Home / 0.06.01
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
elia_0.06.01.zip 2010-08-10 6.4 MB
elia_0.06.01.exe 2010-08-10 6.5 MB
README.TXT 2010-08-10 1.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   12.9 MB 0
Installing ELIA on Windows

1) Download and run latest version of elia_0.00.00.exe
2) Allow self-extraction to default directory C:\Program Files\ELIA
3) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to install directory
4) Review license epl-v10.html (double-click)
5) Run setup.bat (double-click it)
6) Ensure Java JRE is installed, version 1.6 or higher
     - check by typing "java -version" in Command Prompt
     - download from http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp

Running ELIA on Windows

1) Organize Tobii/E-Prime *.gazedata files for an experiment into a
   single directory with no other *.gazedata files.
2) Open a Command Prompt.
3) Use "cd" to navigate to experiment directory:
     e.g. >cd "c:\documents and Settings\ian\desktop\my experiment"
4) Copy template experiment.properties from c:\Program Files\ELIA
   to experiment directory:
     >copy "d:\program files\elia\experiment.properties"
5) Edit experiment.properties as appropriate for your experiment.
     e.g. >notepad experiment.properties
6) run ELIA
Source: README.TXT, updated 2010-08-10