
Convert to WMV

  • scottwh1

    scottwh1 - 2007-01-09

    I'm having trouble converting to WMV after the file is downloaded, I have the feeling the program is simply hanging.

    After I see that the WMV file is downloaded, usually a new flv pops up next to it. When it fails to convert, the WMV file is gone and I have a FLV file that 0 bytes.

    Sometimes, but I'm not sure if all times, I get a typical error message saying something like:

    "FLV TO WMV needs to close, sorry for the to send an error report"

    anyway I hope this can be solved because this is tremendously useful when it works...

    thanks again for your work

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-01-09

      I think the problem here is the ffdshow plugins. Can you pls get the latest plugins from the ffdshow tryouts- get a stable build; quit all Internet explorer instances and then restart internet explorer and try it out again. If it works, pls let me know so that I can update the ffdshow binaries.



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