
Problemas Uploading zip and tar files on 0.6

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi,  I installed Zoph 0.6 on my computer, and am able to upload single pictures to any album.  But when i try to upload a tar or zip file the pictures are not uploaded.

    My config.php.ini file is the following:

    * This file is part of Zoph.
    * Zoph is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    * (at your option) any later version.
    * Zoph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with Zoph; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

        define('VERSION', '0.6');

        define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
        define('DB_NAME', 'zoph');
        define('DB_USER', 'zoph_rw');
        define('DB_PASS', 'asdfasdfa');
        define('DB_PREFIX', 'zoph_'); // prefix for tables, '' for none

        // Temporary addition until CSS sheet can be chosen from config page
        define('CSS_SHEET', 'css.php');

        define('USE_IMAGE_SERVICE', 1);
        define('IMAGE_DIR', "/datos/zoph/");
        // Only needed when imaga service is off:
        define('WEB_IMAGE_DIR', "pictures/"); // from webserver doc root

        // authentication method used from
        // (this needs to be the name of a function in
        $VALIDATOR = 'default_validate';
        //$VALIDATOR = 'htpasswd_validate';
        //$VALIDATOR = 'php_validate';

        // Set this to 1 if you want to have your users (logon) over SSL.
        // Make sure you set ZOPH_URL and ZOPH_SECURE_URL as well.
        define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', 0);
        define('FORCE_SSL', 0);

        define('ZOPH_TITLE', "KarinaSoft - Album");

        define('LANG_DIR', "lang"); // where language files are stored

        define('EMAIL_PHOTOS', 0); // enable email photo feature

        // sent all emails also to this address
        // set to '' if not needed
        define('BCC_ADDRESS', '');

        // URL used in Notification EMail and for https logons
        // set to '' if not needed, example:
        define('ZOPH_URL', '');
        define('ZOPH_SECURE_URL', '');
        // define('ZOPH_URL', '');
        // define('ZOPH_SECURE_URL', '');

        // allow annotation of photos for emailing
        define('ANNOTATE_PHOTOS', 1);
        define('ANNOTATE_TEMP_DIR', '/datos/www/zoph/temp');
        define('ANNOTATE_TEMP_PREFIX', 'zoph');

        // Enable watermarking
        // Image service must be enabled to make this work!
        define('WATERMARKING', 0);
        // Watermark must be a GIF image, transparancy is honoured!
        // the filename is relative to the image root (IMAGE_DIR)
        define('WATERMARK', 'watermark.gif');

        // If set to 1, users can leave comments with photos
        define('ALLOW_COMMENTS', 0);

        // web import of photos
        define('CLIENT_WEB_IMPORT', 1);
        define('SERVER_WEB_IMPORT', 0);

        // Maximum filesize to be uploaded, in bytes:
        // Make sure you also change "upload_max_filesize" "post_max_size"
        // and possibly "max_execution_time" and "max_input_time" in php.ini
        define('MAX_UPLOAD', 999999999);
        // commands to use to expand uploaded archives.  set to 0 to disable.
        //define('UNZIP_CMD', 0);
        define('UNZIP_CMD', 'unzip ');
        //define('UNTAR_CMD', 0);
        define('UNTAR_CMD', 'tar -xvf ');

        // directory to use to temporarily extract uploaded archives
        define('EXTRACT_DIR', '/datos/www/zoph/temp');

        // Remove zip or tar file after successful import
        define('REMOVE_ARCHIVE', 0);

        // destination path params for importing
        // "date(format)" will be expanded to today's date
        define('DEFAULT_DESTINATION_PATH', '.');

        // Use dated dirs with web import
        define('USE_DATED_DIRS', 0);
        // Use hierarchical dated dirs like 2005/12/21
        // This parameter is ignored when USE_DATED_DIRS is not set
        define('HIER_DATED_DIRS', 0);

        define('SHOW_DESTINATION_PATH', 0); // show for non admin users

        // let users rate photos
        define('ALLOW_RATINGS', 1);

        define('MAX_CRUMBS', 100);

        // max days for photos taken/modified X days ago pulldown
        define('MAX_DAYS_PAST', 30);

        // the maximum number of characters of a description to display
        // under a thumbnail (see also desc_thumbnail pref).  Set this
        // to 0 to disable this feature (and override a user's pref).
        define('MAX_THUMB_DESC', 40);

        // Maximum number of people that can be added to a photo at once.
        // Each user can set his own preference through the pref screen, with
        // The number below as max.
        define('MAX_PEOPLE_SLOTS', 1);

        // support for optgroups in many browsers seems incomplete or buggy
        define('GROUPED_PULLDOWN_SIZE', 9999);
        define('MAX_PULLDOWN_SIZE', 400);

        define('THUMB_SIZE', 120);
        define('MID_SIZE', 480);

        define('THUMB_PREFIX', 'thumb');
        define('MID_PREFIX', 'mid');

        // beginning with Zoph 0.3, all thumbnails may be jpegs.
        // however, if you wish to avoid regenerating thumbnails for
        // other types (gif, tiff, etc.), you can set this var to 1.
        define('MIXED_THUMBNAILS', 1);

