Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Atheris- 2012-06-05 10.0 MB
Atheris-0.2.5.exe 2012-06-05 11.1 MB
README.txt 2012-03-08 6.5 kB
Atheris-Manual.pdf 2012-03-06 1.4 MB
Totals: 4 Items   22.5 MB 1
#                                      Atheris
#    Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Philipp Eittenberger (University of Bamberg, Germany)
#                   http://sourceforge.net/projects/atheris/
#    Atheris is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
#    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    Atheris is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#    or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
#    Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

                               Version 0.2.5
                               Release Notes
                            Created on 2011-09-30
                         Last modified on 2012-03-08

Atheris is still in the alpha phase, so there are some rough edges and
certainly some bugs left. We would be happy when you let us know
what you think and we are certainly happy when you report about all the
bugs and quirks you encountered at the bug tracker of sourceforge or via email.
Feel free to contact me at any time, if you have further questions,
want to contribute your code, report problems or proposals etc.

Just send an email to:


A short manual with screenshots is available under the help menu of Atheris.
There are installers for Windows and Debian based Linux distros available, 
but if you chose to build Atheris manually, you might find the following information

Prerequisites to install Atheris manually:

	- Java 1.6
	- libpcap
	-> A working version of libpcap needs to be installed with the packet manager of your choice.
	   (e.g. sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev)
	- Warning: A few words on Windows: Atheris is mainly developed and tested on Linux,
			   because Atheris is written in Java, this shouldn't be a problem. However,
			   since Atheris is heavily dependent on jNetPcap, wich is a Java Wrapper
			   for WinPcap/libpcap, things still can go wrong. 
	- Java 1.6
	- Winpcap
	-> Download and install the latest version of Winpcap from http://www.winpcap.org

Build Atheris manually:

There are two possibilities to compile Atheris manually, the first option consists
of copying manually the right files to the right place; the second is to 
manually compile the project with Ant (http://ant.apache.org),
which should do all the copying automatically.

1. Option:

To work properly Atheris assumes that the jNetPcap library is already
installed on your system, i.e. e.g. for a Windows system
you need to copy the jnetpcap.dll (located in the lib folder; respectively
in the x_64 sub-folder for 64 bit versions of Windows)
to the C:/Windows/System32 folder. Another option is to download 
the specific dll you need directly from http://jnetpcap.com/download
When you have copied it to the right place,
then you can double-click on the Atheris.jar (located in the release folder) 
or on newer versions of Windows start it manually in the folder of Atheris,
i.e. where the Atheris.jar is located (e.g. Atheris/dist), with:
		java -jar Atheris.jar

Troubleshooting for Windows:
If you start Atheris and you are not able to capture packets or to load a trace,
most likely Atheris couldn't load the jNetPcap library. 
Try the following steps:

- Start the console as administrator.
- If you have a 64 bit version of Windows, make sure that you don't start
 the console in the 32 bit compatibility mode, but in the 64 bit mode.
- Go to the directory of Atheris and start it manually with:
	java -jar Atheris.jar
- Now, everything should work. If not, don't hesitate to contact us.

If you want to use Atheris under Linux copy the libjnetpcap.so (in the lib folder) to
the folder /usr/lib and go to the release folder and start Atheris as root 
with the following command:

		sudo java -jar Atheris.jar

2. Option

This is the option for the lazy, who are proficient with ant. 
If you have installed a Java compiler and Ant, just compile Atheris with Ant.
At first, get the source code per svn from https://sourceforge.net/projects/atheris/ .
In Linux type "sudo ant", for Windows just "ant", in the root directory of Atheris 
(where the build.xml is). On newer versions of Windows, it is important to start the 
console with administrator privileges. 
If you don't have Ant, you can get it from http://ant.apache.org.
After the successful compilation you will find the Atheris.jar in the dist folder.
On Windows just double-click on the Atheris.jar, on Linux go to the dist folder
and start Atheris with the following command:

		sudo java -jar Atheris.jar

That's it for now.

The main window of Atheris works a lot with drag and drop, i.e.
you can drag the Flows or Connections you are interested
into the SelectedConnections-Window and then visualize
when you switch to the statistics view in the toolbar.
And the same holds if you want to load some recently loaded traces,
just drag and drop them to the loaded traces window.

There are some DLLs of jNetPcap provided in the lib folder, however if you encounter
any problems with them, get the for your system correct ones from http://jnetpcap.com/download
(all supported systems are listed at http://jnetpcap.com/node/270).
Furthermore, you will find all the needed information about how to install jNetPcap on your system here:

If you have further questions or problems jNetPcap consult


or search the forums of jNetPcap:


Feel free to contact me at any time, if you have further questions, problems, proposals etc.

Just send an email to:


Source: README.txt, updated 2012-03-08