
0.3.3 windows settings

  • davidsrsb

    davidsrsb - 2010-02-21

    I set a too large display resolution and now the option controls are off the bottom of the screen
    How can I get back to a working resolution?
    Uninstall and reinstall did not work

  • Remigiusz Dybka

    Remigiusz Dybka - 2010-02-21

    In appdata directory (where that is depends on your windows version), there is a .zaz directory. In there you have a settings file. Either modify it or delete it completely.

    What resolution did you set by the way ?

  • davidsrsb

    davidsrsb - 2010-02-22

    Thanks, found it.
    I had 800x1280 when 1280x800 would be correct

  • vf2nsr

    vf2nsr - 2010-04-28

    main.cpp:173:Could not open:data\FreeSans.ttf  I get this error message when I try to start it ?


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