Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
CVM-Forth-with-Android-121030.zip 2012-10-30 1.6 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-121030.tgz 2012-10-30 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120716.zip 2012-10-30 1.6 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120716.tgz 2012-10-30 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120710.zip 2012-07-15 1.6 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120710.tgz 2012-07-15 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120706.zip 2012-07-10 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120706.tgz 2012-07-10 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120630.zip 2012-07-06 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120630.tgz 2012-07-06 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120616.zip 2012-06-17 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120616.tgz 2012-06-17 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120212.zip 2012-02-12 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-120212.tgz 2012-02-12 1.5 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110906c.zip 2012-02-12 1.2 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110906b.zip 2012-02-12 1.2 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110906.zip 2011-09-06 1.2 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110904.zip 2011-09-06 1.2 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110831.zip 2011-08-31 1.1 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110828.zip 2011-08-29 1.1 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110827.zip 2011-08-28 1.1 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110826.zip 2011-08-27 1.1 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110825.zip 2011-08-26 1.1 MB
CVM-Forth-with-Android-110824.zip 2011-08-24 1.1 MB
cvmforth.tgz 2011-02-11 3.3 MB
cvmforth.zip 2011-02-11 3.3 MB
cvmforth06.tgz 2011-02-11 3.3 MB
cvmforth06.zip 2011-02-11 3.3 MB
cvmforth05.tgz 2011-02-11 3.3 MB
cvmforth05.zip 2011-02-11 3.3 MB
cvmforth04.tgz 2011-02-11 506.2 kB
cvmforth04.zip 2011-02-11 508.3 kB
cvmforth03.tgz 2011-02-11 506.0 kB
cvmforth03.zip 2011-02-11 508.0 kB
cvmforth02.zip 2011-01-27 429.3 kB
README.txt 2011-01-27 1.4 kB
cvmforth01.zip 2011-01-27 429.0 kB
Totals: 37 Items   55.6 MB 0
CVM-Forth is a Forth compiler for the Compiled Virtual Machine CVM.

CVM is a virtual machine running a simple programming language looking like assembly language but with a syntax more similar to C. This virtual machine can be implemented either by interpreting byte code, or by compiling CVM language into machine code of a given processor.

More informations concerning CVM are in the file cvmdoc.txt.

Actually only a subset of the Forth programming language is implemented in CVM-Forth.
A documentation of this language is in the file forthdoc.txt.

The CVM source of CVM-Forth is in the file forth.cvm.

To run it :

 - Interpreted mode under Linux :
    ./cvm-linux-interp r forth.cvm

 - Interpreted mode under DOS :
    cvmint r forth.cvm

 - Compiled mode under DOS :
    cvmint c forth.cvm forth.asm
    tasm forth
    tlink forth+cvmrtlc+cvmrtla

 - Pocket PC or smartphone under Windows Mobile :
    CVM-Forth runs under Pocket Console which is included in Pocket GCC ( pgcc-native.zip ).
    Copy the file forth.cvm to cvm.txt in the root directory of the main memory of the pocket PC.
    Copy cvm-wm-interp.exe and cvm-wm-comparm.exe anywhere in the main memory of the pocket PC (it seems it does not work in a memory card).
    Run the DOS terminal of Pocket Console.
    Run cvm-wm-interp for interpreted mode or cvm-wm-comparm for compiled mode.


Source: README.txt, updated 2011-01-27