
#7 Fix for Bug 229358


I submitted this patch at the tcl project (#102472),
but it belongs here. Can somebody please delete it at
the tcl project?

This patch fixes the clipping of embedded canvas
(see Bug #129358).

It works for me, but I'm not a postscript expert. Could someone with more knowledge please look, if this is the
right way and place to do it?



  • Peter G. Baum

    Peter G. Baum - 2001-01-19


  • Donal K. Fellows

    It looks like it should work; the only problem might be if the buffer being sprintf()ed into is not large enough. Will need to look at the source in detail to work out whether that's a real problem or not...

  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2001-03-23
    • labels: 300100 --> 05. Canvas Items
  • Jeffrey Hobbs

    Jeffrey Hobbs - 2001-03-30
    • summary: Fix for Bug 129358 --> Fix for Bug 229358
  • Jeffrey Hobbs

    Jeffrey Hobbs - 2001-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    Is it really the intent that the inner oval should get
    clipped at all times? Does this reconcile with the user
    being able to specify the range of the canvas that should
    be included (like if it were just part of the inner canvas)?
    The size of the buffer, BTW, would be sufficient.

  • Donal K. Fellows

    • assigned_to: nobody --> hobbs