Home / 0.4
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README 2015-12-21 6.2 kB
compositor-0.4.jar 2015-12-21 1.3 MB
compositor-src-0.4.zip 2015-12-21 1.4 MB
Totals: 3 Items   2.6 MB 0
| Compositor history |

Added delegates
Added FTree example
Added FullScreen example
Added GlueTest example
Added RateDate example
Added FileTree Swing component
Added FileOps utility
Added onDividerMoved attribute for split panes
Added fontSize attribute
Added opaque attribute
Added glass pane handling in descriptor
Added ResourceLoader.guessFileType
Added splash screen option
Added larger icons
Added Roller
Added FileGrid
Added HexDump
Added ZipDump
Added AsciiArt/AsciiView
Added ask - convenience method for JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog
Added layered pane handling
Added getPopupMenu for a component
Added sizing of individual table columns
Added value property to radio buttons - get it with
Added constraints for grid cells (GridBagConstraints)
Added update events for textfield
Added wildToRegex
Added button icon attribute
Added colorchooser
Added spinner non-integer types as provided by Swing
Added drag/drop of files to some examples
Added colour to Jetris
Added default frame name, "main"
Added default dialog name, "dialog"
Changed "tooltip" to "toolTip" for consistency
Fixed wild-card methods for drop targets
Fixed bug where config data was saved as an emppty file
Changed sequence of generation: setAttributes now called before addListener
Config: added setBooleanProperty
Config: prevent accidental erasure of config contents
ShowGc example: added params for printing felicity
RETest example: added lookaround to elipsis menu
Env: added TMP_DIR
ArgsHandler: added getIntParameter, getDoubleParameter, getFlags,
Fixes to examples
Fixes for Linux compatibility
Other bug fixes
Documentation improvements

  Notes for upgraders
Your apps should still work but...
 - fixDialog is deprecated in favour of showDialog
 - BREAKING CHANGE: if you used PropertiesConfig it's gone - use Config instead
 - BREAKING CHANGE: a few classes moved package to net.sf.compositor.widgets
 - BREAKING CHANGE: if your app has a method called init, you should rename the
   method to avoid a clash with a superclass method
 - BREAKING CHANGE: if you have written a Generator, parameters to its methods
   should now include UIHandler instead of App
 - BREAKING CHANGE: classes extending FileApp must now implement the method
 - BREAKING CHANGE: the "tooltip" attribute is now "toolTip"
 - LAYOUT CHANGE: the "grid" element defaults have changed - you may need to
   add constraints to "cell" elements. The previous default was "northwest". A
   better value is often "baselineLeading".
If you extended FileApp and you load a file from the command line, look at the
JavaDoc for FileApp.commandLineHandler

Added macro pre-processing of descriptors - see XibbonMacro example
Added textpane (JTextPane)
Added WindowFocusListener handling for __onLostFocus, __onGainedFocus
Added keyboard shortcuts to tool tips
Added playSound method
Added readWriteConfig method to avoid duplication
Added system colour options for foreground and background colours
Added Jetris example
Added Quircus example
Added Decoder example
Syntax: get("window.widget") changed to get("window_widget") for consistency
	(old syntax still works)
Syntax: magic fields no longer require x_ prefix (either syntax works)
Redesigned Examples app UI, including explanations
More tags understood by ExifReader
Allowed clones to be named
Fixed popup menus in clones
Fixed many issues with examples
Proper support for Java 1.5 output - see readme
Log: allow setting of destination by system property
ResourceLoader: get resource by file name if not found by class loader
App: added sizeColsAdjustment
Workround for bug that makes Env.USER_HOME wrong sometimes on Windows
Redesigned documentation and added layout manager help

  Notes for upgraders
Your apps should still work
You will need to recompile any app that uses sizeCols
You will get runtime depecation messages about syntax if you have used

"Checked" actions show their state in toolbar buttons
Added separator tag
Added NativeEditor and NativeBrowser
Added alwaysOnTop attribute for dialogs
Added tooltip attribute for UI widgets
Added support for Groovy and Scala
Added ActionDelayer
Added copyString and getClipboardString to simplify clipboard usage
Added clones
Added support for desktop panes and internal frames (MDI)
Added MultiEdit to illustrate clones and MDI
Added ShowGc example - graphs garbage collection logs
Allowed toolbars anywhere, not just at top of frame
Made numbers align right in cells in Spsh
Common includes, buttonbar_ok and buttonbar_ok_cancel, for dialog button bars
Frames with no explicit positioning use setLocationByPlatform - should cascade
Allowed links in Info
Fixed occasional random test failure
Fixed cut/paste and resizing in RETest
More startup options for Examples apps
No longer have to explicitly set flow layout before using align

  Notes for upgraders

If you used Compositor 0.1 most things will still work in 0.2 but you must make
a couple of changes to your apps.

1 - The XML element toolButton with a big B has changed to toolbutton with a
    small b. This makes the naming of elements more consistent.

2 - The constructor parameters for Info are a little different, as your
    compiler will point out.

The example apps from 0.1 may not compile or run for these reasons.

0.1 and earlier
Changed Xing to Compositor and made it a separate project
Fixed Examples to use any example dir
Stopped info "More" dialog being wider than screen
Fixed smokedoc rendering in IE7
Migrated existing utils from Jhttpd
Made SimplisticXMLParser
Made MapMaker
Made Xing
Added "More..." to Info
Added CDATA section handling to SimplisticXMLParser
Allowed menu accelerators to be more than one character
Use correct menu accelerator mask and menu position on Mac
Moved stuff from Jix to util
Source: README, updated 2015-12-21