Home / 0.08.00
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
elia_0.08.00.zip 2011-05-11 6.9 MB
README.TXT 2011-05-11 2.4 kB
elia_0.08.00.jar 2011-05-11 2.2 MB
Totals: 3 Items   9.1 MB 0
Installing ELIA on Windows

1) Ensure Java JRE is installed, version 1.6 or higher
     - check by typing "java -version" in Command Prompt
     - download from http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp
2) Download and run latest version of elia_0.00.00.jar
3) Follow installation steps as guided by the installer

Installing ELIA on OSX or Linux

Please see the ELIA User Manual

Running ELIA

Please see the ELIA User Manual

Release Notes

  Includes the following changes:
    - standardized .elia file-format so that future versions will
      always be able to read older versions of experiment files
    - incomplete trials that are missing either eye-tracker data or
      word data now highlight in yellow in trial tree
    - trial tree tooltips to show supplemental information about a trial
    - fixed problems with exporting when there are incomplete trials
    - fixed problem with New Look performance degradation
    - first implementation of progress dialog for export(still needs
  Adds the following changes:
    - installer provided for Windows release
    - PDF user manual

  Includes the following capabilities:
    - import Tobii/E-Prime .gazedata files, although other comma or
      tab-separated text files may also work
    - integration of live speaker input by allowing import of
      separate .csv files that define word timings
    - establish time window of interest within each trial, defined
      by the start and end of specific spoken words(or other temporal
    - align 0 time within a trial to the start of a specific spoken
      word or other temporal event
    - plotting of time-course analyses by trial type, with ability
      for user to select specific trials and subjects to include in
      a plot
    - support for removal of "looks"/fixations that occur before a
      specific time within each trial
    - support for proportioning of fixations to exclude periods in
      which no gaze was associated with the defined area of interest
      (so sum of values for each object/area of interest will always
      be 1.0)
    - export of overall time-course analysis as .csv file
    - export of per-subject time-course analyses in .csv file
Source: README.TXT, updated 2011-05-11