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Cloud based software designed for labor unions

Union Impact goes above and beyond in improving the way you manage your member information.

We’re confident you’ll agree that our labor union software is truly the easiest, most efficient, and customizable way to organize all of your union workforce management needs.   In addition to making workflow easier, you’ll find that with our labor union software your organization will become more in tune with your members, contractors, and their surrounding communities.
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Ultra-Fast Large File Transfer is Here

MASV is the fastest and most reliable way for videographers and creators to transfer time critical files to clients.

MASV is the fastest and most reliable way for video and creative professionals to securely send large files. Unlike other file transfer services, MASV is designed for truly massive files (up to 5TB in size), the kind of volume that normally chokes other services.
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Analyze, Control and Reduce your monthly technology spend across your entire enterprise!

Caters to the enterprise information technology (IT) software markets.

WinBill by TeleManagement Technologies is a premier telecom expense management software solution. Easily accessible and equipped with a centralized database of information, WinBill provides businesses with an accurate inventory of all vendors, expenses, and IT services. By leveraging WinBill, you can easily keep track of contracts, effortlessly manage IT budgets, and virtually eliminate late payment fees. Additionally, the solution's flexible reporting tools give users the resources they need to create and schedule reports or have them seamlessly access reporting information through the web. Core features include real-time call collection, toll fraud, real-time socket, network design, and more.
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Utility Billing Software for Utility Bill Management Companies

Make Your Life Easier With Integrated Utility and Municipal Software

It is rich and full-featured. It offers clients the opportunity to improve customer service and satisfaction with an online customer portal where customers can access their account information and pay their bills. It offers the opportunity to increase staff efficiency by taking advantage technology to email bills, email customers from within the system and interface with any meter reading or accounting system.
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The Leading All-In-One Vacation Rental Software for Property Managers

Hostaway helps you grow your property management business by automating and streamlining every aspect of your business

The dashboard and mobile app allows users to manage their marketing, sales, accounting, reporting, payment and communication needs all in one place. As premium partners of channels such as VRBO,, Airbnb, Homeaway and Expedia, with the ability to manage advanced setups, no other platform gives you the type of control and peace of mind that a Hostaway user has. The software is designed with teams in mind - it's easy to train staff and keep them happy while improving business at the same time! Hostaway also provides a booking engine, wordpress website and both marketing and sales tools for managing your valuable direct bookings.

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