Home / CoolProp / 4.0.0 / Octave
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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3.6.4 2013-12-06
3.6.2 2013-12-06
3.6.1 2013-12-06
README.rst 2013-12-06 2.1 kB
example.m 2013-12-06 5.3 kB
Totals: 5 Items   7.5 kB 0

A wrapper of CoolProp for the Octave programming language (an open-source version of MATLAB)

This CoolProp.oct module is built using SWIG, and is built for octave for windows built with Visual Studio.


Separate versions of the .oct file are available for Octave 3.6.1 and 3.6.2. Put the .oct file for the version you have in somewhere in the octave path, or use the addpath function to add the folder that contains CoolProp.oct to the Octave path

Developer Notes:

  1. On windows, only version 2.0.8 of SWIG seems to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. 3.6.1 needs to use VS 2008 to build; 3.6.2 needs to use VS 2010
  3. In the win32 distro of 3.6.2, the hard-coded path in OCTAVE/bin/include/math.h around line 73 might need to be changed to

/* Include VC++ original math.h */

#include <c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/include/math.h>

depending on where your VS is installed

Building on Linux (Ubuntu in this case)

  1. You will need to run

    sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install octave liboctave-dev swig subversion

    to install the necesary dependencies. The install of octave and subversion might not be necessary but it cant hurt

  2. Check out the full source for coolprop from subversion

    svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/coolprop/code/trunk coolprop-code

  3. Change into the coolprop-code/wrappers/Octave folder

    cd coolprop-code/wrappers/Octave

  4. Call

    octave _OctaveBuilder_Linux.m

  5. Call

    octave sample_code.m

    to run the sample

Building on Raspberry PI

  1. You will need to run

    sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install octave liboctave-dev swig subversion

  2. Download all the sources from subversion using

    svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/coolprop/code/trunk coolprop-code

  3. Change into the folder

    cd coolprop-code/wrappers/Octave

  4. Run the build script

    octave _OctaveBuilder_Linux.m

  5. Call

    octave sample_code.m

    to run the sample

Source: README.rst, updated 2013-12-06