Home / v2.3_v0.2_linux_driver
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README.TXT 2014-07-27 12.4 kB
linux_cm160_driver_v0.2.tgz 2014-07-27 41.0 kB
Electric_OWL_V2.3.exe 2014-07-27 5.8 MB
electric_owl_manual.pdf 2014-07-27 595.1 kB
electricowl_2.3.tgz 2014-07-27 3.2 MB
Totals: 5 Items   9.6 MB 0
 * Change log
 * 2.3
 * - Packaging change in order to separate the Linux CM160 device driver from 
 *   the ElectricOWL release. The linux_cm160_driver.tgz file now contains the
 *   CM160 device drivers. This allows the drivers to be updated without a
 *   new electricowl release.
 * - Added installation script for a pre built cp210x (CM160 device) driver 
 *   onto a raspberry pi 3.6.11 kernel so that users may use the cm160server
 *   without having to rebuild the raspberrypi kernel. 
 * - Updated the details of how to rebuild the driver on the raspberry pi for
 *   the raspberry pi 3.6 kernel.
 * - Updated the Makefile for Ubuntu machines to make and install the cp210x
 *   kernel module.
 * - In the electricowl GUI don't report the error ~//.eowl.view.SetupPlotDialogConfig.cfg (No such file or directory)
 *   as config file will not be present initially.
 * CM160Server.py changes
 *   v1.16
 *   - Ignore errors seting the locale as some platforms may not support it. Previously this 
 *     caused a crash.
 *   - When down loading history, output data every second rather than showing every record 
 *     added which slowed down the data download. Data is only committed to the db on display
 *     to improve performance on slower (E.G raspberrypi platforms).
 * 2.2
 * fix problem in cm160Server. cm160Server moves to version v1.15
 * Correctly set the locale in the python code to fix exceptions E.G
 * Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method Server.handle_socket of <
 * Server(Thread-2, started daemon 2940)>>
 * Traceback (most recent call last):
 *  File "cm160Server.py", line 878, in handle_socket
 *  File "cm160Server.py", line 911, in __handleClientCmd
 * File "cm160Server.py", line 945, in __getLogData
 * File "_strptime.pyc", line 325, in _strptime
 * ValueError: time data '2012-dic-11 00:00:00' does not match format '%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S'
 * 2.1
 * - Fix bug in CM160Server. It is possible for the CM160 device to initially
 *  not be detected because of a protocol error in the data from the CM160 
 *  device. The CM160Server could then get into a state where it would 
 *  repeatedly attempt to find a CM160 device but fail. This has been 
 *  fixed.
 * - Fix bug in CM160Server. In the event of a read error or user pressing 
 *   Ctrl C, restart the queuereader and server to allow the ElectricOWL
 *   GUI to connect to CM160server.
 * 2.0
 * - Fix bug in CM160Server that caused the server to crash somtimes with an
 *   invalid month error.
 * 1.99
 * - Added check in the linbux cm160Server.py installation script that pyserial
 *   is installed on the Linux platform.
 * 1.98
 * - ElectricOWL GUI change. The socket read timeout has been extended from 10 
 *   seconds to 30 seconds as problems have been seen when connecting to remote 
 *   servers wit hread timeouts.
 * - ElectricOWL GUI change. If unable to connect to an OWLServer or CM160Server
 *   client then attempt to reconnect after a 1 second delay is made.   
 * 1.97
 * - CM160 Server changes
 *   - The CM160Server will now run on Linux as well as Windows. Many Thanks to 
 *     Barry McMullin for his valuable work in this regard. See the cm160Server.py
 *     file for details of changes made. 
 *   - The CM160Server now stores data in an sqlite database file by default in order
 *     to overcome an inherent problem with the previous version where the CM160 
 *     device did not return data in date/time order. This caused data to be lost 
 *     which has now been fixed.
