Home / Source-Code
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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eanalytics_src_0.92.zip 2012-09-03 21.9 MB
eanalytics_src_0.9.1.zip 2011-09-21 32.7 MB
eanalytics_src_0.9.zip 2011-09-14 24.4 MB
Totals: 3 Items   79.1 MB 0
Release notes eAnalytics 1.1.3 (2015-05-19)

   eAnalytics version 1.1.3 is available as Debian installation package. 
   This version handles an "outdated certificate" problem of some Flash files. All early versions
   of eAnalytics produce an "Error #2046" message on every login attempt since May 6th, 2015.
   In case you should have receiced an "Error #2046" message, this error will persist - even with any new
   version of eAnalytics (as long as you login from a client browser that includes the Flash files in
   the browser cache)!
   This means that you have to clear your browser cache if you have ever used the eAnalytics front-end with an 
   version prior to eAnalytics 1.1-2. In many cases it is sufficient to clear use the corresponding
   eAnalytics function of the browser (e.g. Firefox, Safari). If the problem persists please follow
   the instructions on 
   In case you would like to stay with your current eAnalytis installation you have install the eAnalytics patch
   "eanalytics_patch_error_2046.deb". The patch can be applied to all previous versions of eAnalytics. For more details 
   consult the corresponding Readme file.

   System requirements:
      - You can install this new version on a fresh Ubuntu Server (14.04) 64bit
      - Prior to installation you have to install a couple of other packages using following commands 
        apt-get update
        # This command must end without any error or warning messages)
        apt-get -q -y install perl libnet-smtpauth-perl libhtml-parser-perl libgeo-ip-perl apache2 
        apt-get -q -y install libapache2-mod-jk apparmor-profiles php5 openjdk-6-jdk tomcat6 unzip zlib1g-dev
        # Important notice: The MySQL installer will ask tree times for a root password. Just hit enter (in all three cases)!
        # The password will be set later in the installation process
        apt-get -q -y install mysql-server-5.5
        - Just download the file "eanalytics_1404f_1.1.3_amd64.deb" to your Ubuntu Server, e.g. with the command 
          wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/eanalytics/files/Debian-Package/eanalytics_1404f_1.1.3_amd64.deb
        - Then the package installation can be started by following command:
          dpkg -i eanalytics_1404f_1.1.3_amd64.deb
   A video describing details of the installation and first tests can be found on the eanalytics website: 
   (The video describes the installation of a previous version, but is still valid. Except the list of packages 
   you have to install prior to the installation of eAnalytics has changed.)

Release notes eAnalytics 1.1-2 (2015-05-16)

   eAnalytics version 1.1-2 is available as Debian installation package. 
   This version handles an "outdated certificate" problem of some Flash files. All early versions
   of eAnalytics produce an "Error #2046" message on every login attempt since May 6th, 2015.
   In case you should have receiced an "Error #2046" message, this error will persist - even with any new
   version of eAnalytics (as long as you login from a client browser that includes the Flash files in
   the browser cache)!
   This means that you have to clear your browser cache if you have ever used the eAnalytics front-end with an 
   version prior to eAnalytics 1.1-2. In many cases it is sufficient to clear use the corresponding
   eAnalytics function of the browser (e.g. Firefox, Safari). If the problem persists please follow
   the instructions on 
   In case you would like to stay with your current eAnalytis installation you have install the eAnalytics patch
   "eAnalytics_error_2046_patch". The patch can be applied to all previous versions of eAnalytics. For more details 

   System requirements:
      - You can install this new version on a fresh Ubuntu Server (14.04) 64bit
      - Prior to installation you have to install a couple of other packages using following commands 
        apt-get update
        # This command must end without any error or warning messages)
        apt-get -q -y install perl libnet-smtpauth-perl libhtml-parser-perl libgeo-ip-perl apache2 
        apt-get -q -y install libapache2-mod-jk apparmor-profiles php5 openjdk-6-jdk tomcat6 unzip zlib1g-dev
        # Important notice: The MySQL installer will ask tree times for a root password. Just hit enter (in all three cases)!
        # The password will be set later in the installation process
        apt-get -q -y install mysql-server-5.5
        - Just download the file "eanalytics_1404f_1.1-2_amd64.deb" to your Ubuntu Server, e.g. with the command 
          wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/eanalytics/files/Debian-Package/eanalytics_1404f_1.1-2_amd64.deb
        - Then the package installation can be started by following command:
          dpkg -i eanalytics_1404f_1.1-2_amd64.deb
   A video describing details of the installation and first tests can be found on the eanalytics website: 
   (The video describes the installation of a previous version, but is still valid. Except the list of packages 
   you have to install prior to the installation of eAnalytics has changed.)
Release notes eAnalytics 1.1-1 (2015-03-20)

   New eAnalytics version 1.1 is available in form of a Debian installation package.

   System requirements:
      - You can install this new version on a fresh Ubuntu Server (14.04) 64bit
      - Prior to installation you have to install a couple of other packages:
        apt-get update
        apt-get -q -y install perl libnet-smtpauth-perl libhtml-parser-perl libgeo-ip-perl apache2 
        apt-get -q -y install libapache2-mod-jk apparmor-profiles php5 openjdk-6-jdk tomcat6 unzip zlib1g-dev
        # Important notice: The MySQL installer will ask for a root password. Just hit enter!
        # The password will be set later in the installation process
        apt-get -q -y install mysql-server-5.5
        - Just download the file "eanalytics_1404f_1.1-1_amd64.deb" to your Ubuntu Server, e.g. with the command 
          wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/eanalytics/files/Debian-Package/eanalytics_1404f_1.1-1_amd64.deb
        - Then the package installation can be started by following command:
          dpkg -i eanalytics_1404f_1.1-1_amd64.deb
   A video describing details of the installation and first tests can be found on the eanalytics website: 
   (The video describes the installation of a previous version, but is still valid. Except the list of packages 
   you have to install prior to the installation of eAnalytics has changed.)

Release notes eAnalytics (2012-09-25)

   New eAnalytics version is available as source code download and Debian installation package.

   Changes/modifications and new features available with the new version:
    - The new version fixes a bug with the SQL processing: The Debian package could be installed, the front 
      end worked fine, but the SQL-processing did not work properly

Notes on 0.9.2

Changes/modifications and new features available with the new version:


 - new filter options

Twitter interface

 - overall revised version
 - more details on followers are retrieved
Adwords interface

 - overall revised version (incl. update to Google Adwords API 8.7)
 - Adwords API authenication now works with the MCC account, which makes the interface set up much easier 
 - also placement data is retrieved
 - improvements of interface efficiency
 - improved logging
 - bug in ad retrieval fixed

  - Live view added including prediction
  - New social marketing report: New Twitter followers, lost Twitter followers
 Debian Package
  - Installation process is consiuderably easier now 
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2015-05-19