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Release Notes - dcm4chee-web - Version dcm4chee-web-3.0.4

** Sub-task
    * [WEB-372] - Warn if user edits an object which is too old
    * [WEB-1017] - Refactor TC specific stylesheets for darkroom support
    * [WEB-1037] - Fix usage of DatePicker
    * [WEB-1038] - Fix Internal Error Page

** Bug
    * [WEB-646] - Deleting a role is not propagated to the user which has this role
    * [WEB-722] - System properties should follow the same format as the mbean values in the web config
    * [WEB-733] - Java-Speicher column title in System Information should be all in one line in IE 9
    * [WEB-745] - Functionality "Select all studies " cannot be used if the studies are only expanded at Patient level
    * [WEB-748] - Restoring from trash does not check if file already exist
    * [WEB-750] - Cannot create a Report group with names containing umlaut
    * [WEB-886] - case change at searching not supported for fields different than patient name 
    * [WEB-889] - Printed table has no separation nor end between table columns in reports
    * [WEB-903] - Internal error when switching languages and editing/viewing selected TF in IE9
    * [WEB-929] - chars with umlaut are not  displayed correctly sometimes in IE9
    * [WEB-932] - New created AE titles cannot be seen unless searching again
    * [WEB-948] - Adapt warning for move entity to trash in case w/o pat_id_issuer
    * [WEB-954] - Adding or removing additional attributes drops performed changes
    * [WEB-960] - Error after login is confusing
    * [WEB-961] - Update of StudyStatusID just updates BLOB, not DB entry
    * [WEB-962] - Display issues in series with large number of instances in IE9
    * [WEB-969] - Webinterface not available with activated jmxremote
    * [WEB-971] - Wrong date shown for very old studies
    * [WEB-973] - Resetting the search after searching for patients does not enable the 'Latest studies first' checkbox
    * [WEB-974] - AEs are not filtered by roles
    * [WEB-981] - Change "Patient Species/Rasse-Hautfarbe" in Search area of TF
    * [WEB-986] - Improve description of Worklist Providers and Called AE Titles variables
    * [WEB-990] - Wrong architecture
    * [WEB-991] - dcm4chee-web3 is built against org.joda.time v1.6 which is too old and outdated for some time zones.
    * [WEB-992] - It is not possible to configure DICOM_QR_ONLY as WadoURL
    * [WEB-993] - Mpps2mwlAutoQuery doesn't find all MWL-items according to search criteria
    * [WEB-998] - Deleting remaining empty series during move fails
    * [WEB-999] - AutoUpdate Scheduler doesn't start automatically
    * [WEB-1000] - security-servlet: localhost not resolved
    * [WEB-1001] - arrURL: localhost not resolved
    * [WEB-1004] - "Open Images" from TCE detail view does not work
    * [WEB-1014] - Export Dialogue: Close Button does not work after download of selected entities
    * [WEB-1020] - Missing Audit Messages if whole patient is deleted
    * [WEB-1025] - Display error in Internet Explorer
    * [WEB-1030] - Page navigation in folder is broken.
    * [WEB-1032] - Add name attribute to Code entity to prevent DuplicateMappingException
    * [WEB-1033] - Open link dialog on study level failed with exception if AccNr is only present in second item of ScheduledStepAttributeSequence.
    * [WEB-1035] - JForum exception in log although TCForumIntegrationType=NONE
    * [WEB-1039] - Changes in Teaching Files are not saved
    * [WEB-1042] - java.text.ParseException when selecting a User defined date in Creation Date field
    * [WEB-1044] - DicomExport: Association is not closed after export.
    * [WEB-1046] - Internal error when opening TF for viewing or editing
    * [WEB-1047] - Changes in certain fields are not reflected in the View dialog
    * [WEB-1048] - Umlaute are not correctly saved when entered as values in Teaching File fields
    * [WEB-1049] - Teaching Files: Images field should not be editable
    * [WEB-1050] - Teaching Files: Some editable fiels are not saved 
    * [WEB-1051] - Ethnic Group values are not translated when entered with German UI
    * [WEB-1052] - Teaching Files: Tab Diagnosis in Details and Images in view dialog are always shown in training mode  
    * [WEB-1053] - Teaching Files Creation date search is not giving the correct results
    * [WEB-1055] - Discussion tab is displayed in TF details, even if no JForum is configured
    * [WEB-1056] - View/Edit TF dialog display issues at opening in IE9 and Chrome
    * [WEB-1057] - Bookmarkeable URL displays trimmed fields and original size images in IE9
    * [WEB-1058] - Teaching files: Cannot add .doct or .potx files
    * [WEB-1059] - Linked cases Title and Abstract are not obfuscated although working in Training mode
    * [WEB-1062] - Umlaut characters in patient name are incorrectly displayed in ARR result page.
    * [WEB-1063] - Linked files do not get deleted from linked study
    * [WEB-1064] - Remove tooltip of edit dialog in Linked cases tab
    * [WEB-1065] - Issues regarding adding a keyword from edit dialog
    * [WEB-1066] - Specific Structured Reports not fully visible
    * [WEB-1067] - Improve english message in 'remove link' dialog
    * [WEB-1068] - #S/#I is not updated at pps level
    * [WEB-1069] - Reading Room style is not always applied
    * [WEB-1070] - Can not log in to the App Sever Managemenr
    * [WEB-1071] - does not delete specified study
    * [WEB-1072] - unlinkMpps fails with IntrospectionException
    * [WEB-1073] - Edit of AETitle adds AET to all configured AET groups
    * [WEB-1074] - Resultset not displayed using IE
    * [WEB-1075] - Dashboard not visible
    * [WEB-1076] - IAN is not sent after mpps to mwl linking though sendIANonMppsLinked=true
    * [WEB-1077] - AE Hostnames displayed with commas
    * [WEB-1082] - "Destination" in Audit view is unreadable with multiple activeparticipants and does not provide enough information
    * [WEB-1084] - Moving of instances to patients without issuer generates a new patient with issuer in Central Archive
    * [WEB-1085] - Moving of multiple series belonging to different studys of patient A to patient B does not delete one of the series in original patient
    * [WEB-1088] - Searchfield "Schlüsselwörter" - Drop-Down-Menu is reclosing immediately - special workflow
    * [WEB-1089] - Umlaute are not correctly displayed - effects "Ethnic Group / Ethnische Herkunft"
    * [WEB-1090] - Reset function doesn't clear all of the searching fields
    * [WEB-1091] - Setting a diagnose as not confirm works only with deselecting the confirm checkbox
    * [WEB-1092] - Removing Keywords from a teaching file doesn't work
    * [WEB-1094] - Teaching-Files - Keywords drop down menu throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    * [WEB-1095] - Adding keywords to a Teaching files occurs a problem (automatically changing of keywords)
    * [WEB-1099] - add custom teaching file catalogue - step 4 failed - user defined value is used for the keyword search and teaching file is NOT found
    * [WEB-1103] - Each search request creates lot of 'Markup id set on a component that is usually not rendered into markup.' log messages.
    * [WEB-1106] - Teaching-Files: Saving a ethnic group which contains umlaute in IE doesn't work
    * [WEB-1107] - Teaching-Files/ACR ctalogue: Adding a pathology to a preselected anatomy may work incorrectly - updating column issue
    * [WEB-1110] - WebViewerProvider - Issues with triggering a standalone viewer via http request if more then one viewer is configured
    * [WEB-1112] - 'Reading room':Some external web application use the dark background and get unreadable.
    * [WEB-1128] - Improve description of TCRestrictedAttributes in WebConfig service