 *   - Added a feature to forward data from the sqlite database file to a text file 
 *     so that users who have scripts which operate on text file data can still use 
 *     their scripts. 
 * - ELectricOWL changes
 *   - The sensor drop down box in the history dialog would not always be populated
 *     with the sensor list. Fixed.
 *   - Added history dialog warning users if the entered start date is before or
 *     equal to the stop date.
 *   - Fixed bug which caused data to spread from the history plot to the realtime 
 *     data plot in the ElectricOWL GUI.
 * - Added a new package (tgz) file to be used to install the CM160Server and 
 *   ElectricOWL software onto Linux platforms. This includes a driver for the 
 *   CM160 device and some details of how to install this. Again Many thanks to
 *   Barry McMullin for his work in generating this driver code.
 * - Updated the manual to detail software installation and use on Linux platforms.
 * 1.96
 * Bug in cm160Server code, that stopped the TCPIP server startup. This meant 
 * that the ElecticOWL java GUI could not connect to it. Fixed.
 * 1.95
 * - When the CM160Server is started with the --no_compat option. 
 *   - The log file ends year_month_day.txt. The date is the date on which the 
 *     CM160 device recorded the energy usage data.
 *   - The TCP file server is not started as this allows the ELectric OWL client
 *     to connect which it can only do when this argument is not used.
 * 1.94
 * - The CM160Server.py, -s (serial port) option does not work. Fixed.
 * 1.93
 * - Add support for the CM160Server, in order to read and plot data from the OWL CM160 (OWL+USB) device.
 * 1.92
 * - Added the ability to save the contents of a history plot to a log file. The log
 *   file is in the same format as the OWLServer log file. Updated manual to reflect 
 *   this change.
 * - Another attempt to fix the Italian localisation issue. This time reproduced the
 *   symptom and tested the fix.
 * V1.91
 * Patch release to fix Italian localisation issue. Should have replaced . characters in data with : characters.
 * V1.9
 * Changes to the client software.
 * - Work around for Italian localisation issue where C# time is formatted HH,MM,SS, 
 *   and Java expects time as HH:MM:SS.
 * - Added an electricowl_debug.bat file that prints some debug info to stdout. This 
 *   will hopefully provide some debug data for localisation issues.
 *   Changes to the server software
     * 1.0.987
     * Handle UnauthorizedAccessException on Windows 7 when the C:\\owl_server_log.txt path is not writable.
     * In this case the temp path is used (same file name) as the store for the sensor data.
 	 * 1.01986
     * Change the default delay (between device init and availability check) from 0.1 second to 1 second to
     * improve the reliability of the availability check.
     * Add the ability to change (command line option) the default delay between initialising the USB Connect 
     * device and checking if the device is available. This allows the delay to be extended if the USB connect
     * device is not detected.
     * 1.01985
     * Fix startup bug when the log file does not exist.
     * 1.01984
     * Add some extra text to stdout to indicate when the USB connect device is detected and initialised.
 * V1.8
 * - Problem introduced in V1.7. OWLServer.exe, .net target changed to 3.5 due to corruption of the SharpDevelop project.
 *   Rebuilt SharpDevelop OWLServer project (set target as 32 bit, .net 2.0) and recompiled.
 * - Take more care of the error handling when converting old log file formats to new log file formats in the 
 *   OWLServer code to handle situations where the log file does not exist and where the log file is empty.
 * - On the Electric OWL client side if Double values are passed with comma's in convert them to . separated
 *   work around localisation differences between dotnet and Java.
 * V1.7
 * - Change the format of OWLServer log files to be semicolon separated rather than 
 *   comma separated. This is because in France localisation may cause number to 
 *   have comma's in them, E.G
 *   SENSOR_DATA=383,2,59,19,79248740,27,2010-06-19 07:01:41
 *   instead of this
 *   SENSOR_DATA=383,2.59,19,79248740.27,2010-06-19 07:01:41
 *   This change involved 
 *   - Changing the format the file was saved (use semicolons to separated the data rather than commas) by the OWLServer.
