
#127 CVS dies on startup on linux box

David Ronis

I run a CVS version of zinf. After not upgrading for a
while, I
upgraded and rebuilt from scratch. The build went fine
(although there were some trivial errors associated
with making links in the plugin or theme directories).
After installing the program crashes with the error:

/usr/local/lib/zinf/plugins/zinf.ui: undefined symbol:
The Download Manager cannot run as the primary ui

GLib-ERROR **: The thread system is not yet initialized.
Abort (core dumped)

I didn't build with debugging enabled, but looking at
the core file gives me this backtrace:

#8 0xb733922b in ?? () from
#9 0xb73392a8 in Initialize () from
#10 0xb7f576a3 in Player::Run () from
#11 0x08049f3b in main ()

for one of the threads. The others don't seem to be
very interesting.

I'm on a slackware-10.1 box that has had gnome upgraded
to version 10.1. through the frg project. Here are
some package versions that might be relevant:



  • David Hough

    David Hough - 2005-06-05

    Logged In: YES

    Do you have an older version of Zinf installed in /usr/local? It looks like
    it's getting confused trying to load old plugins.

    Try deleting /usr/local/lib/zinf, and doing make install again. Instead of
    make install you could try running from the build tree with ./base/zinf

  • David Ronis

    David Ronis - 2005-06-05

    Logged In: YES

    I thought I had deleted /usr/lib/zinf and /usr/share/zinf
    before reporting. Just to make sure, I tried again and
    redid make install. Same result.

    One new thing though. When I run from the zinf build directory
    I get the same message, however I get the main gui afterwards.
    Nothing else seems to work though (and I get a load of
    messages flooding my screen.

    One thing I had to do was to copy my fat files to the head
    of the
    zinf build tree. As far as I can tell they are also in
    /usr/local/share/zinf/themes. They haven't been updated
    in a while, any chance they've been changed and zinf is not
    backwards compatible?

  • David Hough

    David Hough - 2005-06-06

    Logged In: YES

    I've managed to reproduce and fix the GLib thread Abort in
    musicbrowserui (just commited small fix in ui/musicbrowser/src/
    musicbrowser.cpp to CVS).

    I'm still have no idea about the zinf.ui message. Could you see what
    happens when you do a make install after applying the CVS fix?

  • David Ronis

    David Ronis - 2005-06-07

    Logged In: YES

    I upgraded and reinstalled with the new musicbrowser.cpp.
    The behavior has changed slightly. On startup from a
    non-zinf directory
    I get:
    /usr/local/lib/zinf/plugins/zinf.ui: undefined symbol:
    The Download Manager cannot run as the primary ui
    The musicbrowser cannot run as the primary ui
    No UI plugin in '.:~/.zinf:/usr/local/lib/zinf' matched
    'plugins/musicbrowser.ui' or 'plugins/musicbrowser.ui.ui.'
    Zinf will quit.

    No abort, but...

    If I run from the top of the zinf tree, I get the behavior
    as described in my 1st followup.

    In part it looks like the .fat files aren't being found in
    their default places.

  • David Hough

    David Hough - 2005-06-12

    Logged In: YES

    Finally managed to track this down. Turns out there was a runtime
    linking dependency on musicbrowser.ui from zinf.ui, so if you tried to
    load zinf.ui first it would fail.

    This should now be fixed in CVS

  • David Hough

    David Hough - 2005-06-12
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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