** Improvement
    * [WEB-683] - Application jumps to the top when editing study attributes or study permissions or emulating a MPPS
    * [WEB-685] - "Test statement" button should look like a button
    * [WEB-910] - Replace "select/deselect" all buttons by checkbox
    * [WEB-914] - Several minor image-viewer UI improvements
    * [WEB-930] - Teaching-Files: For clarity, just display human-readable meaning of catalogue keyword codes 
    * [WEB-942] - Teaching-Files: Provide drop-down values for patient species attribute
    * [WEB-944] - Teaching-Files: Support searching for teaching-files by creation-date interval
    * [WEB-957] - Teaching-Files: Display of patient age attribute value
    * [WEB-967] - Teaching-Files: Provide random case navigation in view dialog
    * [WEB-972] - Ignore unscheduled Series of specified Modality Types in unscheduled search Filters
    * [WEB-983] - Remove OK dialogs after actions (configurable via WebConfig service)
    * [WEB-994] - User names shall be case insensitive
    * [WEB-995] - Teaching-Files: CSS styling of form input fields
    * [WEB-1002] - Teaching-Files: Use AttributeModificationS to save teaching-file changes
    * [WEB-1003] - Reset button preselected
    * [WEB-1006] - Add Warning Icon to delete Patient dialogue
    * [WEB-1007] - User shall be warned if the resultset of the search gets large
    * [WEB-1008] - Possibility to get a list of all studies deleted within a date range
    * [WEB-1009] - Provide even clearer warning regarding complete patient delete
    * [WEB-1010] - Prevent long lasting search from stalling GUI
    * [WEB-1019] - Possibility to have a role which is able to edit study permissions, but not edit data
    * [WEB-1022] - Relative date ranges for URL parameter studyDate
    * [WEB-1041] - Provide a method in MPPSForward service which allows forwarding an MPPS by providing the MPPS IUID and the destination AE
    * [WEB-1054] - Teaching Files :GUI Improvements in user defined creation date box
    * [WEB-1096] - Simplify linking teaching files [Validation]
    * [WEB-1097] - Improve fast date search
    * [WEB-1098] - Change the handling of ethnic origin [Validation]
    * [WEB-1100] - TCForumIntegrationType is very input sensitive - 'JForum ' delivers a wrong behaviour
    * [WEB-1109] - Provide possibility to call an Viewer with Study Instance UID of a Teaching File

