
Error - Failed to download the video

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  • todhilton

    todhilton - 2007-06-05

    I'm running IE7 (ver 7.0.6000.16448) in Windows Vista and am receiving the error "Failed to download the video" from YouTube.  I just installed the plug-in and it has not worked yet.  Any thoughts?  Need more info?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-06-06

      I've been using zuneit for a while now with no problems - all of a sudden today I'm getting the same error message....

    • Brian_Heise

      Brian_Heise - 2007-06-07

      I too have the same issue where this plugin used to work and now gives me the "Failed to Download" error.  Im running IE 7.  I utilized the Dependency program and see that the DWMAPI.DLL file is missing and the MPR.DLL and  SHLWAPI.DLL files are RED.  I downloaded and put DWMAPI.DLL int the plugin directory and tried it again to no avail.  Any ideas?


    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-06-07

      Youtube seems to have changed the format of the pages. I will fix and update the plug-in before EOD the weekend is over.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-06-08

      That's great - where will I be able to get the new version from ? The download page ?

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-06-11

      I have uploaded the new binaries (zip file this time - includes setup.exe and zuneieplugin.msi).

    • todhilton

      todhilton - 2007-06-11

      I just tried the new version and nothing happens. In IE7 on Vista, I receive the UAC popup asking if I want to allow permission, I allow and then nothing happens.

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-06-12

      It copied the files in your c:\users\yourname\videos\youtube directory - if everything worked that is.

      • todhilton

        todhilton - 2007-06-12

        Works great Keertiss! Thanks for fixing it so quickly.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-06-12

      Work Great - thanks for fixing it

      You just need to remember to unistall the old version first...

    • Brian_Heise

      Brian_Heise - 2007-06-13

      Ditto here too.  Thanks for the fix!

    • Jorgie

      Jorgie - 2007-06-18

      Working well on most videos, but I have a couple that fail to convert..

      Any ideas? The downloaded FLV seems fine up until it is deleted. :)

    • spiderchild

      spiderchild - 2007-06-19

      This was working fine for me for the first 6 or so, then it would grab the .flv files, but not convert them, so i reinstalled and tried installing it on another computer, and now i get the failed to download message ever time. what happened?

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-06-20

      What is your machine config? Are you running this on Vista or XP? When did you install it and which version? The latest .zip file one?

    • spiderchild

      spiderchild - 2007-06-21

      I'm running XP, and it said beta release when i grabbed it the second time. As for the machine config. I don't realy know what that means?

    • spiderchild

      spiderchild - 2007-06-21

      oh and i'm running IE6 maybe i should update?

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-06-21

      This is a fine config. I don't test it anymore since I am on Vista. But let me test it and get back to you.

    • spiderchild

      spiderchild - 2007-06-22

      I tried it with IE7 but i still get the failed to download

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-06-22

      I don't know what is wrong with your install. Please try uninstalling it through add/remove and then install the beta2 zip file. If you get an error, do the following: Start regedit (from run or command line); navigate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyTube\ZuneIEPlugin. Add a bool to this key the name of the key should be "Debug" and the value should be true. Then restart IE and try it. You should get a bunch of message boxes when you try to download. Post all the text messages that you get. Thanks.

    • davewilson67

      davewilson67 - 2007-07-16

      I keep getting Failure to Download on Vista.

      I ran the dependency program and got the following two files that seem to need resolution.

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-07-17

      Are you running the bits marked beta2? If so, Start regedit (from run or command line); navigate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyTube\ZuneIEPlugin. Add a bool to this key the name of the key should be "Debug" and the value should be true. Then restart IE and try it. You should get a bunch of message boxes when you try to download. Post all the text messages that you get. Thanks.

    • davewilson67

      davewilson67 - 2007-07-19

      Okay after doing the regedit (not 100% sure if I did it correct), this is the message window that poppe up prior to the failure to download.  Yes I am using the Beta2.

    • NJ_Bob

      NJ_Bob - 2007-08-23

      I tried to install today. I first tried the first beta, and now the 2nd, and with both of them, I get the same result - an instantly displayed
      "Error - Failed to download the video"

      It does the same with either version.

      I tried running the Dependcy Walker and it says it cannot find DWMAPI.DLL.

      I looked around, and it appears that DWMAPI is a Vista file, and I am running XP.

    • NJ_Bob

      NJ_Bob - 2007-08-23

      Just a bit of a follow-up to my earlier post.

      No improvement, but in reading all the threads about DWMAPI, the report of it missing is apparently a red herring and does not reveal what the problem actually is.

      I am running XP Media Center with all the latest updates and using IE7.

      I have tried different videos and the result is the same - an immediate "Failed to download video" message. There is no delay from my clicking of the ZuneIt icon so it appears that it is not trying to do anything. Again, this behavior is the same with either revision of ZuneIt.

      Looking at Depends more, I see that MPR.DLL and SHLWAPI.DLL have an hourglass icon next to them, but they're listed in black - not red like DWMAPI.DLL.

      I am no longer a programmer, but am capable of troubleshooting. What do I need to do?

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-08-24

      Start regedit (from run or command line); navigate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyTube\ZuneIEPlugin. Add a bool to this key the name of the key should be "Debug" and the value should be true. Then restart IE and try it. You should get a bunch of message boxes when you try to download. Post all the text messages that you get. Thanks.

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