b95b55b354fd82  /ESSPEE-R5/ESSPEE-R5-Supplementary-Files/cuckoovm.squashfs
5e3c123c89b2e2b53cdef16a313562db  /ESSPEE-R5/ESSPEE-R5-Supplementary-Files/cuckoo-vm-extract.sh
5493cb8f2c29b1114f9a88d514d479cd  /ESSPEE-R5/Xtreme-Download-Manager.exe
642922d6125a3bbde2287038c9d9ddca  /ESSPEE-R5/Xtreme-Download-Manager.deb
f1e6080c4e1fed2512edc51093e2a2cd  /ESSPEE-R5/README
1383b7075559725b0a79b609417228ce  /ESSPEE-R5/ESSPEE-R5 Live DVD.iso
76b0831ecb822df332788c7709adb680  /ESSPEE-R5/MD5 Checksum

9. Download links :-

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3u0e5yDgVUrcWQyTTUyakRsTGM&usp=sharing 	# ESSPEE-R5 Folder

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUra1g5Ti00ZlJZTzg/edit?pli=1			# ESSPEE-R5 Live DVD.iso
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrclBIZXN4clZaYzA/edit?pli=1			# Xtreme-Download-Manager.deb
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrMHdIZTdqcFZIekk/edit?pli=1			# Xtreme-Download-Manager.exe
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrMHlsNWtLcFVqUmc/edit?pli=1			# cuckoo-vm-extract.sh
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrdWN0RTJUdUM0SjQ/edit?pli=1			# cuckoovm.squashfs
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrbFdrM0ZwNGNRV2c/edit?pli=1			# hashcat-gui-extract.sh
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrOVNZU0hzY2FBSlE/edit?pli=1			# hashcat.squashfs
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrRDVpck93TmJqUXc/edit?pli=1			# metasploit-extract.sh
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrMm96SERMb1prYXM/edit?pli=1			# metasploit.squashfs
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3u0e5yDgVUrSWxXMXdpbkxGZTg/edit?pli=1   		# MD5 Checksum

Source: README, updated 2014-04-17