        // the extension used for thumbnails.  this should correspond
        // to what is found in  this is ignored (for some
        // image types - jpg, gif, tif) if MIXED_THUMBNAILS is set.
        define('THUMB_EXTENSION', "jpg");

        // allow images to be rotated
        define('ALLOW_ROTATIONS', 1);
        define('ROTATE_CMD', 'convert');
        //define('ROTATE_CMD', 'jpegtran');
        // set to 1 to backup the original before it is rotated
        define('BACKUP_ORIGINAL', 1);
        // copy the original to a file with this prefix
        define('BACKUP_PREFIX', 'orig_');

        // width of the main table
        // May be in pixels ("px") or percent ("%").
        // As of v0.6, the entity is required.
        define('DEFAULT_TABLE_WIDTH', "600px");
        // define('DEFAULT_TABLE_WIDTH', "90%");

        // set to the id of a non admin user or to 0 to disable
        // note that this is a user_id, not a person_id
        define('DEFAULT_USER', 9);

        // if this is non-zero the people and places pages will default to
        // "show all" instead of "a".
        define('DEFAULT_SHOW_ALL', 1);

        // these two are for the importer
        define('IMPORT_UMASK', 022);
        define('DIR_MODE', 0755);

        define('DEBUG', 0);

        // default photo results ordering
        $DEFAULT_ORDER = "date";
        // default direction of ordering
        $DEFAULT_DIRECTION = "asc";

        // the following values are defaults that can be overriden
        // by a user's preferences
        $SHOW_BREADCRUMBS = 1;
        $MAX_CRUMBS_TO_SHOW = 8;
        $DEFAULT_ROWS = 3;
        $DEFAULT_COLS = 4;
        $MAX_PAGER_SIZE = 10;
        $TOP_N = 5;
        $SLIDESHOW_TIME = 5; // seconds

        $PAGE_BG_COLOR = "#ffffff";
        $TEXT_COLOR = "#000000";
        $LINK_COLOR = "#111111";
        $VLINK_COLOR = "#444444";
        $TABLE_BG_COLOR = "#ffffff";
        $TABLE_BORDER_COLOR = "#000000";
        $BREADCRUMB_BG_COLOR = "#ffffff";
        $TITLE_BG_COLOR = "#f0f0f0";
        $TITLE_FONT_COLOR = "#000000";
        $TAB_BG_COLOR = "#000000";
        $TAB_FONT_COLOR = "#ffffff";
        $SELECTED_TAB_BG_COLOR = "#c0c0c0";
        $SELECTED_TAB_FONT_COLOR = "#000000";


    When i try to upload a Zip or tar files this is what i get on the screen:

    Importing images...
    Received file: /datos/zoph/celeb.tar
    Created directory: /datos/www/zoph/temp/zoph1169002017

    And then it just stops.  When i check to see if there is something in that directory i see that its empty.  The httpd log files dont say much either.  I only get this:

    [Tue Jan 16 20:46:57 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  Received file in /datos/www/zoph/rtplang.class.php on line 138, referer:
    [Tue Jan 16 20:46:57 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  Created directory in /datos/www/zoph/rtplang.class.php on line 138, referer:
    [Tue Jan 16 20:46:57 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  logged_on in /datos/www/zoph/css.php on line 21, referer:

    Can somebody help me?  I have lots of pictures to upload to the album, and would like to be able to use the web for them since i have them in different computers.  I also want other people to upload pictures.

    Note:  The zip and tar files dont have directories in them, only the pictures.


    • Chris Purves

      Chris Purves - 2007-01-17

      Did you read through the previous thread discussing this problem?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks alot!!!

      Sorry, i guess i didnt see that thread.
      I solved the problem, thanks alot.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Just as i managed to fix this problem, i get a new one.
      Before I was able to upload a picture, and with this problem solved i as able to upload tar and zip files. But now i can upload any.

      When i select the file i want to upload and enter the information and click on Import, i get a white page and the status done on the browser.  the url is:

      My configuration file is the same.  I changed the code back to what it was before to see if it made any difference (the code asked to change on the bug report) and got the same error, so i changed it back to what was suggested.

      If i see the temp directory i can see directories were created, and the pictures in them.

      Can someone please help me?  When will we have a new release with all this problems solved?  I really like Zoph, and would like to stick with it as my album manager!!


      • Chris Purves

        Chris Purves - 2007-01-18

        So, it sounds like the images are actually uploading and being saved, but just not displayed by zoph.  It's strange that it was working before, but now it isn't.  Something must have changed between those two times.

        I don't have any good suggestions, but Jeroen is usually pretty good at replying to posts here.  If you don't figure it out or get a response from him, try starting a new post about the new problem instead of continuing with this thread.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      just to let you know, i set the debug level to 1 and 2 and in both ocations the page loads empty.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The images are been uploaded and saved on the temporary directory, but not been processed by zoph (not saved on the database and the picture directory, the thumbnails and the mids are not been created).



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