
zeroboardXE / News: Recent posts

Zeroboard XE ver 1.0.0 Released!!

Zeroboard XE ver 1.0.0


revision 3738 ~ 3881

Change Log

Changed Files

GPL v2
Additional modules/addons/widgets and skins may use different license.

Migration works same as beta version.

Older skins except for default skin may be displayed broken.
If so, please use the default zbXE skins until those skins will be updated.
Or, adding follwing line to header script in layout configuration may solve the problem.
<style type="text/css"> * { margin:0; padding:0; } </style>... read more

Posted by zero 2008-02-29

Zeroboard XE beta ver 0.2.8 Released

Release Note.

Completed developing the migration module
Migration module for migration of data from TT(Textcube, Tistory) Zeroboard4, ZB5beta, ZBXE to Zeroboard XE. : zero

Springnote Module
- You can set domain of springnote to retrieve. : zero
- Added a feature to show specific page only, or with children pages. : zero
- Images at springnote page displayed as resized. : zero
- Fixed bug displaying wrong urls if using TOC (table of contents) plugin at springnote.: haneul
- Fixed bug that springnote module could not display template image: haneul... read more

Posted by zero 2007-12-31

ZBXE beta 0.2.7 released

Release Note.

Russian is added to languages ZeroboardXE supports.
X-[Vr]bL1s5 is translating Zeroboard XE into Russian. Thanks!
(Not yet completed.)

Changed blog module's following features.
- Fixed the bug that wrong articles appear when category is selected.
- CSS is changed so that recent articles/comments/trackbacks and tag lists widget's style follows blog layout.

Default font and size is defined.
- Default font size in IE6 is changed into 9pt.... read more

Posted by zero 2007-12-10

ZBXE beta 0.2.6 released


If the installed version is the just former version of the released version, you should install all the zbxe.beta.0.1.*.changed files one by one, or you should overwirte whole files by installing zbxe.0.2.6.beta.-

DB schema might be changed, thus after upgrade, please check if there exists update button for each module's right part at "Administrator > Module list". If there exists update button, DB schema changes will be applied, when you click it.... read more

Posted by zero 2007-11-21

ZBXE beta 0.2.4 released.

zbxe beta 0.2.4 is released.

Posted by zero 2007-11-05

ZBXE beta 0.1.6 released.

Posted by zero 2007-09-20