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oIrrLicht 2014-11-24
README.txt 2014-11-23 8.9 kB
Totals: 2 Items   8.9 kB 0

Part 1/4 = [History]
Part 2/4 = [How to run au3 examples]
Part 3/4 = [How to build - recompile irrlicht dll]
Part 4/4 = [Copyright ©]

Part 1/4 [History of project]

[2014-11-23 rev.15]
 - Remove unneeded files from .rar that i forgot they were in there.
 - Added gui reciver
 - Added *Work in progress 05.UserInterface and some lacking funcs for it
   While this example do look more that OK i would still like to add more functionality
   to it before marking it as finished, for now it will stay with "Work in progress"
   mark till i'm satisfied that i have enough work invested in it. Note that some things
   like GuiGetMessage can change in name and return value in next UDF version.
   Still lacking CheckBox ComboBox ContextMenu StaticText and alot of other gui elements
   and its funcs that need to be done.
   Note that by adding gui, list of exported funcs increased drasticly coz every gui
   element have its separate set of commands to handle everything. The list now counts
   more than 250 funcs exported and the number will get larger drasticly till my gui
   criteria is fully satisfied.

[2014-11-16 rev.14]
 - Fixed rest of Enums
 - Fixed wrong files from rev.13
 - Added [frankdodd 046.Spotlight.au3] and some lacking funcs for it
   This example is based on frankdodd work translated to AutoIt by Linus and JRowe

[2014-11-14 rev.13]
 - Added [15.LoadIrrFile] and some lacking funcs for it (2 funcs with workaround)
 - Scolor no longer needed, array[4] of Int of Float depending from func is
   its replacement, changed examples to work with arrayes
 -*Work in progress 13.RenderToTexture.au3 example will not work correclty with no
   onEvent, while it do look correctly i know that it does not.
   [13.RenderToTexture] wills stay like that till i finde mroe time to play with it
 -*Cleaned up some of old code with that needed fine tuning on some parametars and
   changed examples to work with them
 -*Changed run parametars to work correctly
 -*Fix on Irr ID-s

[2014-10-31 rev.12]
 - Added 11.PerPixelLighting and some lacking funcs for it

[2014-10-29 rev.11]
 - Added [07.Collision] and some lacking funcs for it, 2 funcs still need some work
 -*Fixed dumb mistakes with Enum flags on au3
 -*Changed au3 and irr code on needed funcs to use Structures
   (it`l influence speed in some cases)

[2014-08-30 rev.10]
 - Done [06.2DGraphics] and lacking funcs for it, 1 func still need some tuning

[2014-08-29 rev.9]
 - Added [08.SpecialFx.au3] and lacking funcs for it
 -*Work in progress [06.2DGraphics.au3]

[2014-06-23 rev.8]
 - Added keyboard and mouse press event handler.
   No need for _IsPressed('0x01') anymore
 - Changed createDevice to handle some events

[2014-06-02 rev.7]
*First public relise of Dll Call interefirance from autoit with source code to irrlicht.h
 - Upgraded and tested on IrrLicht 1.8.1
 - Upgraded and tested on AutoIt 3.3.10.x and UP
 - Added [04.Movement.au3] and some lacking funcs for it
 - Changed dll call handeling, AutoIt 3.3.10.x or UP is needed for future
   running from AutoIt
 - Changed dir path on all au3 examples to correctly target media folder
 - Added *Work in progress 18.SplitScreen.au3 example, will not work correclty
   [18.SplitScreen.au3] will stay like that till i finde more time to play with it

[2014-02-11 rev.6]
 - Added [00.ForTestingFuncs.au3] and some lacking funcs for it

[2012-12-01 rev.5]
*First public relise of Dll Call interefirance from autoit with no source code to irrlicht.h
 - Func list cannot be compared to rev.4 coz of different approach
 - Added func for [00.SourceCodeForRux.au3] showcase for bugfix on animateJoints
 - Minor fixes in funcs

[2012-11-25 rev.4]
*First and last public release of Object interference from autoit with no source code to irrlicht.h

Part 2/4 [To run - au3 examples ... How to get started:]

1) Download form this site latest rev of oIrrLicht Win32-VisualStudio.rar
2) Download irrlicht 1.8.1 (or version declared in rev) from irrlicht or site that is hosting its package site.
3) I assume that you already have AutoIt installed, if not here's the link.

1) Extract everything from rev of oIrrLicht Win32-VisualStudio.rar to "irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio"

Part 3/4 [To build - recompile irrlicht dll, rewrite - expose irrlicht funcs:]

1) Download form this site latest rev of oIrrLicht Win32-VisualStudio.rar
2) Download irrlicht 1.8.1 (or version declared in rev) from irrlicht or site that is hosting its package site.
3) Download and install "Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition" (it have free licence, if on first compile you get error missing windows.h repair your visual c++  from original instalation exe coz it have instalation bug)
   http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7729279  (hope link will not broke ower time)
4) Download and install "Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)" (around 600 mb large, its needed to compile and run with D3D render)(not everyone need this but its nice to have D3D render option aveable, you just need to instal it and nothing else, it just need to be there so irrlicht can pull its libaries automaticly when recompiling)

1) Extract everything from rev of oIrrLicht Win32-VisualStudio.rar to "irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio"
2) Move and replace downloaded irrlicht.h from .rar file to "\irrlicht-1.8\include\"

Irrlicht9.0.vcproj is your project file, locate it inside irrlicht folders, its defolt location is "irrlicht-1.8\source\Irrlicht\", take its shorcut and put it in "irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio" coz there are your other files and that is location where youl get your compiled dll.

1) Start Irrlicht9.0.vcproj with Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
2) Sellect irrlicht.h from left side of meny in Visual C++ 2008 if you need to edit and by dooing so add and expose new funcs in it you do it in that file ( [Solution 'irrlicht9.0' (1 project)] -> [include] -> [irrlicht.h]).
3) Compile project (sellect "build" and your option [build or rebuild solution or irrlicht] from Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition meny)
4) Have fun and do a LIKE on youtube :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCBG6C-XmsU

This project is not original version of irrlicht.
This project is not by any means full wrapper for irrlicht.
This project is example (guide) of how to recompile and add (aka expose, wrap) funcs on original dll and recompile project so that other languages can use dll call functions from it, or access from autoit with Object calls.

Part 4/4 [©]

The example files with .au3 extension is free software (license on the entire work, as a whole): you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. 
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see...:
Under the terms of GNU General Public License only the following component of it are under it: 
   1) UDF IrrLicht.au3
   2) Any example files with .au3 extension 
Components that aren't on above list have its own licence and they are not by any means part of Major Component of this Software, and as that they shud have their own licence. 
If Components that are on above list have its own licence writen in them, their licence is valid over this licence.

© 2010-2014
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-11-23