
Adempiere Foundation - Decision Time

  • Michael Judd

    Michael Judd - 2007-06-27

    Please read the following:

    General principles of the Adempiere Foundation:

        * Rules of Transparency
        * Rules on Conflict of Interests
        * Rules of Accountability
        * Non-profit (public good/social enterprise)
        * Non-discriminatory (race, religion, country, gender)
        * Guidelines to protect from direct competition with external providers
        * Salary guidelines in place
        * Caretaker of community
        * Mgmt team should have representations from (1) End Users, (2) Developers and (3) Implementors
        * Rules of Non-exclusion
        * It should be simple / minimal
        * Everlasting
        * Cannot be stopped
        * No one owns it
        * Independent from business side

    I propose that any issues be referred to me for discussion and fast resolution with the relevant parties.  We can discuss on irc, skype or by telephone if required.

    I am still waiting the for Commit Committee's input in this matter.  This has been on their agenda and requires their co-operation.

    After great effort I believe we are close to finding a solution to this important issue.  I would appreciate everyones co-operation as the team finalise the foundation issue.


    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2007-06-27

      Mike, but do u mean the Council? or Commit Committee? Also you are offering your office to run things for a start. You shuld announce it openly.

      great regards

    • Michael Judd

      Michael Judd - 2007-06-27

      Commit Committee - they need to define a process where the contributor signs the FLA and then has it sent to someone for filing.  I'm offering up my office admin to do that record keeper duty........


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