 *   - Adding code to convert existing log files from comma separated to semicolon separated text when the OWLServer starts up.
 *   - Changing the Java client code to expect semicolon separated data rather than comma separated data from the OWLServer.
 *   Therefore the first time the new OWLServer starts up it will convert the log file (C:\owl_server_log.txt) from the 
 *   old format to the new format. The old file will be renamed to C:\owl_server_log.txt.original in this process.
 *   The time taken to perform this conversion will vary based on the spec of the machine that it's running on but 
 *   should take around 20 seconds pre 100 MB of log file.
 *   Thanks to kalemena for testing this.
 * - Getting historical data could be error prone when large log files are present.
 *   The OWLServer and Electric OWL code to get historical data has been restructured
 *   and the design changed in order to make the progress bar update more 
 *   accurate (the progress bar now represents how far the search through 
 *   the log data has progressed). Also the cancel button on the progress 
 *   bar will stop the log being sent to the client (Electric OWL) from 
 *   the server (OWLServer) as soon as the cancel button is selected.
 *   Previously the user had to wait for the entire log to be sent 
 *   before the OWLServer would continue to log data.
 * V1.6
 * - Bump to next general release version number.
 * V1.54
 * - Add a feature where the user can set a max power limit (in KW) in the 
 *   configuration dialog. When the power detected is greater than this
 *   value and external command (user configurable) can be executed. 
 *   Also when the power is over the configured maximum they are highlighted
 *   on the plots in red to indicate the period of time the power usage was
 *   over the configured maximum. 
 * - Add tool tips for each setup/config dialog menu item.
 * - Allow the user to adjust the max plot time for the main plot up to a
 *   max of 1 hour. 
 * - Modify windows installer to provide the option of running the OWLServer 
 *   on startup.
 * - Fix problem with installer: When requested to install a desktop icon, no
 *   desktop icon was installed.
 * - Updated the manual document to include the changes to the GUI.
 * V1.53
 * - Removed init sensors option from config dialog and added to the File menu.
 * V1.52
 * - Recompiled the OWLServer so that it runs on 64 Bit platforms.
 * V1.51
 * - Added an init option to the main menu to init the USB connect device attached 
 *    to the server in order to see if this will recover the situation when the 
 *    USB connect device appears to lock up and stop detecting sensors.
 * V1.5
 * - Change Y axis label on cost graph to Cost(�) rather than 'Cost (�) per kWh'
 * - When GUI made visible of hidden the plot updates can be delayed as the CPU 
 *   spends it's time displaying the window. If this delay is long enough to span 
 *   the gap between polls then an exception is thrown because the plot occur 
 *   in the same time period. Fixed by using addOrUpdate rather than add which 
 *   will not throw an exception in the event of a overlapping time period.
 * - Provide definition of the max digit count of numbers shown in the log file 
 *   to limit them to sensible resolutions. 
 * - When starting up, the status log now details the location of the OWLServer 
 *   logfile.
 * - Added an exception stack trace to the status log to aid debugging of any 
 *   problems reported.
 * - When a sensor is detected present a default name for the sensor (Mains 
 *   followed by the sensor address) and auto select this sensor name if the 
 *   user does not enter a different name within 20 seconds.
 *   Previously if a sensor was found and the user did not enter a name when 
 *   the dialog was presented it would block the update of other sensors which
 *   caused the stream buffers on the server connection to fill up.
 * V1.4
 * The history plot is now in a useful state.
 * V1.3
 * Fixed misc bugs in the V1.2.
 * v1.2
 * Change so that OwlServer logs data and GUI retrives data from history held at Owl server
 * v1.11
 * Started log file impl
 * v1.1
 * Fix negative period value when Electric OWL just installed
 * Set default cost to 0.01 
 * * v1.0
 * Initial release.
Source: README.TXT, updated 2014-07-27