Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2012-04-02 2.3 kB
CPUnit_0.95.tar.gz 2012-04-02 112.9 kB
CPUnit_0.9.tar.gz 2011-11-27 110.7 kB
CPUnit_0.8.tar.gz 2011-09-29 107.3 kB
CPUnit_0.7.tar.gz 2011-07-15 106.4 kB
Totals: 5 Items   439.6 kB 2
The README file contains:
1) A quick start guide
2) An overview over the changes in the last release


To get started, do as follows:

1) Installation and verification:
   a) Unzip the contents of the tar-ball, or download the
      sourcecode by other means, to you desired destination.

   b) Run the 'build_cpunit' shell script in a bash shell.
      (or modify the script and run it in your favourite shell)

   c) Move to the 'test' folder and run the script 'build_tests'

   d) Run the file 'tester'. This should produce an output consisting of a
      lot of dots, together with a line saying "OK. (74 tests)" or
      something alike.

2) Write some tests:
   Either look at the tests in the test folder for inspiration, or combine
   this with a peek in the file 'doc/index.html' for a quick intro to the
   main features.

Good luck!

----       CHANGE LOG:

Version 0.95:

* New assert_equal functions added:
  * assert_equals(const char *expected, 
                  const  char *actual);
  * assert_equals(const std::string &expected, 
                  const std::string &actual);

    The first compares C-strings, and is introduced for convenience.
    The second compares std::strings, and is introduced to resolve an
    ambiguity that arised when calling
       assert_equals(string, string, string)
    which matched both of
       template<class T, class Eq>
       assert_equals(T, T, Eq)
       template<class T>
       assert_equals(string, T, T).

* Fixed bug regarding occurrences of negative test times.

* Removed memory leak: tests and fixtures were not deleted correctly
  upon failure to register, and fixtures were never deleted anyways.

* Assert macros added:
      * CPUNIT_FAIL()
      * CPUNIT_FAIL1( message )
      The macros calls the cpunit::fail function, passing file name
      and line number as arguments. 

* Moved cpunit::UnitTestException --> cpunit::CPUnitException

* Miscelaneous lesser changes.

* Version 0.95 is SVN revision 139.

Source: README.txt, updated 2012-04-02