** New Feature
    * [WEB-892] - Add 'Reading Room' base-style CSS and add style selection to gui.
    * [WEB-919] - Teaching-Files: Support searching for multiple keywords
    * [WEB-943] - Teaching-Files: Provide RADLEX terminology as teaching-file keyword catalogue
    * [WEB-945] - Teaching-Files: Send audit messages to local ARR when a teaching-file is being created, edited or viewed
    * [WEB-946] - Teaching-Files: Support linking of teaching-files among each other
    * [WEB-947] - Teaching-Files: Provide trainings mode (self-test mode)
    * [WEB-949] - Teaching-Files: Support references to other non-dicom files
    * [WEB-966] - Teaching-Files: Support basic case navigation in the view dialog
    * [WEB-996] - Collaboration platform for TF
    * [WEB-997] - Testing platform in Teaching Files
    * [WEB-1012] - Provide a search in trash for deletion date range
    * [WEB-1024] - Update status of published_study table if study is changed (move entities, deletion,..)
    * [WEB-1026] - Teaching-Files: Support bookmarkable case page
    * [WEB-1028] - Option to utilize a KO Rejection Note and resend data for any change performed by a user
    * [WEB-1031] - Use 'Search' title in folder as search button to reduce mouse movements.
    * [WEB-1081] - Add a 'About page' that shows version info and can be opened via click on logo image. 
    * [WEB-1086] - WebViewerProvider: Add support for standalone viewer that can be triggered via http requests.

** Task
    * [WEB-752] - Update old example reports
    * [WEB-941] - Teaching-Files: Rename patient species translation
    * [WEB-1011] - Test and Fix compatibility with IE10
    * [WEB-1015] - Add Breast Thomo SOP Class to Image SOP Class List
    * [WEB-1018] - Change build version to 3.0.4-SNAPSHOT
    * [WEB-1036] - Switch to wicket 1.4.22
    * [WEB-1129] - Release 3.0.4
Source: readme.txt, updated 2014-03-21